
Chapter 1


His name was Satan, and he was a ruler, a king, and the sovereign leader of Hell.

His home was a dark hole, forged by God for Satan and his fallen angels. His footprints sizzled behind him as he walked. Like an amorous lover, the flames smoked, twisted, and crawled up his body. Heat radiated from his very being, creating colorful rainbows of evil all around him. Hell was only one kingdom in The Black Heavens, a pathetic counterfeit of God’s universe, with many lesser worlds that Satan warred with for control.

But it was his dream to control the big world—God’s world—the world known as Earth.

Now, as he sat on the craggy, rock-hewn cinder which served as his throne, he heard someone enter, and turned his horned head toward the intruder. When he saw who it was, he leaned forward threateningly. “You dare enter my private chamber without my consent?”

“Please forgive my boldness, sire, but I can stay silent no longer.”

“I am not in the business of forgiveness,” he roared, “now leave.”

“Sire, indulge me, please. I have heard some troubling things, and feeling the way I do, how can I sit idly by and allow you—”

“Allow me?” Satan shouted as he jumped up from his throne. “You do not allow me anything. I am the ruler here, Dismas. You seem to forget that. If you forget again, it will be my pleasure to see that it is carved into the rock that already marks your grave in the hills of Jerusalem. Now, get out.”

“Perhaps I chose the wrong word. I apologize.”

“You chose the wrong word, I chose the wrong man.”

“What? What do you mean, sire?”

“You might as well know, so it will be my pleasure to tell you. That day I saw you hanging on the cross beside Jesus, I considered you for my second in command, but passed you up.”

“Passed me up? What do you mean, sire?”

“I wanted Gestas. He was my first choice, but because he repented, I couldn’t touch him. That left you.”

“You should be glad he turned on you,” Dismas growled. “Gestas always was a spineless coward. You wouldn’t have liked him. As for myself I take pleasure in killing. I love the look on a man’s face whenhe’s being strangled.” A cruel, callous look filled his eyes as he shifted them back to Satan. “While Gestas was repenting I was watching this so-called Son of God when He took His last breath. While the sky grew dark, and the wind blew, I was infused with such ecstasy that it was better than having orgy-sex with that adulterous, painted up whore, Lexine, and her girls.”

“Bah! A lot you know,” Satan said, bitterly. “While you were hanging there getting your jollies, I was in the battle of my life. This man they called Jesus was battling me for the keys of Hell, and he won. As a result, every one of my captives followed Him into Heaven, and that included Gestas, and anyone else in that miserable world that chose to follow Him.”

“But how was I to know?”

Satan pounded his scepter on the floor as he shouted, “You should have made it your business to know!”

“If I am so inadequate, why did you make me second in command?”

“Because there was no one else, you fool! The mass evacuation emptied my caves, my quarries, my pits and even my coal mines, and you were the only one available. Fortunately for you, this lofty seat sparedyou from torture, but now I see that in your arrogance you also expect to be given free access to my chamber.”

“Well…this is certainly unwelcome news, sire. However, I am still second in command, and as such, it is my job to advise you. Please hear me.”

“All right,” Satan said begrudgingly, “I will indulge you…this once. But before you begin, know that you walk on shifting coals, and I will not sit idly by while you spill your traitorous words regarding anything in my kingdom. If you do, I will have you thrown out to shovel ashes and embers for the rest of your miserable existence.”

“Sire, you must know that everything I do is in your best interests, and I think Dante—”

“Quiet! I won’t have your filthy mouth utter his name yet again. I’m tired of you blaspheming him. Heis my prize, my masterpiece, and he will lead us to victory.”

“Sire, it is not like you to be so taken by one of your creations.”

Satan gazed at Dismas curiously. “Is that the reason you don’t like him, Dismas? Is it because I placehim in such high regard? Do you feel he is a threat somehow?” Satan stared at him curiously, and then added. “Perhaps you will understand if I show you just how he was created.”

“Sire, I assure you it will not change anything.”

“No?” Satan replied, and then asked, “Have you ever seen Dante?”

“No, sire, but that doesn’t matter. Once he begins living among the men of Earth his perspective will change. I beg you to reconsider your decision to send him there. Have you forgotten that it is scatteredwith—Christians?”

“I know that better than you, Dismas. Have you forgotten that I walk up and down the Earth constantly?”

“Then why…?”

“Because a new age is approaching, Dismas. There’s a cultural movement going on, a spiritual consciousness among these mortals, and if Hell doesn’t dig itself out of the old school, and meet it head on, we will be lost. We need a new age warrior, and Dante will be that warrior. Only one of many that will lead us to victory.”

“I’ve never seen you so excited over one miserable creation.”

“Miserable creation?” Satan repeated, and gave him a calculating look. “Apparently you need a little convincing. Come with me to my laboratory where Dante began as nothing more than an idea, a thought, the place where he was born. When I take you through it step-by-step, I promise you will be amazed, and proud that I have granted you this opportunity. Besides myself, you will be the first to seethe great warrior that will carry us through to a new age.

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