
Interesting Project

The entire hall was silent as the receptionist looked at the pile of beast cores scattered around the table. They were supposed to be rare and hard to get, but here they were scattered all around like worthless stones, yet they were anything but worthless.

" How much are we getting for these ?" Fatty asked the receptionist.

" Uhmm.. uh.." Words couldn't flow out of her mouth. She was too awestruck to even properly think.

She picked up her phone and called the branch manager.

" Sir, there is a huge hunt registration here, Mr. Brooks just brought in dozens of A-rank cores."

" We also have something more special to register, so I suggest you come look at it yourself."

Fatty leaned in and talked to the phone.

After not even a minute the branch manager came to the reception hall and looked at all the A rank beast cores in the table, which was kept in a wooden box, like a pile of stones.

" Did you hunt all the beasts, Mr. Brooks ?" William looked at him with amazement.

" Yup, me and her," He pointed to Daisy who was standing with her hands folded. Daisy opened her eyes and looked at the manager.

" so, you're saying we can't hunt them alone ?" She questioned William.

" I am saying that miss, it's just the sheer number of beast cores, I.. Fine, I won't pry further. I will calculate the compensation and give it to you."

" Wait." Fatty took out a metal box and opened it in front of him.

" Register it too." Fatty showed him the SS rank beast core.

William was looking at the beast core with his eyes wide open.




After they registered the beast cores, fatty was looking at the balance in his bank account.

There was over 2 billion kroma in the account.

" Hahaha" Fatty burst into laughing,

" What are you laughing for ?" Daisy hit him on his shoulder.

" I can't believe I have this much money, even before inheriting the family business."

Daisy smacked him again.

" Don't confuse the guild' money for your own."

" Yeah..yeah, but still it is in my account." Fatty scratched his head.

They walked outside the DoA office while talking about yesterday, and if there will be more hunts in the future. Fatty became considerably slimmer in a week, after the intense hunts.

" If you keep that up, he might stop calling you fatty." Daisy laughed.

" Nah he will call me skinny or something." Fatty didn't think August was ever going to stop calling him that.

" Well, I don't mind if he only calls me that." Fatty scratched his head.

" Look at you, don't give in like that. We need to show him that we are not pushovers."

Daisy clenched her fist,

" Tell that to his face." Fatty incited her.

" Hmph.." Daisy gnashed her teeth and stomped her foot.



After getting back to the guild, fatty gave an order for all the necessary equipment and a notice for hiring more staff for the guild. With that much money, they are even richer than all the guilds in Eclipse city. The SS rank beast core alone gave them over a billion kroma.

Not only will it help them expand, but they can also create more branches in other cities. Fatty was thinking, even more, he was an ambitious business after all. He was really good at business. He wanted to enter the artifact business that was monopolized by the bigger guilds. Also, he wanted to establish a chain of auction houses of their own. First, he will create an auction house here at Eclipse city, and then expand to other big cities. With August to take them to any hunting zone in a matter of time and their harvest quantity, they will dominate the market in a matter of months. They could attract even high-rank users to join their guild.



As the day ended, August planned out his every move, there might be some adjustments to the plan later on if any inconsistencies arise. He finalized his plan and now he had to increase his level by absorbing more aura. For that, he needed to find all the high-rank beasts within the country.

' First, we will clean up all the other red zones, then we will hunt in other places.'

The tournament was two months away, in that time he needed to increase his system control skill rank and also his level. He might encounter setbacks so it was wise to be prepared.

He went to his room and activated his quantum field.

' Scan the entire house and simulate the strongest reconstruction.'

[ Scanning….]



[ Simulating reconstruction..]


[ Reconstruction simulation complete ]

[ Ingredients: Titanium, PFC, Nanotubes ]

' Estimate the reconstruction time, make it slower, so there will be no suspicions. '

[ Estimating reconstruction: 5 days 7 hours.]

' Initiate reconstruction '

[ Initiating..]

After August gave the system the order to reconstruct the house, he thought about adding self-defense mechanisms like firearms. He wanted to turn his house into a fortress after all.

' What if I make a force field all around the house'

An idea came to his mind.

When he was a researcher, he also had the hobby of tinkering with robotics, he was experimenting with nanobots, but due to time constraints, he didn't further that project.

Now that he had the system, he could resume the project. If he could successfully make the nanobots, they could come in handy with all types of situations.

The first thing was to set the block size of those nanobots. For his blueprint, he set 10 nanometers for the nanobot block size. Then as for the material he was going with carbon nanotubes as usual.

For any corporation in the world producing, carbon nanotubes are very costly and inefficient. But he had the quantum force that could convert the carbon molecules into any desired shape, in this case, Carbon nanotubes. He also decided to add some diamond coating, so that the outer shell will be hard and it could have higher penetration power.

Finally, the power source for the nanobot has to be small and efficient, it also needs consistent energy throughout. Before he might have to settle for highly dense supercapacitors but now he had the quantum field and aura.

By injecting his Aura in those nanobots he could control them as he wished, anytime anywhere. If wanted to bring them to where he was, he could use the cosmic bridge.

Then finally he had to set his aura as the primary power source. He didn't want any other person taking control of these, that would be disastrous.

With that in mind, he started building the blueprints.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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