
Chapter 103

Lou watched as a broad range of emotions flashed across Cam’s face. She couldn’t interpret all of them.

“Bad news?” she ventured.

Cam frowned. “Unfinished business,” was her only comment as she returned Michael’s envelope to the bottom of the pile. Without a second look, she pulled a card out of the already opened envelop from Pauly. Reading it, she gave a hearty laugh and handed it to Lou.

“Look at this,” she laughed. “This boy is a mess!”

Lou took the card. On the front was a picture of a very well-proportioned woman, scantily clad in black leather underwear. It read, “They tell me you’ve been sick in bed.” Opening it, she read, “Funny. They say that about me, too.”

“Great card,” Lou chuckled, standing it on the table beside the bed. “He knows you too well.” Then she motioned to the other two that lay untouched on the bed. “Want me to leave so you can read those?”

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