
Chapter 57: Heart-to-Heart

It was coming up to 7:00 p.m.in the evening when they walked out of the restaurant. Bob put his arm around Jackie’s waist as she leaned on him for support. She tittered at the way Henry and Daphne were making their way to the vehicle.

They were staggering in front of her in a zig-zag pattern and stumbled several times. When they finally got to the Alphard, the two climbed into the back row and immediately slumped into their seats.

Bob helped Jackie up, then got in and closed the door. During the ride back to the hotel, there was a hush except for a light snore from the back row.

Jackie rested her head on Bob’s shoulder. He would be leaving tomorrow, and there were matters she needed to straighten out with him. She just knew it had to be now or never -- she had to know if this relationship was going to work out.

Bob tilted his head toward her. He knew he had much to resolve and intended to have an intimate, heart-to-heart conversation with her.

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