
Darkness (4)

I moved over and used the healing skill on one of them without asking first.

Ugh this skill was so painfully slow.

No EXP? Well it is reality, but lame! Did I still have to bother to heal the others?

"Hey thanks!" the guy on the ground, Avian9 stated. I didn't bother to reply and moved onto my next potential victim.

"Wow so you chose healing right off of the bat! That's amazing I thought no one picked it!"

I turned to see the girl from WinterRoses looking at me. LoveStruck, what a weird game name choice. Is it because she was classified as the top beauty in WinterRoses?

"So?" I muttered back deciding to dignify her with an answer. I had really just wanted to test if healing magic worked in reality. They must have found out the magic worked currently as well.

Oh hey earth boy was already starting on a staircase. Useful for once. A few other random players were looking down from above discussing about a rope.

LoveStruck was talking about stuff I didn't care about but a few comments caught my attention.

"Since skills cannot be changed once set and magic is currently existing in the real world….."

Oh skills couldn't be changed? That's interesting. Good thing I didn't bother to set a beginner subclass. Wait does that mean I might be the only healer? What a drag I don't want to spend every waking moment around people!

Some of the players above dropped down a rope with knots in it. I eyed it suspiciously. I had lost my gloves in the original fall. I didn't want to touch the germy rope.

I watched the other players climb out. When Deck glanced back at me.

"Royal? You coming?"

Could I not? Was there another way out. "I….." I glared at the rope. "I'm going around."

"Around? Around where?" Deck asked. Then he seemed to see what I was saying.

"Oh come on, you'll be fine just use some germ-x at the top."

I shook my head. Not happening. Not after all those other players had touched it. Deck probably had no idea about how close I had come to just dropping him earlier. He was overestimating my skill set.

I turned and started walking back toward the tunnel.

"Royal wait!" Deck ran back over to me. "Just hang out for a second I'll go find you some other gloves or something."

I shot him a glare but finally sat on a rock. He really was way too nice to me all the time. He'd never make it as a solo player. The others had gotten to the top and I heard a faint conversation about why I was still down there.

Deck disappeared and slowly after shrugging a little the rest of the curious players left. If they had time to stare at a sinkhole the other dog beasts must also be dead.

Oh what if I made a ladder of ice. Unlike stairs if it was just me it didn't need to last for long and bonus less ice needed.

I began my assent. My details still needed work. My ladder was off balance and lopsided in places but it was usable. Note to self remember this skill ladders were so much easier than stairs. Oh what if I could use this to go up while running if I worked on the angle and stability.

I reached the top just as Deck returned with a pair of my gloves. I sanitized them then put them on.

"Really you had to sanitize the outsides of them already? Won't they just get dirty as soon as you touch something else?" he muttered.

He understands nothing, I take all my nice compliments back! I was about to retort when the game's message like thing appeared in the sky.

[Congratulations on surviving players!]

[Here is your reward, a tip about how to defeat the all mighty me!]

[As you know the ending for this game is beating 100 challenges, news flash for you all, the last challenge is to defeat a superior boss! You may also of course try to defeat me. But as if I'd let you do that!]

[A final note: the next challenge will begin in three days. You may have noticed the gift I've left for this planet. Try not to die too soon wont you? I'd hate to lose my entertainment.]

Oh? Why did it sound like was this Mango waiting for something to happen? Never mind my brain hurts. I decided to find some food and a shower instead.

The shower first of course. I abandoned Deck to where ever he was headed and went to my housing arrangement.

I stepped out of the steam filled room a few minutes later. So much better! I could die happy now.

I noticed the light on my phone blinking and checked the messages

[All mage class players are requested to attend power education lessons starting tomorrow at 8am. Players Blank and RoyalBlue are also requested.]

I hissed under my breath. This is what I get for being involved with others. Lesson plans? What was I a five year old? I could teach myself thanks!

I glared at the message. Maybe I should leave here was that allowed? I don't want to have to spend my free time in group lessons surrounded by people!

Could I go cry and make them feel bad enough to just leave me alone!

My poor sleep schedule. I was going to show up at 8:15 just to spite them!


The next morning arrived far too early. I had this terrible idea last night of putting my phone's alarm on the other side of the room so I'd have to get up. Why you do this to me mean past self!

I somehow managed to crawl over to my phone and smack it off. My memories of the morning were blurry and I somehow ended up at the gym complex with 5 little bottles of germ-x and a full body outfit.

Hehehe it was 8:19.

I slipped in through the door to find a bunch of players listening to someone who might have been our instructor? I already hated him. What demon got up at 8 by choice?

"I see a few stragglers arriving. Note that I do not tolerate lateness!" he glared at me and I stared back indifferently. I'm not your hired help, I thought.

He lectured us for a solid three hours about responsibility or something. I totally didn't fall asleep in the back corner with my hood up.

"Dismissed!" he finally growled which was basically the only word I actually heard. I was about to enjoy my freedom when his next words caught my attention.

"All the late people and ones who fell asleep stay behind." His eyes focused on me.

How much trouble would I get in if I froze him solid then called it an accident since I was 'new' to my magic.

I ignored him and started toward the door. "Hey you in the hoddie stop!"

There was more than one person in a hoddie. So I kept walking.


I groaned and turned around. Target my food and you instantly go up on my kill list buddy.

Seeming temporarily happy with his level of power he strutted over to me. "I want your name game tag and I will be teaching you some manners and respect!" he yelped.

I felt like laughing. The government had practically begged the Lonewolves to come here. I could leave any time I wanted as long as I had the power for it. I could freeze this fat cat in a second. I also had a million other ways I could kill him ranging from he'd never notice to agony.

"A weak newer player like you should be looking at me like a god!" he yelped, "I am DealWithIt the leader of the guild Hardcore!" some spit left his mouth and I was unable to dodge in time even with my insane reflexes.

Okay now he's dead. I thought letting the ice already forming in my fists spread across the gym. I started to raise a hand to turn him into a forever popsicle when a cloth landed on my face.

"huh?" I muttered. It was an anti bacterial wipe! I happily scrubbed my face with it temporarily letting the idiot live.

A familiar voice beside me said. "Greeting DealWithIt. You requested mine and Royal's presence here?"

"Wait he's..." DealWithIt's voice trailed off a little starting to sound scared.

I pulled down the wipe and looked next to me. Blank had arrived.

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