
Chapter 64

Lou walked beside her, chatting away as if nothing were wrong. The length of the corridor between the shower room and her cell seemed like it stretched on forever. Cam felt eyes watching her from every cell they passed.

“Okay. Good work,” Lou said encouragingly as they reached Cam’s cell. “Sit down real easy. And don’t lose the rest of your lunch.”

“Thanks, Lou.,” she uttered, sinking slowly down onto her bunk. The sound of her own voice boomed inside her head. She realized that she’d broken Charlie’s rule number three. “I guess I owe you one,” she whispered.

“Hell, you owe me a couple,” Lou told her. “We’ll talk about payback later.”

At least it was Lou that she owed, and not someone else who she trusted even less. Cam just wanted to lie down and pass out but she leaned forward and put her head in her hands, resting her elbows on her knees.

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