
About Luke

"Was she pleading for the sake of her Mistress? Or was she pleading for her life? You should have let her know that she is guilty by association and her head is the next to fall followed by her Mistress'…" 

Alexandra watched him going on and on about it. He appeared to be pretty happy about the fact that she went against his mother and somehow was under the impression that she would kill Theodora. 

[Is this the same Tubby who tried to stop me from hurting others in our past life? Ugh!]

Alexandra gritted her teeth to stop herself from speaking. With each word that Maximus uttered, her anger rose and rose.

  "…Why are you looking at me like that, Lexa?" he asked. 

Alexandra was silent. There was his familiar smirk dancing on his face, but the darkness that started to rule his soul made him look evil. And his trouble sleeping is apparent on his face.

"I am in a hurry now, Max," she tried to leave the place. 

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