
Chapter 109

Pauly chuckled at her theatrics. “Sweetheart,” he admonished. “You act more like a queen than I ever did. You put me to shame. No one would ever believe that you were the butch and I was the femme. Now, let me get this place re-arranged for you. I brought some of your clothes up from the storage unit. I’m sorry I didn’t have time to have them cleaned for you. They must be musty after being in storage so long.”

“Don’t worry about my old clothes.” Cam smiled, feeling the tension in her muscles relaxing, both from the warm bath water and the scotch. “Most of them probably won’t fit me anyway. I’ve lost quite a bit of weight. And I’ve put more muscle back in my shoulders. I need to go out and buy a new wardrobe.”

“Which we will do as soon as Maggie gets here. And then, we’ll start on fattening you up a bit. What’s your choice for your first real dinner?”

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