
81. Hollows.

With my increase in power my eyes could see everything for thousands of miles, down to the tiniest grain of sand in every direction.

Actual god like vision when I pushed it.

"Let's see, one...two...just two? The others must not be here yet. Seems fair, I am 400 years ahead of the story. They are only adjuchas too." Looking in a certain direction I quickly flash step towards hopefully my first recruit.

I arrive in an area were there are a bunch of dead hollows but no visible wounds on them.

Spiritual pressure if uncontrolled can easily kill off things like this. If I didnt control my pressure and stepped into karakura town then everyone would die around me simple having their soul destroyed from pressure.

Not as absurd as future Aizen where people literally get turned to dust just being near him bit still pretty bad.

In the center of this killing field a dog like creature raises its head looking at me curiously before shock appears in its eyes and it bounds over excitedly. Tail wagging and everything.

"Your alive!" It says happily in much to my shock a female voice.

"Yes I am, your spiritual pressure is killing everything around you ya know?" i ask the dog, wolf, coyote hollow.

"My what?" It tilts its head cutely to the side.

"One second." I raise my spiritual pressure. "Do you feel that?" I ask.


"Your doing the same thing, you need to control it. Try to feel what I'm doing and lower the pressure your emitting." I raise and lower my pressure a couple of times around the hollow.

"Hmm like this then?" The large pressure around the area dwindles.

"There you go."

"Ah thank you, I've been really lonely with everything dying around me. Nobody to talk to." The dog like hollow says sadly.

"I see well why don't you come with me, I can teach you things and I'm currently working on recruiting people. I'm more than happy to be your friend, and I can take you away from this desert." I ask.

The tail behind the creature literally reaches sound breaking speeds in wagging. "Really? I can come with you?" She asks excitedly.

*Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom*

"Yes, that would be fine." I laugh as the tail booms out little sonic waves.

"Great! Great! That's so great!" She shouts hopping around excitedly. Kind of reminds me of an over excited puppy.

"Indeed it is. My name is Ryan by the way and you are?" I ask.

"Starkk, my name is Coyote Starkk." She confirms.

Well I guess it could be plausible after all Starkk did split off an entire little girl to have a companion, could change the gender I suppose.

"Well nice to meet you, let's head over to pick up our second friend. Hopefully they are as happy to see us as you are." I chuckle.

My eyes pinpoint the next target which hasn't moved and I doubt is going too anytime soon.

"Do you know how to use sonido?" I ask Starkk.

"Yeah, I know." She zips around with a buzzing noise, exactly like a playful puppy.

"Perfect, our next candidate is this way." I buzz off towards a new direction Starkk happily following behind.

A couple hours later we arrive in front of a very recognizable tree. A soul fruit tree, however it seems kinda deadish. Well more deadish than usual.

Hanging upside down from one of the branches is a large bat like hollow whose massive ears turn towards us. It has no eyes or mouth instead the front of its face is entirety smooth.

"Hello there, you are quite far away from any kind of hollows in this endless place." I call out. This was true as this hollow was far very far away from any kind of structure or place hollows spawned and there was even less soul energy in this area. How they made it here I've got no idea.

The bat creatures head tilts to the side.

I can however feel the tree giving off some ambient soul energy.

Unlucky fellow, can't eat or see, no one for hundreds and hundreds of miles to talk to.

Doesn't even have hands! Just bat wings!

"Anyway I came to offer you a new place to live if you wanted, with people you can talk too. Plus it's much better than this shitty desert. Lots of soul energy too which is what that tree your standing on is releasing. It helps to keep hollows basically fed and alive and helps them evolve into higher forms." I explain.

I however don't expect any answer as that would be impossible.

"If you like I can show you?" i open up a portal to my internal world.

"Oh that feels nice!" Starkk says bounding in happily.

The bat creature shifts its focus, well head, towards the open portal.

"We can also take your tree along if you wish, I have quite a few if them myself. In a healthy place they produce fruits. If you don't like it you can Uhh tell me somehow and you can come back here with your tree." I offer the bat.

It takes a second but it nods its head before falling to the ground and landing on sharp talon like feet.

"Want me to take the tree?" I ask.

Another nod.

I put my hand on the tree and transplant it to the internal world.

"Well let's go then." I say and wall into the portal. The bat creature follows.

"I put your tree over here, if should start to grow or heal soon due to the rich spiritual energy in the area." how it can tell I have no idea. Maybe sound waves or sensing the soul force of the tree.

It flaps its wings for a second before landing on the same branch as before, then scuttling around slightly perhaps to get comfortable.

Ah this place feels like heaven next to that sandy hell of a desert. I'm so used to the rich soul energy flooding into my body at all hours of the day I had forgotten what not feeling it was like.

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