
Punching A Bear

(Starrk's POV)

"What the hell is going?!" i yelled out as I dodged the a swipe of the bear's claws, "Where did this bear come from?!"

"Subdue the bear and prove to me that you're worthy of Ice." I heard the old man say

I took a step back and saw the bear look at at me as it snarled. It was huge, larger than I expected. Truthfully, I've never seen a bear before in my life and hoped i never did. Only fools want to encounter one.

I looked past the bear and saw the guys just looking at me with bewilderment.

"Subdue?" I asked the old man, "What does that mean? Give me my fucking sword!"

He shook his head, "You have to do this with your bare hands, boy."

"What?!" I exclaimed

The bear then stood up on its hind legs and let out a booming roar.

"Dammit!" I cursed as I looked at the beast

It the lunged at me and swung its arm at me.

Instinctively, I raised my arm to block it. I felt as the claws tried to dig into my skin as it struck me. I braced for the impact, knowing that a full grown bear was strong enough to kill a regular human with a single swing.

"What?" I said surprised I wasn't damaged

The bear growled at me but didn't follow up. It looked as if it was taken aback.

"You stupid little…" I said as I pulled my fist back, "Fuck off!"

I swung my fist and struck it in the side of the head. I felt as its skull cracked a bit and the bear was sent backwards. It hit the ground with a massive thud.

I watched it in awe. It didn't move at all.

"Did I kill it?" I said

"Holy hell!" I heard Ricky exclaim, "You fucking killed a bear with a single punch!!"

The others were murmuring something amongst themselves.

I looked at my arm, it didn't look like it had any damage at all. I was completely perplexed at this. I was strong enough to beat a bear easily? How the hell?!

The old man chuckled, "Your body is strong, boy." He said, "But I said to subdue the bear, not kill it."

I gave him a scowl, "Forget that!" I exclaimed, "Give me Ice back!"

He reached back and grabbed the sword. Then with with one arm he flung over him and threw it towards me.

"Here." He said

I caught it with one hand and looked at it. It didn't seemed damaged, despite being in the ship when it was getting bombarded.

I looked at the old man, "That's it?" I asked, "That was your test?"

He shook his head, "No." he said, "You proved you have the body to wield Ice but not the mind. Meet me at the port town tomorrow, we shall take a ship and go to my home island. There is where I'll truly test you."

He turned his horse around and took off in a gallop.

I merely looked at him as he slowly disappeared from sight. The horse was kinda fast.

I looked over to the guys, they looked at me with pure surprise.

Liam them cleared his throat, "Ahem." He said, "I guess we have bear meat now."

I sighed,

"I guess so."

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