
Miledi-Tan Recieve Retribution

A/N: Sigh, please don't blame me for any mistakes.. I'll correct them when my mood become better.. I wrote this after watching Ind vs Pak... Seeing India losing like that destroyed my motivation, still I didn't stop writing.... If you find anything wrong then let me know in that particular paragraph...

Hope you like this chapter.... Peace out!


Izumi started to lose his patience as time goes on, even though he knew what to expect so he wasn't affected by the traps and the taunting of the signs but after a week of going through the same process, he was starting to get annoyed..

First, there was a storm of poisons arrows, then blades hidden in the walls, spike pits, scorpion pits, acid pits even a giant ball rolling down the tunnel to smash them..

All of these were considered inconvenience, but the constant taunting while they never got closer to their goal irritated them a lot..

Even the ever stoic Grayfia and Yue getting irritated by this.

"I swear I'm going to kill them, if she/he were to be alive.. I'll show them 'retribution'..." Shia exclaimed crazily as a light blue aura radiates from her.... Izumi looked around and saw every woman had same reaction after all, those constants harrasment made them like this.

"But I didn't expect the oppression would be this much.. Any normal person would have been crushed by now just from the magic suppression." Hajime exclaimed tiredly but you could detect some irritation from his voice..

"Of course... Did you noticed? The closer we're getting, the oppression.. it's increasing.. It's like we're inside a maze, walking without a way out." Izumi demonstrated his power which was little slower than usual.

They arrived in a room different from others with multitude of Golem Knights standing, it alerted everyone except Izumi who was licking his lips...

'Hey.. Aren't these the perfect candidates for bodyguard? Why didn't I think of it before

Hm...let's 'request' Miledi to make some for me... if she doesn't agree then I'll kindly hand her over to these angry ladies.'

He was already started formulating plans on how to obtain some Golems for himself, but the sudden noise pull him out of his thoughts.

He remembered that they were on time limit, not on a picnic.

"Shit! Let's hurry before the room change again." His words immediately made them remember this function of labyrinth.

They proceeded to walk with caution but when they reached the centre of the room, immediately a familiar sound rang out..

'It's the trap activation...' They all had similar thoughts and true to it, the Golems started to glow caused Tio to yelled in urgency.

"Quickly destroy that door.. These Golems are not threat neither killable, they'd reform again so it's better to ignore them for now..." She pointed at the door, at which Shia and Hajime volunteered themselves for the job.

Since they had weapons to destroy it without wasting magic power as who knows what may happen ahead.

But the Golems didn't wait leisurely, nor did the others.. After fighting what seemed to be the never ending Golems for several painstaking minutes, Shia shouted out.

"Come on Guys, This way..." Prompting everyone to hurry through the newly opened passed.

Arriving at the end of passage they saw an enormous room and some parts were flying in the air....and in an instant, the Golems knights swarmed around them..

"Seriously it's not a joke.. damn it!" Hajime cursed loudly already preparing his weapon to fight.

"Get away everyone.." Shia's future sight activated.

Izumi has already noticed this with his Third eye so he pushed everyone off the platform and landed onto the other, with the former one destroyed as soon they jumped..

(A/N: No.. he can't see future but he could sense it beforehand... As for Shia's power, I'll explain in later chapters since I'm thinking of adding another power for her..You may call it Clairvoyance. )


"Fuh.... That was so sudden.." Shia plopped down in relief as everyone was thankful for

her alarm, though their relief was short lived when they heard some weird sound.

Looking at the blank space everyone could hear something moving and a giant Golem King flew up with knights swarming behind it, but the most noticeable feature was the red glowing mass attached to its hand...This was the same colored as the previous attack.

Their eyes glowed in hostility even though they wouldn't have died from that attack but would have definitely suffered serious injuries from it.

Obliviously, those annoying knights had encircled them, covering the whole entrance, normally it would be a hopeless situation for others but not for them and compared to those constants taunting and traps as everyone agreed inwardly that this was the most favourable part of the Labyrinth, so far.


"Yahooo~ It's me Miledi-Tan! It's nice to meet you all, and congratulations for making it this far.. But sadly this is where it ends since it's impossible for you to beat me... Shushushsushsushu!"

The large Golem who claimed to be Miledi spoke up with hidden expectant voice, waiting for their suprise or amazement but instead recieved murderous intents from others except the black haired boy who was looking at her with a feverish gaze that scared her a little.

Of course, Izumi was looking at it with possessive gaze because he wanted to make a 'deal' with Miledi after all...

Man... He called that one-sided suicidal offer a deal...All the dealers should learn from him.

"So you're the one responsible for all those pranks,.. right? Then take this and Die!!."

Hajime used his Schalag and fired a big beamed towards the Golem's left hand that was holding a giant morning star flail, completely obliterated the whole arm.

It's leg had been covered in ice preventing it from moving, a lightning arrow went for its other hand, followed by a hard hit from a hammer and a fire breathe, then number of water lances from all its side.

They didn't even let it reformed by immediately raining down attacks from all side simultaneously, causing a huge blast...


The whole floating area shook in the shockwaves and all the remaining cannon fooder knights were probably got entrapped in the blast..

Yup, the Golem was pretty much alive, inside the soil that is.

And the results was devastatingly great since not even its core remained for it to respawn.

It was clearly visible after the smoke become cleared..

When everyone realised that they took it too far and ended up killing the person responsible for this dungeon, meaning all their hardwork and patience was wasted since they have to return empty handed.

However, Izumi thought otherwise.. After all, he had the knowledge so he knew Miledi was hiding behind a room and that Golem was the last boss..

He was tired as those water lances took more than half of his magic reserve and the fact, he did so under the oppression, but still he could go on for a hour or two.


(A/N: No..He don't know how to make clones as he didn't received any information on it.. Because it was not founded by Uzumakis. Everyone in the Ninja World knows it.. So he needs to learn from the scroll and In the anime, the written of the scroll was never shown so he can't help it..)

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