
Maze Caves (2)


Sly tossed a pillow at the wall. Royal's little apartment at the government complex was barely anything really. Did he even sleep here? The bed was one of the few things in the room. No journals or books, barely any pictures, not even a shopping list.

"Hurry up and let me find you so I can go back to cuddling Deck." Sly muttered under his breath as he sifted through Royal's desk. "I can't do anything to him when he's constantly worrying about you."

"What's that?" Chase asked from across the room.

"Nothing." Sly muttered. "Let's try talking to the other LoneWolves."

Sly walked out of the room. It was barely decorated with only a few posters and way too many bottles of germ-x. He supposed that made sense for a germ a phob though.

Deck had joined them and was staring at a wall with a picture on it. For the hardly decorated room it was clear this photo was treasured. Sly glanced at it seeing Deck and Royal in a school setting as kids. A large pity that he didn't have any pictures of Deck as a kid. Maybe he could talk Royal into giving him a copy?

Focus! Sly thought shaking his head. He wrapped one arm over Deck's shoulders before nibbling his ear slightly.

"Don't worry we'll find him." Sly murmured quietly as he dragged Deck from the picture and the room.

It was clear Royal wasn't here. He'd have to be an idiot to go back here when half the players alive were looking for him and the other half would report him. The only true question was who was right? Chase or Deck? Royal a murderer or a savior?

Sly looked at Deck again. How much would Deck kill him if he kicked Chase out and took an hour detour into Royal's bed? Wow actually never mind the germ a phob might really kill him over that.

Honestly was he the only one truly looking? Deck was getting side tracked by every little thing that reminded him of Royal and Chase was looking in a very one sided manner. Time for a new location.

"Let's see" Sly muttered quietly.

"Huh what?" asked Chase.

"Just trying to think where else he could be." Sly replied.

"Well Blank told me once that he liked deserted places that either no one knows about or just don't go to." Chase replied. "Although I still think we should just kill him. Blank's better off without him."

"Don't tell me you have a crush on your best friend?" asked Sly.

"What no! Not in that way anyway. But if Royal tried to do anything to him I will happily destroy him." Chase growled. "Oh right Blank mentioned the Temple of Ghosts, that water flood zone oh what's it called? Maze Caves I think? And the Lava Village as favorites."

"Yeeesh really? Who the heck would hang out in those places?!" Sly yelped.

"How should I know why he hangs out there? He is clearly mentally unstable. Lets hurry up and check the freaky temple, drowning zone, and roasty toasty alley already, sooner we finish the sooner we can go back to headquarters." Chase muttered back.

"Come on Deck!" Sly grabbed his shirt and pulled his boyfriend along after him as he left the room.

The Temple of Ghosts was very ghosty. The entire zone was filled with floating illusions that had crossed over from the game into reality. Honestly reality wasn't even reality anymore. For now at least they were harmless but people avoided all the places that had crossed over. Considering they could become live monsters it was a valid concern.

Chase and Sly searched around. Sly basically dragged Deck who was still getting side tracked. Sly let go of him for a minutes then lost him.

"Oye Deck!" Sly looked around finally finding him by a statue of a ...….. what exactly was this supposed to be?

"It's a wolf" muttered Deck "Like Royal's a LoneWolf and he's...."

Deck started sobbing again and Sly resisted the urge to roll his eyes. If I ever go missing you better miss me ten times as much! Sly huffed to himself as he dragged Deck from the statue that was very very abstract if you could even call it a wolf. No scratch that, if that was a wolf then Sly was part hippopotamus. The chunk of rock looked like a million things besides a wolf.

"Well shall we move on?" asked Chase as he appeared from inside the temple.

Sly nodded and they took off for the Lava Village.

They arrived and about two seconds after arriving Sly started regretting it. hot. Very hot. What insane idiot would hang out here?

"Let's make this quick." Muttered Chase as he started to speed run off toward the volcano.

Sly watched his back for a moment before starting to make his way through the little huts. Nothing of interest.

Sly glanced at Deck who was now crying over a knife blade. Seriously though I know he's your best friend but get a grip Sly thought. He picked up the small blade and put it in Deck's hand before dragging him outside again.

I just had to fall in love with an overly sentimental feeling oriented person.

Sly sighed "I love you." He leaned over giving Deck a quick kiss letting their lips meet. "Now focus already."

Chase returned shaking his head in a no.

Sly hissed under his breath. That left the Maze Caves, one of his least favorite places. He had already almost drowned once in that area and was not in a hurry to go near it again.

"Of course he'd be there. Blank did say it was like his favorite or something." Chase muttered. "We should find that FlameMustang dude."

"Who?" muttered Sly.

"You know the one who studied the place? He was obsessed for awhile." Chase added.

"Hardcore." Said Deck quietly.

"Right that dude." Said Chase.

"Talk about needing a new hobby" muttered Sly as he pulled out a communicator looking up Hardcore's number.

Just a little bit later Sly found himself in front of the entrance. It was like a dark mouth about to swallow them up. He shivered. From here it looked like a simple cave or tunnel with a river running not far behind it.

It had already tricked plenty of players. This place would flood with the rains but it never seemed to flood the same way. Sometimes it would also just flood randomly with the tides from the sea which was also way to close for comfort.

As if it wasn't bad enough that the entire network of tunnels and caves was already an impossible maze. Sly could feel his hatred for the place already growing. He glanced over at Deck who looked determined to enter. Did he really have to take him into such a place? Oh didn't he wish Deck would just not enter.

A figure appeared over a nearby rise rapidly approaching. Hardcore. He was easy enough to recognize with his overly desperate appearance of a person who wanted to look tough. Not that it mattered. If he could actually guide them through most of the caves without dying then he'd take it.

"Hardcore." Sly nodded politely.

"Sly." He replied with a tip of the head.

"Thank you for coming." Sly said.

"Of course I owed you one, consider this payment in full for that Yak hoof." Hardcore replied.

Hardcore turned to the entrance "Okay you three remember to follow me, do not get lost, and make sure to move carefully. Also do not trust the stream! It can grow and shrink and even flow backwards in places and make you even more lost."

With that he headed into the cave flicking on a headlamp as he went. Sly, Deck, and Chase hurried after him turning their lights to full power.

Sly slipped past the small waterfall over the entrance careful not to slip on the wet rocks. Then they started following the small stream inward. He gulped slightly as the darkness closed around them and all he could hear was their breathing, his heartbeat, and the stream trickling away.

Why were they doing this again? Who cared if Royal lived or died? If he died he'd just have to comfort Deck until he was okay again right? He could totally handle that...… Sly glanced over at Deck's determined face.

In the darkness there was nothing to instantly distract him.

Why were they going somewhere like this if they didn't know for sure he was here? Why did Chase look so positive that he'd be here? Ugh this place was terrible!

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