
Chapter 59

“Aaron!Aaron,wake up!”

I was dripping wet,the air cold on my skin.I shivered and tried to open my eyes,but they seemed heavy.


I heard Jeff through the fog and concentrated.It took everything in me to force my eyes open.My vision was blurred,but I turned toward the sound of Jeff’s voice.

“Oh,my God!Thank God!”

Why am I wet?

Suddenly,I was being lifted and wrapped in something.It felt like a towel,but much bigger.A blanket made of terry cloth maybe?I closed my eyes as we walked across the hall into Jeff’s room.I opened my eyes again,and this time it didn’t require as much effort.Things seemed clearer and I looked up at Jeff.I was on his bed and he was drying my hair.I grabbed his wrist.

“What happened?”

“I heard a thump and thought maybe you needed shampoo or something,so I came to the door.When you didn’t answer me,I found you on the shower floor.”


“You had a panic attack?”

I nodded.But I’d never passed out from one.Was this normal?

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