
Chapter 57

“Go home, Lyle. Before someone comes looking for you.”

Lyle stepped closer. Randy flicked a glance at the door to his left and, as if reading his mind, Lyle reached over Randy’s shoulder and set one palm against it. “I’m not afraid of him. You don’t have to be, either.”

Randy’s eyebrows rose. “If my assumption is correct, and I’m more than sure it is, then you’re referring to your father.” He paused, but not for Lyle’s confirmation. He paused because the shudder that went through Lyle’s body was strangely terrifying. Randy set his jaw and stared hard. “Understand something and understand it very clearly—I am not afraid of your father. There are a lot of emotions that Vaughn inspires in my guts, Lyle, but not one of them even comes close to fear. And you playing with me as if I’m some kind of move in a fucked-up game of chess is just going to piss me off.”

“You don’t know what you’re talk—”

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