
Chapter 58

“Then why are you treating me like an imbecile?” Lori accused. “Explain it to me. If you’re in some kind of financial trouble, tell me. We still have some from Mom and Dad’s estate in the bank. Half of it’s yours. All of it if you need it. Or if you’re being blackmailed, or you’re in some other kind of trouble, tell me. I can help you. I know you’ve had to use drugs when you’ve done undercover work. Is this related? Are you hooked and don’t know how to handle it? There are programs that can help. I’m sure that your lawyer can get you off on something like that. I know that David can’t practice in Maryland, but he’s a good lawyer, maybe he could assist your lawyer…”

“Lori, stop, please,” Cam interrupted. “I know that your husband is a good lawyer, but he can’t help. I wish he could. I’m sorry.”

Lori sat back. Her eyes closed. “Grandma Anne’s first response was that this must be some kind of undercover thing you’re doing. Is it?”

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