
2. Way Out of Forest

Ben plan to find a way out from the forest. But he also need to get other necessities like food and weapon. Who knows how long he will stay in the forest before reaching any civilization. He need to procure food & water to survive, and he need weapon to protect himself.

[Don't worry about weapons, the Gods have gave you basic equipments behind that tree.]

A.I Chip pointed at the tree on Ben's left. Ben go there and find a backpack filled with some equipments. He find simple camping set, a knife, a machette, a box of jerky, a canteen of water, and even a compass.

"Good, i have a portable shelter now. This compass will also help me to not get lost in this forest."-Ben

Ben pick up the backpack that almost as big as him and place the knife on his waist. He chew some jerky before he start his journey. Ben hold his machette and use it to remove some obstacles like vines or bushes. He also keep looking around for any danger and food.

Ben see a tall mountain and decide to go there. He need high point of view to find a way out from this forest. It's not always work, but it's worth a try. At least he will have a destination now.

While walking, he found some food on his way like some fruits, mushrooms, and insects. Luckily, A.I Chip can help him find out which fruits & mushrooms are edible, so he won't need to worry about poisoning. As for insects, he save them for later when he can make fire.

Ben reach the foot of mountain after an hour, and he immediately climb it. He keep walking and rest when he got tired. When he rest, Ben cook the insects with his small stove that was given by Gods. The stove is using lacrima as fuel, so he just need to turn it on.

"It's really convenient, and there's no petrol smell or smoke too."-Ben

Ben eat some insects and save the rest for later. He need to manage his food correctly if he want to survive. Then he resume his mountain climbing and keep resting when he need it. Ben reach the top after 5 hours of walking.

He look around to find a way out, but he can't see any civilisation from there. He see a wide sea on the north, mountainous area on south & west, and a wide forest on East. Now Ben is confused on where he need to go.

"If i follow the mountains range, i might find a civilization. But i can't go to the west, because it lead to the sea. I doubt there will be a town or village there. The highest possible place is to the east."-Ben

Ben decide to follow the mountain range to the east. He's not sure if his prediction is right, but it has the highest possibility for him. But it's almost dark now, so he will set out tomorrow morning.

Then Ben walk down the mountain to find a good camping site. He find a flat wide open ground and set his camp there. He gather some firewood to warm himself tonight. When the night come, Ben eat some roasted insects before he sleep.

Ben wake up the next morning and have a breakfast before starting his journey. He walk down the mountain then go to the east following the mountains foot.

Ben walk for some hours and rest every once in a while. When he rest, Ben learn about the magic that he get. It's hard for a modern person like him to understand the concept of magic, but he didn't give up and keep learning.

"So magic is fuelled with Ethernano that stored in a mage's container. Should i imagine it like a battery?"-Ben

Ben keep reading and then learn about his Sun Dragon Slayer Magic. Usually a Dragon slayer will get their magic bestowed upon them by a Dragon. However, Ben's Dragon Slayer Magic was granted by Gods using a dead Dragon's power. So it can be said that he received it from a real dragon, through the Gods.

Ben understand the basic of magic after he read for sometime. Then he start to try using magic while he walk to relieve his boredom of just walking. It reduce his walking speed, but he didn't really care and keep practicing.

When the night come, Ben has only walk a quarter of the range that he need to go through. Ben set up a camp and eat while keep learning about the magic. He get more interested as he read through the theory of magic in A.I Chip's database.

It's every boy's dream to be able to use cool magic. Ben is no exception, even though he was 25 y.o, but there will always be a boy in a man's body. Furthermore, he is 10 y.o now, so he really is a boy. That's why he keep training his magic with simple spell until he run out of MP.

"Hmm, magic power is MP right? How many MP that i have?"-Ben look at the stat screen

[Name: Ben Cooper

Age: 10

Status: Alive

MP: 1/2225 (+225)

Strength (STR): 22 (+2)

Agility (AGI) : 20

Stamina (STA) : 23 (+3)

Intelligence (INT): 22 (+2)]

"Hmm, my stats raised?"-Ben

[Yes, walking for hours is also a kind of exercising, especially walking on mountain terrain like this. Your intelligence raised after you read a lot of magic theory. Your intelligence also affect your Magic Power. Intelligence and continuous usage of magic will raise your capacity. 1 point of INT will raise 100 points of MP, as for result of training, it depend on how hard your training is.]

"Hmm, so that's how it is. It also seem to grow fast, maybe because it's still early stage. I'm sure it will be harder to raise as the stats get to high points. How else can i raise the stats?"-Ben

[There are some spells, or items that can raise someone's stats. However, i don't recommend you to use them, as the power that you'll get isn't yours. Spells or items also might have side effects, and it can be dangerous.]

"I guess you're right. The best way to grow is through training, and gained your own power."-Ben

Ben learn some more about magic and train his body a little before he sleep. He hasn't have any goal yet in this world, but he know he need power to survive in this dangerous world. That's why he will keep training and get stronger everyday.

For 3 days, Ben keep walking while learning & training. He need to prepare himself for any possibility that might happen. Maybe he will meet with some bad guys before he reach a good civilization, and if he's not ready, he will die again.

On his 3rd day, a big rain pour when Ben walk, and it turn into storm. His tent won't survive the storm, so Ben try to find a shelter and he find a big cave. He decide to go there and protect himself from the storm.

"Damn, i'm wet, i need to warm myself and change my clothes."-Ben

Ben get deeper into the cave to avoid wind and water splash. Then he set his tent to block the wind from outside. He turn his stove on, and change his clothes. Luckily his backpack is waterproof, so he still have dry clothes.

"Sigh, i don't have any firewood with me, so i can only use the stove. But it's too small, so it can't really warm me up."-Ben

Ben look around the cave to find any flamable material, but there's nothing but rock & soil there. Then Ben see a dim light from deep inside the cave. Ben is curious, so he take his flashlight and check it. It will be dangerous if there's a beast inside that will attack him while he sleep, so he need to check it now.

Ben hold his machette and walk slowly to avoid making any noise. The cave is rather deep, so Ben need to walk for sometime before he reach the end where the dim light came from. When he arrive there, Ben widen his eyes, he is mesmerized by what he see.

"Woah, so many crystals?"-Ben


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