
Magical Metals and The Alliance

(Loki's P.O.V)

"Will you stop that?!"

I shouted at Thor, who was annoying me by nervously tapping his foot on the floor. He thankfully did, only to start again a second later. I had half the mind to blast him away but mother would probably chide me for it. 

"Brother, have I ever told you I value your counsel?"

The foot tapping stopped but Thor's words shocked me. He turned around to address all of us.

"Truly, I value all of your counsel. We've fought, bled and laughed together. In all those years my one constant dream has been to never fail you. To be the friend that you've all been to me."

The words flowing out of his mouth were totally unlike Thor. Thor only got like this very rarely. He continued amid our stunned silence. All of us dumbfounded except for mother who had a proud look on her face.

"And now I am at a crossroad. Just know that any decision I make is for the betterment of Asgard and most of all, you my family."

He finished, particularly looking at Sif. 

The wide doors opened up just in time and in walked the source of some of my most recent headaches. I shook my head to get rid of my concerns over Thor's strange behavior.

My thoughts fell unto Jin Anderson, a strange…mortal? No not a mortal. Anything but that. His power and casual dismissal of Asgard was a testament that he was anything but. 

That said, he was in essence still a human and I couldn't accept that a human could possess such power. 

Even with humanity's low potential, he'd still managed to make it this far. I was a god. What did that mean to me? 

I still had room to grow stronger... and that day in the arena - I never wanted to feel such despair again. It was time for I Loki, to live up to my true potential. After that, Asgard would land in my hands. After all, this human was only prancing about the palace like he owned it, because he was strong. Strength was his backing.

Strength would also be my backing to the throne.

(Jin's P.O.V)

Last night was epic. After my talk with Sif, I'd made it back to the banquet room and partied all night with the guys. Then I'd been led to a room which looked straight out of heaven to sleep. 

Come morning, I'd decided it was best to keep my adventures on Asgard brief, hence I went to see the Queen. I was getting a little impatient to see Rick. 

The wide doors to the throne room, opened and I walked in. There was a little tension but I ignored it. The royal family, as well as the warriors three and Sif were all in attendance. So far apart from Odin and Heimdall I'd met everyone important in Asgard. 

I bowed a little at Frigga and Thor immediately stepped forward. My eyebrows rose up.

"Morning Thor. You look a bit... nervous."

I of course knew what he wanted but I wanted to let him stew a little. It's not everytime you see a god of Thunder looking flustered and unsure.

" Nervous?! Me? No you must be confused my friend!"

He shouted while shaking his long locks of hair. Damn, he had really great hair by the way.

"Oh ok, then. For a minute there, I thought you were worried about something. Glad to see it's nothing."

I intoned, acting clueless. There were a few snickers from the others and I fought to hide a smile as Thor fidgeted.

He cleared his throat.

"Well actually...there's the simple matter of my hammer..."

He sheepishly said. 

" Thor...you have to understand, I won that Hammer in a fair battle. Asking for it back is kind of..."

I trailed off. Instantly the nervous look on his face intensified.

"While I agree that I lost the bout, there must be something else I can trade you for it."

Loki was smiling behind him which earned him a pinch from Frigga. He winced in pain and a disgruntled look appeared on his face.

"I don't know...what can you offer me, Prince Thor? Your mother already owes me over 10 barrels of Asgardian mead."

"10 barrels not more."

Frigga added with a smile. Apart from that she looked content to let Thor take lead.

"Oh my mistake your highness. However, your son is asking for a lot."

This back and forth went on with Thor, who finally decided he'd had enough.

"Fine. What do you want? I can't allow Mjolnir to stay in your care as that Hammer is as much a great weapon as it is a symbol for strength in Asgard."

A smile bloomed on my face.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. That seriousness and commanding tone. For a second there you looked like a king."

His face was marred by confusion. 

"Don't look so confused Thor. I just wanted to see that steel you showed on our last battle."

He sighed in relief as his smile came back. A portal appeared by my side and Thor's smile threatened to split his face in half. He reached out a hand and a second later Mjolnir blasted out of the portal in a sudden motion.

' I believe the hammer leaving was your doing?'

Zoren's voice sounded in my mind. He was using telepathy to communicate.

'Yeah. I decided it was time for Thor to get reunited to with his precious weapon. You should see him now.'

I sent over a mental picture of Thor caressing Mjolnir and smiled when I heard Zoren chuckle.

"Thank you. Truly."

I nodded. 

"You're welcome Thor. Now then, your highness. I believe it's your turn to hold up your end of the deal."

Frigga motioned and 10 barrels of mead appeared before me in the same swirl of color as the bifrost.

"Thank you."

I snapped a finger more for the theatrics than anything else and the barrels disappeared into my inventory. I then turned to look at all of them for the final time. It was time to go and deal with the smartest man in his universe. My little adventure had gone on for too long.

"Well. It's been a blast. I'll see you guys whenever."


Thor's voice dissuaded me from leaving just yet. 

" On behalf of Asgard, I would like to form a diplomatic relationship with you Jin."

I had the half mind to refuse but Zoren's voice cut me off before I could make that decision.

'Foolish disciple! You are now a realm lord. Although you're not interested in such things, in the future you might become responsible for an empire. Hear them out.'

Zoren was right of course. I just didn't want the stress that comes with managing an empire and in my eyes, this alliance seemed like the prelude to such things. 

" What will this alliance entail exactly?"

"A sharing of information, cultural interaction and allies in war."

I nodded in thought.

" I'm curious about something, are you requesting an alliance with me or the earth by extension?"

Frigga stepped in.

"You're a realm lord. It took me a while to get an accurate reading on your energy signature but once I did, it was clear to me that Asgard would benefit greatly from this association."

"What about Odin?"

The queen looked back at me deadpanly.

"What about him?"

I couldn't help it, I laughed.

"Ok. I'm cool with that. An alliance sounds good to me. Anything else?"

Thor looked unsure at this point but after Frigga placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, his expression turned to one of quiet resignation and determination. Which confused me.

"As our ally, an Asgardian emissary is entitled to visiting your realm for cultural interaction."

An annoyed feeling started blooming inside me. I knew where he was going with this.

" Hence, we request that you host Lady Sif for the duration of an undefined time, to properly interact with you, your people and your realm."

Everyone started shouting in outcry. Everyone except for Frigga and Sif herself, who was looking shocked.

"That is preposterous Thor!"

"I beg you to reconsider!"

"That is a bad idea."

" Are you mad brother!"

"Everybody shut up!"

Thor finally said.

"I told you all earlier that everything I do is for the betterment of Asgard. It's not a rash decision."

" A decision that you saw fit to make on your own."

Sif's icy voice sounded. Unlike the others she wasn't outraged. Instead her face was cold. Thor flinched before recovering.

"Sif I..."

"It's not Thor's fault, child. I made the decision."

Frigga softly told Sif, whose face changed to a betrayed one.

"You will understand in the future."

"A vision then?"

Sif asked reading between the lines.

Frigga's nod confirmed her conjecture and the betrayed look on her face changed to one of quiet acceptance.

Meanwhile, I was on the side like...'What The Fuck! My mind was in turmoil. What had Frigga seen to decide that Sif needed to come with me? The gift of foresight was often times complicated because of self fulfilling prophecies. So the question is, did I want to risk more complications in my life on account of an alliance that was already becoming troublesome for me? Fuck that.

"Ok. First of all, I haven't agreed to that so I fail to see..."

" 500 kilograms of refined uru metal."

My words were suddenly cut off by Frigga's. Well, that changes things. Uru? The magical Asgardian metal that was no doubt on par with the Orichalcum from Atlantis? Zoren would go crazy for that and sure enough,

'Jin, I don't care what you do but procure some of that metal.'

" 5 tons of Uru."

"That's too much. 1 ton."

I smiled.

"Your majesty, Asgard is a prosperous empire. Surely 4 tons is not asking for a lot."

" 2 tons."

"3 tons and a monthly quota of 15 barrels of Asgardian mead."

" 2.5 tons and 10 barrels."


I finally agreed.

"I'll get someone to organize it and bring the metal here."

Frigga told me and left with Sif in tow. It looked like they were going to have a conversation. The others also left but not before throwing complicated looks in Thor's way.

"You should probably go talk to them."

I told him.

He sighed.

"Yes. I guess you're right. What about you?"

The portal from earlier opened up again.

"Whenever Sif is ready, tell her to use this portal to get to my world along with the Uru. Meanwhile, I have a few things to take care of on earth. Goodbye Thor"

I told him and teleported. 

Uru got me thinking - vibranium was also a very precious metal. What's stopping me from getting some to take back to my realm? I sighed and appeared before a land of greenery and purple shades of plants. From Asgard to Wakanda.

At this point, it was like I was actively trying  to be put off meeting with Rick.

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