
Chapter 10 Part 1/2 A Black situation

Rodrick stared impassively at the newspaper clipping; he felt hollow. he looked up to the sky and found he couldn't help the laughter that had come out... Life was a joke... A joke that seemed to want to make him as miserable as possible.

What the hell did he do to deserve any of this?

"Rodrick!" He heard someone call out.

Turning he found a girl with black hair, green eyes stared at him, she had a worried look on her face... She looked familiar to him... Daphne that was her name. Such a sweet girl... Why was she involving herself with him again?

"Rodrick snap out of it!" He heard her say, she'd moved closer and cupped his face, trying to get a reaction... Staring into her green eyes showed him how full of life they were...

"Sorry," He spoke out, startling the girl. "If this is a nightmare... I am trying my best to get out of it, I promise."

"It wasn't expected... But it'll ge-" she started before she heard him laugh... that same haunted laugh.

"Wasn't expected?" Rodrick spoke up, a smile on his face that refused to reach his eyes. "I am not sure what to expect anymore... I am cursed it seems, physically and in every sense of the word!" he finished before he shook his head, freeing it from the girl's hand. He started to turn away, about to move before he felt her hands on his sleeve.

"Where are you going?" she asked, a fearful look in her eyes.

"I need to be alone," He spoke, the dejected voice startled her.

"You don't need to be ok loo-" she again was cut off.

"I wasn't asking Greengrass."

Daphne's eyes widened slightly at the subtle change in his voice.

Rodrick moved from her grip at the sudden surprise etched to her face before he placed himself under a disillusionment charm.

"Rodrick!" she called out to no avail. She stood there waiting for him to return. She turned towards Tracey and noticed a frightened expression on the girl.

"Why didn't you say anything!?" She called out to the redhead, causing her to flinch.

"What was I supposed to say?" Tracey answered quickly, her voice cracking slightly.

Daphne stared at her for a few seconds before sighing, "I don't know," looking back to where the boy had been, "Where is he going?"

Tracey looked down, "Leave him... Let him sort this out on his own"

Daphne huffed, "It's as if you don't know him at all... Who knows what sort of trouble he's going to get himself into."

"His Grandfather died, Daphne."

"And you have no idea just how bad that's hit him," Daphne remarked to the girl's surprise. 'Merlin... I am not sure anyone will.'

Thinking of the potential Gryffindor's that may celebrate news like this... A sense of dread filled the girl's stomach.

"Come on... I think he's going back to the castle," Daphne spoke up, earning a reluctant nod from Tracey.


Rodrick walked towards the castle slowly, his charm stopping the others from seeing him. Human Transfiguration was quite a useful spell, it not only changed your appearance but could help you control your emotions... At least usually. There was no controlling the tears that fell down his face almost rhythmically. Noone could see him anyway. He could feel the cold seep in on them, a tingling sensation on his face. He wasn't sure how long he'd been walking, but he knew it must've been a while, he could see the Black lake coming up.

Thinking back to everything his grandfather had said... He was confused... How? Why? Why now? It slowly dawned on him, the fact that information traveling to Britain took a long time... What point did his grand father actually die? A feeling of dread took over; he felt himself slowly crumble to a heap. 'It can't have been that exact point...' He thought to himself, knowing it was futile. He dropped to his knees in front of the bed of water; he could slowly feel the disillusionment charm wearing off. He stared at his face; it was devoid of tears. 'Strange... I am pretty sure I was crying earlier,' He thought to himself.

"Oh, What do we have here?" He heard a voice call out.

"The great Basilisk slayer? On his knees?" another voice added.

Rodrick's body felt light as air at that point, e turned and found two Ravenclaws smirking at him... finding his state funny. They had been sitting by the trees if he was correct. He slowly got up off the floor and turned towards them completely. It took him a while before he remembered them as the same two idiots that harassed Luna, Rodrick would've laughed at the fact they weren't allowed to go to Hogsmeade, if he he hadn't been in such a bad mood.

"You," Rodrick started, in a quiet voice, pointing a finger towards the two. "Have five seconds... To get out of my face," His eyes narrowed dangerously, "I am not in the mood."

One of them had the right idea to look startled, the other one scoffed.

"Or else wha-" The second one didn't even finish.

Rodrick crashed his magic against the other, he forcefully pushed him into the lake. "Wrong answer," He watched as the other one took his wand out and pointed it towards him.

"What the hell was that for!?" The other Ravenclaw spoke out, his voice wavering.

Rodrick locked eyes with him before he moved past the stilled student, ignoring him as he walked on towards the castle.

"Hey, I am talkin-" The Ravenclaw turned red at being ignored, he made to grab Rodrick before he felt himself levitate into the air. "W-What the hell!?" were his last words before he was flung into the black lake with his friend.

Rodrick walked on ignoring the two idiots as they slowly but surely got out of the lake.

"You won't get away with this!"

He watched impassively as the great oak doors came into view, he started contemplating where he wanted to go before he settled on sleep... That was probably for the best... Maybe it was a nightmare... Maybe he'll wake up, and everything will be back to normal...

He reached the Dungeons and muttered the password. There were a few second years there... Fortunately, no one he knew. He walked up to his dormitory, and set off a few spells before he crashed into his bed. Sleep slowly took hold of him.


Daphne and Tracey entered the castle dungeons much later; they couldn't very well just leave on their own without some invisibility charm like the boy they'd been trying to find.

Daphne turned to her friend, "Where do you think he is? Luna and Astoria had no idea..." They'd seen the two on their way back, Astoria had been waiting for the sweets she was promised.

Tracey nodded somberly before she found some of the third year boy's sitting around the sofa's, irritated looks on their faces.

"What happen?" Daphne asked with trepidation.

Malfoy turned to her before raising an eyebrow. "I am sure you've heard the news," he spoke up sour than usual.

"Who hasn't? It's traveled around the school already." Blaise pointed out...

"Rodrick's taking it out on us apparently," Nott remarked, putting down the book he'd been reading.

Daphne eyed them worriedly, "What did he do?"

All three of the boys looked at each other and sighed.

"The worst thing imaginable," Malfoy spoke up. Causing the fear in the girl to go up.

"He locked the dormitory door... Won't let anyone else in" Blaise answered.

Daphne blinked at that, "Locked it?"

The three heads bobbed up and down at her.

"Prefect's all tried to open it... Didn't work, he probably has a silencing charm set on himself, so calling out is pointless."

Daphne deflated into an empty chair; she turned to see Tracey watching everything with rapt attention.

"I thought he did something else," Tracey finally added to the conversation.

"I mean he threw two Ravenclaws into the black lake, but that's not exactly all that important," Blaise spoke up amused.

"He what?" Daphne asked, her eyebrows raised.

"Apparently they wanted to say hi, he got angry and flung them in the lake." Malfoy drawled.

"They were trying to get points taken from us; they asked the wrong teacher."

"Who?" Tracey asked wanting to change the subject.

"Professor Snape, he took points from them instead for bothering Rodrick."

"Where is the Professor anyway?" Daphne asked, "I figured he'd come and open the door if the prefects failed."

"He was, up until this very moment, indisposed Miss Greengrass." A cold voice answered behind her, sending shivers down her back.

"Eeep..." whispered Daphne.

The three boy's looked amused.

The Professor eyed them all before he swept off towards the third year dormitory.

The three third years quickly followed their head of year.

"Should we follow?" Daphne asked.

Tracey's eyes widened slightly, "Are you mad?"


"Tomorow! Merlin just imagine Snape's reaction to us going into the boy's dorm!"


Snape's face took on a look of disgust as he watched one of his prefects fail to open the door.

"I find your incapability to handle a third year's spells worrying Miss Farley," Snape spoke out looking towards the female seventh year.

The girl looked down, "As if that boy could considered a normal third year..." Muttered the girl.

"Step aside," Snape drawled.

The prefects were quick to obey; they watched as Snape took his wand out and attempted to unlock the door.

To his irritation and some of his student's amusement, it took several attempts before the door locks opened up. Looking inside he found Rodrick Grindelwald sound asleep, yet there was an eerie sense surrounding his body... His bed, however, was bombarded with charms to stop anyone bothering him... they looked somewhat painful.

Snape raised an eyebrow at it, wondering where the boy could've learned half of them before he turned to the third years, "If any of you wish to avoid the hospital wing... I don't recommend interrupting Mr Grindelwalds sleep."

While he was irritated to find the boy acting so... Well, irritating to say the least, after the sudden news of the elder Grindelwald's death... Well... Snape expected much worse. The two Ravenclaws turned out more amusing than anything.


Rodrick stared ahead at the three mirrors in front of him, he hadn't been here since his birthday and the first time he came back is the day his grandfather could no longer show up. He watched as his real reflection was shown to him. All the time wondering why... Why his grandfather had suddenly died... He could feel tears slowly pricking his eyes but ultimately held them off.

'This is usually the point he would show up...' he thought soberly, whenever he turned up in this place, his grandfather would follow him after his reflection was revealed... His brows furrowed... Why was it only after that? He'd never questioned it before. He shook his head before he relaxed on the floor, trying and failing to think of something else.

"Great I can't get that out of my mind..." He mumbled to himself as he sat up once again, staring ahead into the mirror. He watched his reflection as if expecting something was to change.




"I am an idiot..." Rodrick mumbled to himself as he relaxed back against his arms.

His control over his emotions was at its best in this world... Whatever this place was, he wasn't even sure anymore. He had assumed he wouldn't show up here anymore since his grandfather had died.

Rodrick groaned, with his emotions under control his mind went haywire trying to figure things out. Trying to figure out why his grandfather had died.

"This is such a dumb idea..." Rodrick mumbled ... "Why am I talking to myself?"

"Perhaps you want answers," He heard someone reply.

Rodrick's head snapped around, he got up, wand in hand, trying to find the source of the voice.

Nothing... There was no one in sight.

"Who said that!?" Rodrick yelled out.


"I am going crazy... I am starting to hear voices in my head..."

"You're not crazy," once again the voice rang out.

'Behind,' Rodrick quickly spun on his feet, he turned to the source before his eyes landed on the middle mirror. No one else in sight.

Rodrick's eyes narrowed as he tried to find anything that could explain the sound.

"In here," The voice spoke out again.

Rodrick tensed... His eyes widened as he saw the smile on his reflections face.

"What the fuc-"


Rodrick stilled... 'Did my reflection just tell me to mind my own language?' His eyes however quickly narrowed again as he stared into the middle mirror. "What's going on. Why the hell can you talk?"

"Are you asking the mirror or yourself?"

Rodrick blinked, "The mirror... What the hell are you!?" A sarcastic mirror it seemed.

"I am your sight."

"My what?"

"Your sight."

"What is that!?" Rodrick crouched to the floor, 'I am definitely going crazy...'

"Touch the mirror," He heard 'it' speak.

Rodrick looked at his reflection warily; it stared at him with a smile on it's face. He himself wasn't smiling. That didn't look right.

"I am sure you've seen a talking mirror before."

"Not one that had my reflection on it," Rodrick remarked, his eyes gazed over the frame curiously.

"What else am I supposed to look like? This?"

Rodrick twitched as he saw Daphne replace him. 'I am definitely dreaming.'

"That's just scary," He muttered, causing the person inside to change.

"Touch the mirror," It urged him once again.

"Why?" Rodrick asked wondering if it was a trap.

"You will see."

Rodrick warily moved closer towards the middle mirror, his hand inches away before he gasped as he saw it crack into hundreds of smaller pieces that still somehow held together.

"This is what I am supposed to look like..."

"What are you?"

"I told you, I am your sight."

"Explain that!"

"All Seers have this inside their minds; it's what helps them see the future, those with enough talent are capable of using it personally while other's are simply given glimpses."

Rodrick rubbed the bridge of his nose at that, "Divination..." he muttered distastefully.


"Are you supposed to be my subconscious or something?"

"No, I am created from Magic... If I was part of your subconscious, I would not be able to show you the future,"

"How come most of the visions barely make any sense?" Rodrick asked changing the subject.

"You see the cracks? Each piece shows a part of the future, of course, the cracks also means it is incomplete."

Rodrick nodded along carefully, he stared at each crack, most of it was blurred out, some pieces he could see were crystal clear.

Each one must've contained a vision he'd had.

"When does it complete itself?"

"When you die."

Rodrick's expression didn't change.

"You're surprisingly well thought out for a dream but still..." Rodrick started, 'Might as well play along,' "That doesn't help explain why my grandfather's dead."

"I told you. All Seers have one."

Rodrick's eyes narrowed at that, when he turned to face the other two, he noticed his reflections behaving the same way as him. He slowly moved his hand to the left one and frowned when he saw it stay in one piece.

"What does that mean?"

The mirror didn't reply.

"Why do I have three?" Rodrick asked, changing the subject.

"The blame lies with your mother for that."

Rodrick's eyes darkened. "What?" 'Dream or not... Mother was off limits...'

"You received three the day she named you the heir."

"To the Grindelwald vault?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.

"To the First Hollow."

Rodrick's eyes were indifferent. 'What the hell was his mind on right now?'

"What are the other mirrors for?" He changed the subject.

"I sense you already know the answer to that,"

Rodrick's brows furrowed, "I don-" before he stopped himself, remembering the strange visions.

"But then... That means"...

He stopped himself there, his mind trailing elsewhere... he grit his teeth when he failed to get an understandable answer.

"Why did my grandfather die?"



"You have not seen the final mirror."

Rodrick's eyes snapped to the right one, his hand slowly moved towards it before he saw it shatter into pieces, causing him to flinch, there was a small part of it left intact. He reached down to view the piece.

"Let me guess, this is the part where I saw myself holding the cursed diary?" Rodrick mused, disbelief written over his face.

"I do not know; I am not knowledgeable of the other mirrors surrounding me."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "Why won't they respond to me then?"

"I am going to assume they don't belong to you."

"Why are they here then?" he asked covering his face, feeling exhausted of the entire event.

"Because you are the heir, or well, owner at this point."

"That doesn't make any sense!" he yelled off, due to the Occulemency he was incapable of actually putting any emotion into it. 'I swear I am going to crack this mirror. Future sight, dreams, whatever this whole thing is be damned' "Did the left mirror belong to my Grandfather then?" He followed on anyway.

"I believe that would make sense, seeing as he was the owner before you."

"So he had three as well?"


"Who did the left mirror for him belong to?"

"The owner of the hollow before him,"

"Who was that?"

"I do not recall you ever learning that piece of information," Each reply slowly ticked him off.

"What about the right one? Who does that belong to?"

The reflection stopped talking.


"I cannot give you that information."

"Why not? I am the owner now aren't I?" He questioned sarcastically.

"The First Hollow will not allow it, you will have to find out yourself,"

"What is the First Hollow?" he asked, already frowning at his guess.

"You have memories of it," A small object slowly appeared around the reflections neck.

"The necklace..." Rodrick confirmed somberly. Dream or not, that thing has been more trouble than good so far.

His mind wracked itself once again trying to piece the information he received to no avail, he plopped down to the floor with a sigh.

"Do I have any missing memories?" He asked suddenly.

"I am aware you have two pieces."

Rodrick's eyes lit up slightly at that, "What are they?" he asked eagerly.

"I cannot show you one of them as it is a prophecy."

That brought another question out, "How are prophecies different from visions?" He heard Dumbledore's explanation but he doubted the man had been a seer...

"Prophecies are glimpses of a completed mirrors; there are wizards capable of witnessing the finished mirror of another person, without the need for their death. There are even some who receive a prophecy before their birth, the seers would tell that person the most important part of their future, or in the case of mothers, the most important part of their child's future."

"Why can't the seer remember it, and why can't you show it?"

"The glimpses of the completed mirror last for seconds. once it returns to its cracked form, it is impossible to piece it together again before that person's death."

Rodrick nodded along, again, it, for some reason, made sense.

That honestly made it worse.

"So I gave myself a prophecy?"

"No, I believe you merely witnessed yours,"

He already knew that, the fact the mirror gave the same answer didn't help his resolve on this been a strange dream. Though... He didn't know he'd witnessed it himself...

"That's possible?"

"Yes there are countless wizards with prophecies attached to their names who witness it without their knowledge, it happens quite often. They just don't remember. They can't, however, witness one that doesn't belong to them, even if they give it."

Rodrick turned his attention to the other memory.

"The other memory I don't remember?"

He watched wide-eyed as his surroundings changed. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the chamber of secrets once again; he saw his grandfather talking to him and watched as he obliviated him.


"That's what he erased..." Rodrick mumbled to himself frowning... The fact he could see that... He was really starting to doubt this being just another dream.

"Yes, I believe it was the last bit before he obliviated you."

"All seers are capable of removing the Obliviation charm then?"

"Only if it occurs in front of their sight."

"You mean in front of the mirror, or they see it happen?"


Rodrick went through everything he'd just learned... Before his eyes landed onto the left mirror, he sighed as he realized the complications of the situation he was in.

"This did belong to my grandfather?"


"Not the one I knew?" He spoke up uncertain... If this really was real... It didn't paint a pretty picture.

There was a long silence... for a second Rodrick's worries started disappearing before the mirror answered.

"Yes. Different owners will only see the middle, they will never see any part of the right and the left will never change." The tone of the voice was expressionless. Merely stating a fact.

He failed to catch the hidden meaning behind the words.

"That doesn't paint a pretty picture," Rodrick frowned. "I am guessing the right one belongs to the next person to claim the hollow?"

"That used to be the case,"

"What changed?"

"Gellert Grindelwald was the epitome of insanity,"

Rodrick blinked, that wasn't an answer.

He sighed as he moved on.

Remembering his grandfathers words regarding what he could do in this state. He recreated the ending of the vision he'd had on his birthday.

He glared at the sight of the dark lord, watched on as he raised his wand towards his grandfather before uttering the killing curse. There was no fear this time, only hate.

Another silence took over before Rodrick turned back to the mirror.

"What happened that day? September the thirteenth. When I received that vision?"

The mirror reflection stared impassively at him.

"What you saw wasn't a vision." The mirror answered.

Rodrick's face slowly took on a horrified look for a few seconds before he steeled himself.

"Voldemort can't have killed my grandfather!"

"The killing curse does not kill."


"It separates the soul from the body."

"What does that have anything-"... He stopped himself when a more important thought popped into his head.

"The timing is different... Even If I were to believe there was another world where he died to the dark lord... The timing is different."

"Time is irrelevant to Death," The morbid words sent a chill down Rodrick's spine.

"Are you trying to tell me that Death collected my grandfather's soul bec-"

He sunk to his knees, horrified, "So it's my fault then?" It took him a few moments before he remembered it was a stupid dream... It was getting harder and harder to call it that.

"I do not understand that question."

"I had the bloody vision."

"It wasn't a vision."

"What would you call it?"


"If I didn't have that vis- What ever you wanna call it, my grandfather would still be alive."

"Death will always have his due."

"It would've been later."

"And could've been more painful."

"It's not fair," Rodrick whined.

"I am not entirely sure Death really cares that much about fairness."

"I thought you were supposed to only show me glimpses of the future," Rodrick growled at the insensitivity.

"I was under the impression you simply refused to believe this was anything but a dream anyway."

Rodrick didn't bother to reply to that; it was practically admitting that it was just a dream... Right?

"At any case, I happen to have a bit of your personality, I am afraid."

'That made more sense then anything else so far!'

Rodrick stilled for a second, "That wasn't the only death I saw... Why was my grandfather the only one to die?"

"You heard voices and saw pictures in your head; it is quite different to witnessing the murder take place."

"I am arguing with a mirror."

"You, are arguing with Magic."

Rodrick sighed. 'This is all just a dream... If I can take anything from all of this, it's that my imagination is on another level... Tomorrow I am going to wake up and be miserable about the whole bloody thing.'


'I have got to stop riling up like a Gryffindor...' Rodrick thought, feeling embarrassed about his earlier outburst.

"That is due to your lack of training in Occulumency."

"I am going to shatter you."

"You are incapable of that."

"You haven't seen me try..." Rodrick seethed.

"It does not change much either way. Your grandfather is still dead whether you believe this is real or not,"

Rodrick twitched. "You're an insensitive piece of s-"

"I believe you are partially responsible for that aswell," the mirror spoke over him, causing him to twitch.

Before Rodrick could say anything, he felt everything around him disappear into the darkness.


A few moment's later Rodrick felt his eyes blink open to see his four poster bed, he got up and found three of his friends and dumb and dumber conversing with each other.

'Only the two idiots don't actually know my identity... If I told them I'd probably be able to take off this Transfiguration here...'

He could slowly feel his emotions start to bottle around once again, he focused his magic to his Occulumency, he tried and failed to quell them... The sudden news that he might have been responsible for his Grandfather's death... 'No I'd have to believe that whatever the hell I dreamt was real...' Knowing that, he settled on the fact that his grandfather was simply dead... 'Not much better really... Still... I'll hold judgment until after I read the bloody book in my vault...' Rodrick thought.

"Look who's finally up, you slept the entire Sunday, I am not sure what you're hoping to finish off right now," Rodrick heard Nott speak up from his conversation with Blaise and Malfoy.

Blaise stared at Rodrick warily, Daphne had asked him to keep an eye on him... Tracey asked him to give him room to breathe... He wasn't sure which one to listen to.

Rodrick eyed Nott warily, he evaluated his mental state before he decided it was too risky to talk to him, he settled back into his pillow with a groan before he pulled the cover over his head. He felt exhausted for some reason. 'Weird, didn't I sleep almost a day? You'd think the professors would be a little more worried,' Rodrick thought with a frown.

'Tracey's method it is,' thought Blaise, he felt bad for Rodrick but... He barely knew the old man, so he doubted it was that big of a deal, he did die in prison... 'I know more about having a 'father' die anyway not really sure how grandfather feels...'

Nott looked quite affronted at that, "Was it something I said?"

Malfoy turned to him with a smirk, "Yes."

"What?" Nott asked.

"You spoke, in general."

"Shove off Malfoy," Nott muttered, looking towards Blaise he added on, "You wanna try and get him to play a game or something?".

"Salazar's rolling in his grave right now..." Malfoy drawled, earning a glare from Nott.

"Why?" he asked thinly.

"There's a Hufflepuff in the Slytherin dorms," Blaise retorted.

"Shouldn't we tell him Dumbledore wants to see him?" Nott spoke through gritted teeth. He had been getting used to it... Something that only made it worse.

"Sure... Any volunteers willing to go to the hospital? No? Dumbledore can wait then, in fact, I am not even sure why Rodrick even needs to meet him in the first place," Malfoy remarked, referring to the charmed bed.

Blaise and Nott stared at Malfoy before they both responded with the same thing.



The following day Rodrick woke up with a headache, he thankfully hadn't had a relapse of that dream, he did, however, have a relapse of depression as, unfortunately, Occlumency was not a passive skill, not at his level in any case.

While some people could develop it to keep it open at all times, Rodrick never really had a reason to go that far. His shield kept people from his mind. He never considered emotions being a problem.

He cursed when he found no one in sight. He quickly got ready, putting his books into his new bag, he had no intention of wasting magic if he didn't need to and went downstairs; there was no doubt he was late. Casting a quick cleaning charm on himself, he swept through the common room, but before he could reach the door, however, he felt someone crash onto him.

When he looked down he found two hazel eyes staring at him, a broad smile on the girls face.

'Well... that works better than Occulemency...' He couldn't help the small smile that latched onto his face.

"Morning Tori,"

"It's not morning, breakfast is already over," chuckled the girl.

Rodrick remembering his lesson, "Ah... Right, look I'll talk to you later ok. I have a lesson."

The girl stared at him for a few seconds before nodding, however before she left she asked him if he was alright.

Rodrick flinched slightly at the question, "Why do you ask?"

"You don't look happy..." she replied.

Rodrick gave her a wane smile, "Just feeling down," before he moved towards the door, "See you later ok?"

Astoria nodded before she went back to the sofa she'd been on.

"Are you friends with him?" she turned towards another first-year girl, nodding.

"What's he like?"

"Why do you ask?" Astoria asked, her eyes narrowing slightly. She didn't like the way the girl's eyes looked.

"No reason," chuckled the girl, "I've just heard a lot of rumors about him."

"Oh... They're probably all true."


Astoria shrugged, however, when she saw a red tinge take over the girl's face however she clarified.

"Ok... Maybe not all of them... What rumors did you hear?"


Rodrick walked towards his Transfiguration classroom slowly, there was no time for food, he tried to hold in his emotions, but it was difficult keeping up the expressionless face. It kept on taking a dejected look, as much as he tried. 'Maybe McGonogall is less likely to eat me alive for being late if I am this upset... This must be what Hufflepuffs feel like.' He turned the corner and found the Transfiguration classroom.

"Sorry I am late..." Rodrick spoke, his words slowing down quickly as he took in the faces in the classroom.

He didn't recognize any but the red haired student, a Weasley, named head boy.

Several people snorted at his sudden appearance. McGonagall had been somewhat upset at the sudden intrusion before she saw the one responsible, her eyes quickly softened at the sight of the boy who'd recently lost his grandfather.

"I am afraid you're a couple of hours late, Rodrick," She spoke kindly. She turned to silence the sudden laughter that swept the room.

'That means... I have Herbology right now...' Rodrick thought distastefully. Looking back up, he locked eyes with the professor.

"What class is this?" he asked.

McGonagall frowned slightly at the boy's voice... it lacked the usual drive... His bright yellow eyes looked almost lifeless. "This is Seventh year Transfiguration."

Rodrick took on a thoughtful expression, "Can I stay?" he asked much to the class's amusement, one of them he noticed was the prefect that had been trying to unlock his dorm. She had an inquisitive look on her face.

If the Transfiguration professor was surprised by the question she didn't show it, she appraised the boy before sighing. 'Perhaps if his mind was kept busy it would help him.'

"Very well, do take a seat in the back, I'll be testing you as well," she added on amused, she could hear some of her Gryffindor's start laughing.

Rodrick to her surprise simply shrugged it off as he took a seat at the back, next to one of the seventh year Slytherin prefects.

"Professor, this is NEWT level..." Rodrick heard the head boy speak out with a frown.

"Well, I suppose starting early should help him," McGonagall replied.

"I'll say," Rodrick heard one of the Gryffindors retort. "Would've definitely helped us," He continued.

McGonagall shook her head before she got the class's full attention.

Rodrick turned to the girl next to him.

"Sorry about yesterday..."

The girl raised an eyebrow, "You heard about that huh?"

"My friends don't know how to be quiet at night," Rodrick murmured with a yawn, to the girl's amusement.

"It was an impressive spell," she complimented, the boy was surprisingly talented.

The words simply washed over him, however.

"Today, we will be attempting Human Transfiguration..."

Rodrick couldn't help the scoff that came out; he managed to hide it under his hand.

Oh the irony...


He watched amused as each student attempted Human Transfiguration. Percy had, to McGonagall's delight, turned his hair into something resembling a sea urchin, tiny spikes protruded from his head, replacing his red hair.

"Well done, Mr. Weasley," the Professor spoke out, he puffed his chest out at the sudden praise.

Another Gryffindor had managed to transfigure their arm to matching a lions paw.

One Ravenclaw changed their hair to match an actual Raven's, another one transfigured their arms to release feathers.

Several Slytherins tried and failed to Rodrick's amusement to transfigure Percy into an animal.

Farley turned to him, "Do you mind if I try something?" she asked.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at her before he agreed.

She proceeded to transfigure his ears to resemble a goblins.

"Thanks..." Rodrick remarked quietly much to the rest of the classes laughter.

"Sorry... wrong spell," There was an amused smile on her face, "Here, let me get rid of it,"

"it's fine," Rodrick spoke up, he took his wand out and reversed it himself.

Several students gawked at him.

"Oh right..." Rodrick muttered to himself. He technically shouldn't be able to do that yet...

"Rodrick? Why don't you attempt it?" The professor questioned, a curious look on her face.

Rodrick shrugged before he got up, except instead of Transfiguring his face, he simply removed the present one. They had very similar wand movements; it was only the ending that changed, instead of flicking up, he flicked down. It wasn't the same spell the other's had used; he didn't think they'd notice.

Looking around he found shocked looks everywhere as they watched his face slowly change.

"Did he even use a spell?" He heard one Ravenclaw ask.

Looking towards the professor's face, however, Rodrick found a surprised look, she'd noticed he'd removed the charm instead of applying it.

"How long?" she asked him, her eyes sparkled at the change.

The class assumed she was asking how long he'd known how to do it.

Rodrick shrugged, "Since I started here,"

The look on the professor's face seemed to enlarge, 'He's managed to keep a Transfiguration like that in place for three years?' However looking towards the boy's eyes again, the professor's mood quickly dropped... The Transfiguration did a lot to hide his emotions... She schooled her expression and congratulated everyone before ending the lesson.

She shook her as she watched Rodrick put his Transfiguration back on with ease.

Percy Weasley frowned as he stared at the third year... It didn't seem real to have that much success... It was almost unfair to be born with so much potential... The boy had managed to overshadow seventh years... He'd even killed a Basilisk in his second year! He got up and watched idly as his classmates went towards the boy, either congratulating him or asking him where he'd learned it. He saw the looks of distaste on the Slytherins, no doubt preferring to keep all the information to their house, although from the look of the boy's face, Percy doubted he would be telling them all that much, there was something distant about them... He wasn't sure if he remembered him like that.

He wasn't sure why, but when he'd applied the Transfiguration on his face...He appraised the boy's current face before he turned away.

Rodrick had an impassive look on his face as he watched everyone else walk out, they'd smothered him a little too much before Farley had made them back off. He was about to leave before he caught his professor's eyes and knew she wanted him to stay behind.

With the last student out, McGonagall turned to the third year, a kind expression on her face.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

Rodrick looked down.

"I am not even sure really," He shrugged his shoulders, "it ranges from bad to nothing," he answered resigned, a forced smile on his face.

"Have you spoken to the headmaster yet? He wanted to see you," She informed him trying to change the subject, the boy tried too hard to appear fine.

Rodrick shook his head, "I am not even sure that's a good idea, history and all,"

A small light seemed to fill the professor as she understood his meaning, 'I'd almost forgotten about that... ' "Perhaps when you're ready then?"

Rodrick felt his cheeks flush as he suddenly heard his stomach growl.

McGonagall raised an amused eyebrow at him, "I believe you have more important matters to attend to,"

Rodrick nodded his head before he took his bag and left the class.


Entering the Great hall, Rodrick figured the rumors of his new NEWT course had already filed about. He was grateful Slytherin was his house, they had much more temperament compared to the other houses. He knew his friends would finish their lesson in an hour, it was double Herbology. Snape won't like him skipping, but he doubted the man would bring it up so soon... He set about onto his food, trying and failing to ignore the attention he was getting.

"Hello, Rodrick." A voice called out towards him.

Rodrick inwardly groaned wondering who was about to pester him with questions, when he turned, however, he found blonde hair next to him.

"Luna," He remarked surprised, his mood improved somewhat.

The girl smiled back before she took a seat by him, "I am glad you remembered," She spoke in a dreamy voice. The girl's presence seemed to act like an anti-Slytherin Magnet if the sudden gazes disappearing had anything to do with it.

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "I am glad to see you, you're probably the only one who rumors don't reach as fast as everyone else,"

Luna nodded on, "I suppose, although usually, I am too busy to really focus too much, congratulations on your sudden rise to NEWT Transfiguration, I was quite surprised to hear about that," she spoke in a far away voice. She heard muffled laughter at her words She watched as Rodrick groaned for some reason.

Luna looked around confused, "What's so funny?" she asked curiously.

Rodrick shook his head at her, "Never change Luna, never change,"

"I don't really plan to," she responded serious.

An hour later, the rest of his group showed up.

"Did you actually go to the wrong class?"

"Did you go to Seventh-year NEWTS?"

"Did you pass McGonogall's exam?"

Rodrick slowly felt his Occulumency shield slowly break down at the sudden voices. His eyes slowly narrowed more with each one...

"Guys give him some room!" Tracey spoke out chastising the group of them; they surprisingly had the decency to look abashed.

Except Malfoy, he didn't know the meaning of the word.

The boy had been about to say something to the redhead before he saw the glare on Rodrick's face.

Rodrick took a deep sigh before he thanked her. Tracey took the seat beside Astoria, the girl had shown up with her sister. She sat next to Luna, naturally.

Daphne moved over to sit by him.

"You ok?" she whispered.

Rodrick nodded to her; she didn't believe it for a second.

He took a bite of some of the food in front of him.

"How much of the rumors are true?" Someone asked, Tracey's eyes narrowed slightly before she saw it was Luna. She settled for sighing; you just couldn't get angry at the girl.

Rodrick turned to look at Luna before he swallowed down the food he'd eaten, "Probably all of them," he answered much to everyone's else surprise.

"Ah... Rodrick, you shouldn't say that... Some rumors are a bit..."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the girl before he saw her flustered face... What kind of rumours were there? He watched as Astoria whispered what she'd heard to Luna who turned red.

That was definitely a red light.

"Ok, maybe not all of them..." Rodrick added on carefully.

"Did you actually throw two of my housemates into the black lake?" Luna asked with an expressionless face.

Rodrick nodded to that.

"Why?" Luna followed with another question.

Rodrick saw Malfoy roll his eyes at the girl but held his tongue.

"They annoyed me," He deadpanned.

"Fair enough," Luna replied cheerfully before she brought something to her own plate.

He heard Astoria giggle at her friend's lack of concern for her house.

"Did you actually go to a NEWT Transfiguration class?" he heard Nott ask, his eyes wide.

Rodrick nodded, "Seemed simple enough," he muttered to irritate every seventh year that had heard him, which fortunately for him was quite a lot.

Daphne seemed to notice, "Somethings just never change..." if her whispered words were any indication.

"Did you Transfigure someone into a dragon?" Malfoy asked eagerly, seeing the silence take up.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that before shaking his head, "Where did that one come from?"

Malfoy face quickly turned to disappointment before he shrugged having lost interest.

"Why didn't you come to Herbology?" he heard someone beside him ask.

Rodrick turned to Daphne, "I didn't think it'd be safe enough,"

Daphne frowned, "for you?"

"For the plants" He joked, earning snorts from the group.

He slowly got up, "I think that's enough fun for the day," he remarked feeling his energy drain, the Transfiguration and the amount of magic needed to hold his Occulumency slowly ate him up.

"Where are you going?" Tracey asked.

"Outside", he muttered, "Want to relax somewhere with fresh air."

He saw the frown that marred Daphne's face at that. "Daph?" he called out, surprising the girl.

"Oh... That kind of relaxation," Blaise remarked amused.

Daphne's face seemed to tinge red; she saw Rodrick waiting, slowly she got up from her seat. She turned to Tracey and found the girl barely able to hold her smile.

Rodrick's face didn't change at all; he shrugged to the boy's surprise. He walked away as soon as Daphne was ready, her following him slowly.

"Anyone else thinks some things off about him?" Nott asked curiously.

"I am not sure; I don't think he's ever openly spoken out like that," Blaise pointed out, his eyes widened slightly as he watched Rodrick's hand surround Daphne's waist. "Definitely never seen him that forward" He added on with a whistle.

Astoria started laughing when she saw what he meant.

"That's your sister," Tracey chastised, frowning at the girl.

"Hard to forget that," Astoria remarked playfully.

Tracey rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, he seems more open than before. Almost as if he has fewer things to hide," Luna pointed out.

Malfoy turned his attention back to the group. "No. He has less reason to,"


Dumbledore frowned, as he entered his office, his Transfiguration professor had just warned him about meeting the boy so soon after his Grandfather's death... When he turned to Fawkes, he found the bird curiously gazing at him.

"You agree with her?"


"So much for loyalty..." The headmaster whined.

Thinking back to the day, however... He had been startled... It had appeared out of nowhere. From what Severus and Minerva had said the boy had taken it quite hard.

He'd seen him at the Great hall, the boy was much more subdued and yet... Much more open at the same time, especially when he'd left... It was his eyes that perhaps had the biggest effect... They looked near soulless, haunted... lifeless; He'd seen the same eyes before... He'd been hoping to avoid the boy ending up in the same state as his mother... Albus was worried, worried it would lead to the same result. He was somewhat relieved the boy had friends, especially in the Greengrass's, it was probably the only thing keeping his mind sane.

Perhaps the most disconcerting part was his Grandfather's death... He'd had someone send him a report of what they'd found. No signs at all relating to a death, the prison had assumed it was a simple matter of old age. He'd discussed it over with his heads... It was his potions professor that had pointed out that the killing curse would leave the same result. When he'd asked for clarifications regarding the former Dark Lord's death Albus had been startled; it had happened on that same day, Friday the thirteenth. The boy's birthday and the day he'd had the vision of his grandfather been struck down by a killing curse.

The boy's earlier words regarding his grandfather had resounded in his head, "My grandfather, he knew you know, he knew he was going to lose that war. Years before your fight with him,". His assumption was slowly but surely holding more ground... He needed to get the boy, to ask him to let him view the book on the Deathly Hollows. It was the final one he wanted to find out about; perhaps it was the key to solving everything.

Minerva of coursed had called him crass for wanting to ask so soon, sometimes Albus wondered if anyone else truly believed in the Greater Good. There were so many mysteries surrounding that boy... Mysteries that somehow were also helping him in his effort to defeat the Dark Lord.


Albus turned to the sudden interruption before he nodded along slowly.

"Perhaps you're right... Ending one Dark Lord might be for naught if I accidentally set off another one against the world... Perhaps more time and patience is necessary with the boy." Suddenly contemplating what kind of Dark Lord the boy could turn into, Albus shuddered.

Voldemort was powerful.. but he was also mad, it was that same madness that gave the order the chance it needed to stop him...

The boy, however, had that same talent... Yet there wasn't an ounce of madness in him, none he had yet to see any rate, the danger he could cause if he was on the wrong side... Albus couldn't comprehend the amount of damage he could before someone would stop him. If they even could. It would take a Godric Gryffindor to stop a Salazar Slytherin and frankly Harry Potter already had his hands full with Voldemort.

Albus Dumbledore shook his head, he needed the boy on the light side, no matter what it took.

If only the headmaster had known the price it would take... No one, not even Voldemort himself, for all that he believed in ruthlessness, expected that war to go the way it did...

That's not even counting the way it ended, Merlin himself couldn't have seen that one coming.


Rodrick had woken up earlier than usual so as to avoid being late to the lesson. He had his back to the wall, Daphne to his right. She'd already been awake by the time he'd gotten out of his dorm. The other's hadn't arrived yet.

"Still didn't get enough sleep?" Daphne asked worried.

"Just feel tired really," Rodrick replied, his eyes downcast.

"I am worried about you, you know?" She remarked, pulling herself to his side.

"Me too. I am worried about myself as well," Rodrick replied, amused at the girl's reaction.

Daphne smiled, seeing the lack of light in his eyes, there was more every day but... It wasn't much compared to what he'd been like before the family death.

"Your birthday's coming up," Rodrick remarked.

Daphne's eyes widened slightly, "Yeah it is... I'd almost forgotten... Halloween as well."

"I think they go hand in hand Daph."

Daphne moved away from the wall, she turned to face him. Looking towards his hair, she shook her head.

"You need to fix it, Rodrick, it's a mess."

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "It takes so much energy," his eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the pitying look she was giving him. "I am not fragile alright," he pointed out frowning.

"I never said you were," Daphne quickly defended... "But you do seem to be lacking your energy... Quite often... I haven't seen you do much magic... If at all."

Rodrick sighed, "I am just frustrated, it's taking quite a lot of power to hold the Transfiguration and Occulumency in place."

Daphne locked eyes with him, "Do you really need both?"

Rodrick chuckled at the idea, "If I want to stay sane then yes."

"How long?" she questioned, wondering when he'd stop relying on them. He'd explained the concept of Occulumency to her when he'd told her about his grandfather.

Rodrick shrugged, "I'll get over it at some point I suppose," It certainly helped that he hadn't ended up in that world again ever since that strange dream. Merlin knows how much more difficult it would be if it occurred too often.

"Will you be at the feast?" Daphne asked.

"Doubt it..." Rodrick mumbled, remembering the vision regarding Black, he hadn't told anyone about it, nor did he plan to, Daphne had asked him about it only for him to lie that he'd forgotten it. He needed to meet Black... His grandfather words regarding the man simply wouldn't leave him alone.

"I see..." she spoke looking away.

"Not a big fan," Rodrick spoke, failing to hold a smile. "Don't worry though; I've already gotten you a gift."

Daphne's eyes snapped to his, "You have? Since when?"

"A while," Rodrick spoke amused.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at that before a mischievous smile took over, "You still owe me one anyway."

Rodrick scoffed, "I did give you one, tried to anyway. Wasn't my fault you turned into a Gryffindor."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Is that s-"

"Rodrick I believe class will be starting soon," she spoke over him, causing him to twitch.

He watched as his classmates shuffled behind Professor Lupin, The Slytherins, as usual, stayed at the back. Rodrick had been about to wait for his friends before he saw Daphne walking in... He followed the girl much to the annoyance of the rest of his friends, none of them felt inclined to start running up to him and Greengrass like Tracey.

The defense professor didn't know anything about Rodrick's family name. Due to that, he was relatively confused at the sudden change in the boy's demeanor. He hadn't asked him about it, he figured if there were an issue, the boy would've mentioned it... It felt awkward approaching the boy; he still wasn't sure how he even felt about the fact the boy had managed to kill a Basilisk receiving a cursed arm in return. More recent Rumors surrounding the boy's attendance to a NEWT class didn't help matters much. He didn't know whether the lessons were of any benefit to the third year, although today's particular one should prove to be more interesting...

Rodrick eyed what looked like a wooden training dummy as he entered the room, everyone around him stood and stared before the Professor followed them in, urging them to take their seats. Rodrick quickly listened, he watched amused as Daphne contemplated sitting next to him or Tracey before quickly setting down to his left.

"Tracey is going to feel left out," Rodrick spoke up, eyeing the red head as she sat down next to Parkinson. There was a betrayed look on her face, although it seemed more out of the fact she was forced to sit next to Pansy than anything else.

Daphne leveled a stare at him before she threatened to move.

"Your company would be missed dearly," Rodrick remarked.

"Oh shove it," Daphne shook her head, she chuckled at the surprized look on the boy's face.

"I am starting to think you don't enjoy my company anymore," Rodrick mumbled quietly.

Daphne had an amused smile on her face; she was about to say something else before the Professor spoke over them, she noticed him looking healthier, he'd had a sunken look the past couple of days.

"Today's lesson will feature a more practical side then theory," The professor started, earning everyone's attention. Lupin eyes drifted over each face, finding an excited tone to them. He frowned slightly when he saw Rodrick's bored look.

"The training dummy made that quite obvious," Rodrick drawled quietly, his head lay on top of his curse free hand.

"Behave!" Daphne whispered to the boy, "And sit up straight."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the girl, "What are you my mother?" he whispered back.

Daphne huffed.

"Today we will be attempting the Reductor curse, the same curse I asked you to look through foe your homework."

"We had homework?" Rodrick mumbled, "When?" He was trying hard to avoid snorting; he'd been in the hospital at that time.

Daphne turned to answer the boy before she rolled her eyes at his expression, "Pay attention!" she chastised again.

Rodrick shook his head amused at the girl's frustration.

"I think I preferred it when you were depressed," She accidentally spoke out quietly.

Rodrick stared at her, expressionless before he felt his head deflate onto his desk, on top of his arms.

Daphne sighed at him, "Sorry..."

Rodrick didn't reply; he watched as the professor explained the basics of the Reductor curse to the class, no doubt expecting and probably being right too, that half of them hadn't bothered to attempt to learn the spell.

"You will each be attempting the spell against this training dummy. Only the training dummy," Lupin warned.

Rodrick heard Malfoy snort several tables away. His mind went about the class wondering who Malfoy was about to hex 'Accidently.'

It turned out to be Longbottom.

When it was Malfoy's turn, he'd aimed the spell at the timid boy.

"I said you were to use it on the training dummy Mr. Malfoy."

"I did," Malfoy replied barely able to hold his laughter.

The rest of the Slytherin's surrounding Malfoy made no such attempt as they started laughing.

"We have such wonderful, respectable people as friends don't we Miss. Greengrass?"

Daphne looked towards the boy amused before she whispered back, "Indeed Mr. Grindelwald."

Rodrick moved his head up from the table before whispering back towards her, "You should be grateful you know."

"About?" Daphne asked back amused.

Rodrick moved towards her before whispering in her ear, "You wouldn't need to change your initials," before he swept back barely able to hold his laugh.

Daphne's eyes rose up in surprize; she could feel a slight tinge about to appear on her face, she had been about to retort back before she saw the boy's eyes, there was some life in them. More than recently. She shook her head instead at him before remarking, "True enough."

"That'll be 10 points from Slytherin, Mr. Malfoy."

That came off as a shock to the two of them; the defense professor had never taken points away, they turned and found out Malfoy had aimed the Reducto at Weasley following his 'attempt' to try again.

"I am doing what you said, professor!" Malfoy spoke up, laughing at the state Ron was in.

"Enough," Remus spoke thinly, frowning at the Slytherin's attitude.

Malfoy shrugged, "I am sure Rodrick will get them back anyway," he added on.

Rodrick rolled his eyes at the blonde.

"He's not wrong you know," Daphne remarked, smiling.

Rodrck rolled his eyes. "You're all comedic geniuses,"

The professor went around each student, telling them to attempt the curse at the dummy, he was pleasantly surprized to see Harry break off the top half of the Dummy.

After he'd repaired it, Hermione managed to break off its entire left side.

"Well done, 5 points to Gryffindor each," Remus spoke out fondly.

The Gryffindor's cheered at that, Rodrick turned to see Malfoy sneer at them, his chance to hit the dummy long gone. He watched as the rest of the class followed suit, some had managed to break off an ear or a hand. Blaise had managed to put a hole in the dummies chest. Daphne and Tracey had taken an entire arm. Their practice was certainly showing. Nott had managed to take an eye out.

"Rodrick?" Daphne called out, "Why don't you try it; you haven't had a go."

Rodrick shushed the girl, "My control right now isn't optimal... I am starving." He hadn't eaten enough in the morning, something he was quickly starting to regret. He watched as worry creased over the girl's head at that. "I can't exactly con-" He was about finish before the professor cut him off.

"Rodrick, why don't you attempt it?" Lupin turned to him, eyeing him curiously.

"I am not sure that's a good idea..." Rodrick started off quietly; he could see his housemates glare towards him, no doubt expecting him to get them some points. Sighing, he got up from his seat and aimed his wand at the Dummy.

"Reducto!" Rodrick called out aiming at the dummy.


Everyone stared wide-eyed at the spell, Rodrick heard Blaise snort out from behind, "The dummy, Rodrick, not the wall,"

Rodrick scratched the back of his head, trying and failing to hold his laughter.

"What dummy," Malfoy remarked, a glint in his eye.

Lupin stood there flabbergasted at the magical power shown, the boy's spell had ripped through the dummy, hitting the wall behind it... He stared open eyed at the large hole he'd created between the two classrooms, the other fortunately hadn't been in session.

"So... Does that get us any points or..." Rodrick chuckled as he heard Tracey ask the professor.

"Yes... Right, well, 10 points to Slytherin for managing to get rid of the dummy... And the wall behind it..." Lupin spoke, shaking his head, the boy really was in the wrong year.

Rodrick quickly settled back down.

"Can't control it right?" Daphne spoke, finishing his sentence for him, before she let out a small laugh.

Rodrick sighed as he covered his face. His stomach growling only made the girl laugh more.


He had been in the Great hall having his lunch, his group of friends sitting around him, sadly Daphne wasn't next to him, that honor for some reason fell to a Nott and a Davis.

He didn't mind one of them.

Daphne had taken a seat on Tracey's other side.

"Rodrick, are you even paying attention?" He heard Nott ask.

Rodrick stared at the boy with a straight face. "Nope,"

Nott nodded at that, "You're a wonderful friend sometimes you know that,"

"Only a Hufflepuff would believe that," Malfoy snorted from the other side of the table.

Nott rolled his eyes at Malfoy, he turned back to Rodrick he explained, "I was talking about Quidditch."

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that, "Why were you talking about that with me exactly?"

Nott stared at him blankly, "I am not sure."

"Speaking of Quidditch, Potter's playing this year," Blaise pointed out.

"So?" Malfoy spoke thinly, "What does that matter?"

"Something about us losing I assume?" Nott spoke out amused.

Malfoy rolled his eyes at him, "I doubt it, we have the better players and brooms."

"Well, we do have Tracey," Rodrick pointed out, much to the girl's embarrassment.

Malfoy twitched slightly; he was about to say something before his eyes caught something near the doors. A small smirk showed up on his face. "Rodrick," he called the boy out. His hand outstretched towards the entrance.

Rodrick, followed the gesture before he felt his eyes narrow. The two Ravenclaw idiots were currently annoying or harassing Astoria and Luna, if the Slytherin girl's face was anything to go by, it was the latter, just outside the hall... In full view of everyone.

"You'd think as Ravenclaws they'd learn from their mistakes," Blaise spoke out narrowing his eyes.

Daphne was about to get up before she heard Rodrick speak, "Stay, I'll handle it,"

Her eyes slowly widened, "You can't do anything in view... You'll get into trouble."

"That's why they're doing it in front of the hall, sounds like they are learning," Nott remarked.

"Too bad it's the wrong lesson," Rodrick sneered. He turned towards Nott before whispering in his ear.

"What are yo-" Nott started before he saw the look on the boy's face and agreed, 'This was going to be good...'

"Rodrick what are you planning?" Daphne asked out, curious and worried at the same time.

Rodrick smirked, "Just wait and see," he spoke, his wand out. Several of the other years surrounding them turned at the sudden proclamation.

Rodrick quickly set a disillusionment charm on himself and moved from his seat. Everyone watched as Nott slipped into Rodrick's seat and to their shock watched as he was transformed to look like him.



Mutters flung about as they saw the third year's face change. Daphne's eyes widened before she understood what Rodrick had done. She turned towards the door's and waited for things to start.

Nott was slightly confused at the sudden looks before Tracey handed him a small mirror. Panic ensued, "What if they blame me for what's about to happen!?" he hissed.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow before snorting, "Then you should take it as a compliment."

The group of snakes turned their heads to the door before they had to stifle laughter at what they saw.


Minerva had been sitting at the staff's table merrily talking to the headmaster before her eyes snapped to the doors of the great hall. "Albus..." She called out.

"Yes, Minerva?" The headmaster replied, curious at the sudden change of expression.

"Two student's have just disappeared..."

"Have they indeed?" Albus asked amused as his eyes swept towards the Slytherin table. He frowned when he saw Rodrick sitting there... He was almost certain he'd be responsible.


Astoria and Luna had been on their way to their table before they were accosted by two ignorant third-year birds, they'd been irritating them up until the point where they quite literally vanished into thin air. Astoria shrugged it off as she went inside the hall, Luna on her tail.

"That was quite funny; I didn't know Ravenclaws could disappear." She spoke to the blonde.

"I was not told about that particular ability," Luna remarked frowning. Wondering where she could learn it.


Rodrick had moved through the great hall under an invisibility charm. When he reached the two idiots harassing his friends, he walked behind them before he pulled them into the Disillusionment and silencing charm. He could see the distress in their faces, fortunately, no one else could hear what they said, one of their faces had paled when they were pulled, the other had let loose a profanity. Rodrick shook his head at their uncouth manner, to swear in front of a first year... Neither could see him, the Disillusionment charm he'd setup on them was separate to his own, it took more energy, but he'd rather not have them blame him with proof.

They can do so without proof.

He walked them both, after stunning them, inside the greathall, towards the middle before he started to slowly levitate them...

His work done, he quickly swept back to his table, standing right behind Nott before he released the spells surrounding the two third year Ravenclaws.

The hall stared with open shock as two third year Ravenclaws reappeared, stuck to the ceiling which had been enchanted to look like the sky...

They honestly looked like birds trying to fly.

"Look at that! Ravenclaws can fly!" One of the Weasley twins called out.

That was when the laughter swept through the great hall.

Nott snorted before he remembered what he had to do, he quickly moved back to his seat and felt the Transfiguration wear off, next to him the invisible Slytherin reappeared glowing with mirth.

Rodrick sat there for a few seconds before he joined the rest of his house in laughter at the spectacle, the two third years were openly calling out for help, one of them was screaming. He turned towards Daphne who had a mixed expression on her face, unsure if she should laugh or reprimand him.

Astoria and Luna quickly joined the table before they thanked him.

"How do you know it was me?" Rodrick asked amused.

Astoria rolled her eyes while Luna chuckled, "As If,"

Most of the older Slytherins looked at him with approval for managing to do that so subtly, his friends, however, mainly Malfoy started pestering him about how he'd done it. Rodrick sighed before he explained, quietly.

"Hey, can you make them fall from here?" Nott questioned eagerly.

Rodrick stared at him, smirk quickly appeared on his face. "You're still a Hufflepuff."


Minerva had been horrified to see the two student's dangling from the ceiling. When she turned to Albus he didn't seem to be worried at all.

"Albus, this is no laughing matter, what if they fall!"

"I am sure whoever put them up there, secured them enough to stick," Dumbledore spoke out, looking towards the Slytherin table, "Perhaps Young Rodrick is ready to have a chat now?"

Minerva eyes widened slightly, "You think he's responsible for that?"

Albus stayed expressionless, "Perhaps we should take down the two birds in the sky."

"Oh! Yes of course!" Minerva spoke out before heading towards the two students intending to take them down. Filius would've been the better option, but he was currently busy elsewhere. 'Perhaps it's for the best he wasn't around for that matter' Minerva reconsidered as she stared at the two descending Ravenclaws.

The rumors surrounding the culprit responsible slowly got out... It was either the twins or Rodrick. Some believed it was a team-based effort... That idea didn't sit well with anyone one... The thought of a Slytherin working with the two troublesome twins set everyone on edge.

No evidence, sadly, was ever found.


The Halloween morning came around quickly, Rodrick stared blankly at the top of his four poster bed. He'd started to have second thoughts about seeing Black... What if the man really was dangerous? What if his grandfather was wrong... Thinking about Voldemort, however, pulled a stop to it, if he couldn't deal with Black then getting vengeance on Voldemort was a lost cause. He sighed as he got up from his bed. Around him he could still see everyone else still fast asleep, considering their first lesson was history they were more than likely to continue that sleep in the lesson.

He went through his trunk and reached for the gift, he'd gotten Daphne the same one he'd gotten her previously, only this time he hoped it wasn't crushed... He changed into his robes and pocketed the item before he left the dormitory with his bag slung over his curse free shoulder. He mentally remembered his disheveled hair... 'Can try again tomorrow...' Rodrick mused as he entered the Slytherin common room.

Seeing none of the girl's he knew there, he took out his Arithmancy homework to look over.

It was about 10 minutes later before Daphne, her sister and Tracey had come down. Rodrick looked up towards the three before a smile etched itself onto his face. "Morning," he remarked. Receiving the greeting in return, He got up from his seat and moved over towards the three girls.

"Can I borrow Daphne for a second?" Rodrick asked, politely.

Tracey had a knowing smirk on her face, "Of course," she spoke out, trying to stifle a laugh.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the girl before he saw Daphne roll her eyes.

"Sure, I expect a reward later though," Astoria remarked.

Rodrick shook his head at the girl, "Subtlety is needed as a Slytherin," he remarked to the girl.

"Subtility doesn't get me candy," Astoria replied causing the three to chuckle, she quickly led Tracey away towards one of the game sets in the dungeon.

"So what did you need?" Daphne asked smiling. "Is there something you're forgetting?"

Rodrick rolled his eyes before he turned the girl around and led her through the dungeon doors by her shoulder.

"I can walk by myself," Daphne remarked laughing.

"Just keep moving Greengrass," Rodrick muttered.

As soon as they were out of the Dungeon, he took his wand out and cast a Disillusionment charm on them.

Daphne raised an eyebrow at him, "Is there a particular reason we need to be invisible?"

Rodrick followed that with a silencing charm before he removed the Transfiguration on his face, "That's why,"

Daphne nodded, the smile on her face growing.

"Come on then,"


"Somewhere we can breathe without snakes overhearing us," Rodrick joked.

"You put a Silencing charm over us," Daphne pointed out.

"Stop been stubborn and move," Rodrick groaned to the girl's amusement.

The two quickly found themselves outside, near the black lake under the familiar tree.

"We do have a lesson..." Daphne pointed out, wondering why they were there.

Rodrick shook his head, "A little patience is good Daph," he retorted.

Daphne huffed slightly but waited, she stared at the boy in front of her.

Rodrick gulped slightly as he moved his head towards the girl slowly.

Daphne saw him coming before placing a finger over his lips. "We have a lesson Rodric-" she started before she saw Rodrick bat the finger away.

"Oh for Merlin's sake, cooperate," Rodrick muttered as he locked his lips to the girl.

Daphne sighed before she cooperated.

Rodrick's hand reached into his pocket, taking out his gift.

Daphne felt one of his hands pass by her neck.

Rodrick moved away some of the girl's growing black hair, it'd already passed her neck, he locked the necklace around the girl's neck.

Daphne felt something tie around her neck, she pouted slightly when Rodrick ended the kiss, moving his head back slowly. Looking down however her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the silver locket dangling from her neck.

"This is-" She started, her eyes sparkling as she felt the locket in her hand.

Rodrick moved his fingers over it, opening the locket, turning it to face the girl.

"Happy Birthday, Daph," Rodrick muttered, a genuine smile on his face.

Daphne stared at the engraving before shaking her head slightly, beaming. It had both their initials, his own on one side with a small picture of him Transfigureless, hers on the other side with a picture of herself. Closing the locket she pushed herself onto the boy, grabbing him into a hug. "It's wonderful,"

"Well, yeah, that was the idea," Rodrick shrugged as he pulled back.

Daphne stared at him before a smirk slowly appeared on her face.


"You're a horrible a kisser."


The Halloween feast was slowly coming up, Rodrick and Daphne had been late to their first lesson, something Tracey hadn't stopped teasing the girl about, the teasing only increased when the girl had seen the gift. The three were currently in the great hall, Daphne and Tracey stared at Rodrick. He looked uncomfortable for a strange reason.

"Are you ok?" Tracey asked the boy in front of her, he'd been eating his food slowly before he suddenly started acting weird.

Rodrick snapped his eyes up, he stared at the two girls in front of him before he nodded slowly. He noticed, in the background, more and more students showing up to the hall for the feast.

"Whats wrong?" Daphne asked with a frown. Halloween didn't have a wonderful history at Hogwarts...

Rodrick shook his head, "I just feel weird staying here... I don't know why." he lied easily, a sense of guilt hitting him.

"Is it about that dream?" Daphne asked again.

Tracey's eyes widened slightly, "You never did tell us that, did you remember?"

Rodrick stared at them before sighing, "It would certainly help if I did... I just feel restless..."

The two stared at him worriedly, unsure of what to say.

At that point, Luna showed up to the table. She took the empty seat by Rodrick, she stared at him curiously.

"You should get some sleep," Luna remarked.

Rodrick head quickly turned towards the girl, before he saw the look in her eyes. 'Does she know?' He thought quickly before he saw her look away dreamily towards her food. 'Never mind...'

"Maybe she's right," Tracey added on agreeing with the girl.

Rodrick looked towards Daphne at that.

The girl raised an eyebrow before realizing he was waiting for her, looking at the other girl's expression she sighed, "Fine but no excuses next year," she pointed out, dramatically pouting.

Rodrick chuckled at the look on her face, "No promises," he retorted, causing the girl to huff. He slowly got up from his seat before leaving, he grabbed a covered sandwich on the way, pocketing it to his friend's amusement.

"Do you think he'll be fine?" Tracey asked the others as the boy left.

Luna nodded, "He took on a big snake I am sure he can handle sleep," she spoke amused.

"I am not sure Basilisk qualifies as just a big snake..." Daphne added on.

The two third years flinched when they saw Astoria all but run towards them, quickly swiping several pieces of dessert onto her plate.

"Control yourself..." Daphne chastised to death ears.

"I think it's a lost cause..." Tracey spoke up, failing to hold her laughter at the ravenous girl.

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