

Ryu's eyes widened, his heart, or rather what remained of it, nearly beating out of his chest. Primus Tatsuya? He didn't give a damn. However, when he saw his father's name, he latched onto it like a fish might water or a baby might take their first breath of air. 


Ryu laughed lightly. He might have laughed more forcefully if it wasn't for the fact that even breathing felt like a tall task. His father had been here, and had even done well enough to place so high, how could Ryu not be beaming from ear to ear? 

Ryu's gaze shifted down the list, seemingly looking for something else. But it was cut off at the top 10000 and there didn't seem to be anything else to see beyond that. He had been somewhat hoping to see Isemeine and Eska somewhere, but they were nowhere to be seen. 

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