
Chapter 38

“All that fuss for one box and a crappy suitcase, Ms. Fancy Pants.” Estelle baited.

Joey came back up the stairs and asked, “Anything else, Sir?”

Bear motioned to the two bolsters and Joey grabbed them and took them down. When they were through, Donald asked, “How much do you charge for this rat’s nest, Estelle? I have seen prison cells with finer appointments.”

“I charge me two hundred dollars a week. I takes a two week deposit and don’t ask no questions. Therefore, it is a bargain for both parties.

Why, you interested?”

“You don’t want to know what’s going to become interesting to me, Estelle.”

“Are you threatening me ‘cause of your booty boy, Miz Rich Bitch?”

Like lightning, Bear’s whip cracked to the left of Estelle’s face.

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