
I Love You

(From Ella's Perspective)

I could not wait for the time to finally meet Leandro again. It had been only a few days since we parted. But the desire to see him was too strong.

Finally, the moment arrived. I had already told Jed that if Dad contacted him, he had to inform him that I was staying at his place. Dad liked Jed and thought I would be safe with him, especially since he was gay.

That was exactly what Leandro thought as well. 

Before, he did not even like hearing another man's name from my mouth. Just because I once asked him about Valentino Trenton, he was very jealous and totally overreacted. He did not like hearing about Jed as well. But after I told him that Jed actually liked men, he did not mind him at all and even was going to tell me to stay with him for a few days. 

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