
Chapter 34

She practically stopped breathing as Kallaar offered her a square wooden box, beautifully carved with flowers and swirls. More touching still was the odd shyness that fell over him.

"I know we have been clumsy suitors," Kallaar said. "Especially me, despite all the training that should have made me otherwise. But know we both want you very much, my queen, and would be honored if you would take the pair of us to be your lovers, even if the law says you can marry only me."

Blinking back the sting in her eyes, Shanna opened the box—and stared at the two rings inside. One matched theirs exactly, the three stones set in gold. But the other was a traditional Remnien engagement ring, a beautiful white diamond surrounded by tiny pearls and set in silver. "They're beautiful." She sniffled as each man took a ring out of the box, with Ahmla sliding the Remnien ring on her left middle finger, and Kallaar sliding the Morentian ring on her right.

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