
Leaving Maximus

Alexandra watched Arioch's face turning serious and his hands reached for the sword on his waist. 

"Arioch," Alexandra grabbed his hand only for his face to contort with displeasure. "I know what to do," she said but as she expected he was not listening to him.

"Stop," she pulled his sleeve to grab his attention. "Everyone saw me riding Kefir and everyone knows I am the Brute's wife. Ride with me on Kefir, Arioch," she said, knowing full well that this is an offer he cannot refuse. 

Luke likes pomp and ceremonies. He loves giving the extra flair to elevate him. He loves getting worshiped and there is nothing else he cares about as long as he has people worship him. 

"How?" Arioch looked at her. He very much loved her idea. 

The idea that the Emperor's woman left with another man, that too the leader of the resistance in the middle of the night, will be a great blow to someone who occupies his position on the throne. 

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