
Preparing for negotiations (2)

We've been apart for weeks. It's only normal that we can't part now.

Ignis's right hand is leaning on the mattress, and he's using only the left one. I also need to be careful about his wound.

It's scary, on one hand. I might hurt him with the smallest movement. Yet, on the other hand, I can't split from him.

It's a tough choice, but it's evident which part is going to win. I've dreamt of Ignis too many times to just let go now.

«Lie down,» I say.

It's better he doesn't overexert his body. He should just relax and rely on me, right? I'll be the one sweating, this time.

«Let your wife take care of you.»

He sighs, closing his eyes for a moment.

«I'm not sure I'll be able to withstand your care, this time. I am actually hurt... It's not a play.»

«I know,» I chuckle. «I saw the wound with my own eyes. Now, let me help you forget about it for a moment.»

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