
Chapter 10

The frown froze on his face, and a tide of color crept up his cheeks as Mother raised an eyebrow. The color vanished immediately, and he cleared his throat. “Mrs. Mann.” He sent a look my way before smoothing all trace of expression from his face.

And it suddenly occurred to me—Mark had been annoyed because he’d thought I was here with a date. I couldn’t help feeling a sense of smug satisfaction at his reaction to my mother’s appearance, and he must have seen it, but after sending a look my way, his expression became bland.

“I’m honored to finally meet you, ma’am.”

“How kind of you to say so, Mr. Vincent, but I believe we have met before.”

“Are you sure you don’t have me confused with someone else?”

“Mr. Vincent, I am not senile yet.”

I was grinning like the Cheshire Cat, and he scowled at me.

“No, ma’am.” He was essentially backing down from her. The top of her head didn’teven come up to his chin, and her eyes were level with his nipple line….

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