
The Queen's first ball (3)

I return to where I was, and I smile at Adelphium when he approaches me.

«What a nice sight, your Majesty,» he comments. «It's a good omen when the King cherishes the Queen.»

«Is it?» I chuckle. «I have never heard of it.»

«Oh, you will see how our country will flourish, your Majesty.»

«Come walk with me,» I say. «We can talk in the garden... Here the music is loud.»

I might as well do some work while I'm here.

«Of course, it would be a pleasure.»

We reach the closest French window, and we step out in the chilly night. Just as promised, a maid appears from the shadows and covers my shoulders with a heavier mantle.

It's not too cold, but they worry about every single thing. I'll just wear the mantle and get it over with, for protesting would bring more damage than not.

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