
Chapter 80

“I am the Administrator.” He rose and walked around his desk, his hand extended. “I’m so pleased to finally have the opportunity to meet you, Mr. Vincent.” He didn’t bother to introduce the two men who flanked him. Bodyguards? Flunkies? Whatever they were, they’d have been smarter to stay close to me rather than him, but this made it easier to keep them in my line of sight.

I took his hand. It was dry, and the skin felt paper thin, and I released it as soon asI could. He smelled of old age, and I breathed as shallowly as possible without bringing notice to my action.

“I understand you wish to join our—my organization. I must say I was a trifle surprised when you contacted us. WBIS agents are not known for switching their loyalties lightly.”

“That’s true, Administrator, and if I hadn’t been taken out of the field, we wouldn’t necessarily be having this conversation.”

“Ah. I see. I of all people know how addictive the adrenaline rush of a successful mission becomes.”

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