
Chapter 62

Rosa was a perfect nurse, feeding, cleaning, and washing up after Cam. No task was too demeaning. Even when Rosa had to go back to the fields, she always rushed back to make sure Cam was all right. Maya and Beatrice did whatever they could, bringing Cam food and water.

“If we ever get out of here, I’ll make sure you never have to work,” Cam promised her one day as Rosa was checking her back to see how the healing was coming along.

“Do you still believe your country is working for you?” Rosa asked.

“I have to, Rosa. That’s all I have left.” Cam looked away.

“Then I do, too.” She ran her hand down the scars on Cam’s back. “Do these still hurt?” she asked.

“A little,” Cam admitted. “I’ll just have to get used to it. I suppose they look real nice.”

“They will show for a long while. If I’d been able to close them, to stitch them, we might have avoided it but now, no.”

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