
Chapter 97

He rinsed out his mouth, set his toothbrush down, and turned toward the door leading to Sebastian’s room. He should probably let it go. Just turn around and enter his room, turn out the light and get some sleep.

But he couldn’t.

Pablo tapped lightly on the door.

“Come in.”

He twisted the knob and found Sebastian sitting on the edge of the bed. Not a good place to find someone when thoughts of burying yourself deep inside them wouldn’t leave your mind, Pablo decided. Perhaps he should make up some lame reason for coming into the room and then go back the way he came.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

Sebastian glanced up at him, his blue eyes wide with uncertainty. And something else Pablo couldn’t quite figure out. He wanted to, though. Pablo slid the lock to the bathroom door as he also made sure the door out to the hallway had also been locked. They were about to have an important conversation and he didn’t want Hector or Mama to interrupt and freak Sebastian out.

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