
Chapter 80

He grabbed the hem, determined to pull it off and throw away the piece of fabric that had resulted in him being naked in his office, alone. But he couldn’t do it. His mother might not like it, but this was who he was. He just had to calm down, forget her hurtful words, and convince himself Gus loved him just the way he was. Veil and all.

It was much harder than he’d expected, considering Gus had been nothing but supportive and loving since the first moment they met.

Luca would never forget the first present Gus had ever given him. It had been small and wrapped in shiny pink paper, and his boyfriend had blushed when handing it over. If Luca had seen anything more adorable in his life, he couldn’t recall.

“It’s cherry. I love cherry,” Gus had stammered when Luca tore the paper off a tube of deep red lip gloss from his favorite brand.

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