
Chapter 116: Haruhime

Lying down in the wagon I got comfortable.

The other filing inside and doing the same.

After two weeks in Melen for our vacation we're finally heading back to Orario today.

Which I am looking forward too.

Since while vacation has been fun, home is where the heart is.

Not to mention I can't wait to see Rose and Shakti.

Once everyone was settled in the carriage it started moving, and we got on our way.

Leaving Melen behind us.

As we did I glanced at Ryuu, and deciding on something.

Moving I placed my head on her lap. Which caused her to get a massive blush on her face all the way to her ears.

"Morax, what are you doing?" She shouted.

"Nothing. I just want to use your awesome thighs as a pillow inside the hard wooden floor of the wagon is all." I casually said. "I can stop if you want."

"No, just....give me some warning next time." Ryuu whispered.

"But then I wouldn't get to see such a cute side of you." I replied.

Which only made Ryuu's blush deeper, and her ears twitch.

"Hey, enough with the pink zone you two." William complained.

But Ryuu and I ignored him.

As she settled down I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep on one of the best thigh pillows I've ever had.


My eyes shooting open I saw up.

Since I sensed killing intent being aimed in my direction.

Looking around I saw we were still on the road back towards Orario.

And since the road between Melen and Orario is regularly cleared of monsters due to the guild, the killing intent can only be coming from one source.


"How many?" I asked.

Since everyone else was on alert as well.

"I'd say about ten, no fifteen in total." Gaul said. His ears twitching as he tried to used his enhanced animal hearing to give us an estimate of how many enemies there are.

"Echidna, Rogue, Ryner, and William. Protect Athena an the wagon. Everyone else, we're taking out the bandits directly." I said. Grabbing Vortex Vanquisher.

These bastards picked the wrong people to fuck with.

At my words everyone nodded.

Once they did so all that was left to do was wait.

Which we didn't have to do for long.

Since ten minutes passed and then people jumped out of the trees and bushes along the path, surrounding the wagon in a matter of seconds.

"No one will get hurt, so long as you do what we say." A male voice called out.

Standing up I exited the wagon.

As I did so I did a quick survey of the situation.

'Fifteen bandits, just like Gaul said. All of them are surrounding the wagon, which means we don't have to deal with any long-range fighters or attacks.' I thought.


Going around to the front of the wagon I saw the driver's entire body shaking. I gave him a reassuring smile, before turning my attention to the leader of the bandits.

It is a huge man made of muscle, and standing at about 188 cm tall.

Which makes him close to my own height of 191 cm.

He is wearing a cocky grin on his face.

"So, they sent you out to negotiate huh?" The man asked me.

"Nope." I said. "I just came out first to assess the situation. And it's just as we thought. There is nothing to worry about." I said.

As I did so a vein on the bandit leaders forehead popped.

"Fucking brat!" He spat.

He then picked up the large sword planted in the ground next to him and pointed it at me. "Got anything to say now?!"

"You're annoying. So die." I said.

I then stabbed him straight through the heart with Vortex Vanquisher before he could even react.

Pulling out my spear I gave the signal to the others.

"Start the party!" I shouted.

When I did so I heard them move out and start dealing with the bandits.



"No, wait. No!"

The bandits begged for mercy but we showed them none.

I quickly made short work of the ones in front of me. Then I regrouped with the others.

"What do we do with the bodies?" Diluc asked.

"Echidna will use her magic to burn them. Then once we get back to Orario we'll make an official report to the guild." I said.

Since bandits on this path would be bad for both cities.

The others nodded at my words.

After they did so we checked on the driver.

He was fine.

So then we prepared to get moving again.

Only to stop when we heard a rustling in the bushes.

Turning in its direction I had Vortex Vanquisher at the ready and approached the direction the noise came from.

I got closer and closer, and when I was close enough I moved the bushes out of the way to see a dark brown sack of all things.

And it was moving.

Ryuu and Leonmitchelli arrived at my side and gazed at the sack as well.

"So, what should we do with it?" Leontmichelli asked.

"I say we open it." I said.

"But we have no idea what's inside, it could be dangerous?" Ryuu said.

"While true, you just said we have no idea what's inside Ryuu. So let's open it and find out before we do anything else." I said. "I'll open it. Watch my back." I told the two of them.

They got their weapons ready.

After they did so I untied the sack.

When I did so the thing moving around inside crawled out, and my mouth almost hit the floor when I saw who it was.


It looks like we just killed the bandits who were going to sell her in Orario, where she would then become a slave to the Ishtar familia.

Turning her gaze in our direction, Haruhime flinched back in fright.

"Hey, it's ok. We're not going to hurt you." I said.

I then leaned down toward her and extended my hand. "We're not going to hurt you. Promise." I said.

Haruhime stared at my outstretched hand for several long seconds.

But eventually she took it.

Once she did so I lead her back to the wagon and introduced her to the others.

"So cute!" Millhiore and Echidna said in unison upon seeing Haruhime.

They then started cuddling her and the like.

Seeing this I put a small smile on my face.

"Alright. I think we've wasted enough time here. Let's get a move on." I said.

Once I did so William went to go sit up front with our driver, to protect him in case we run into anymore trouble.

The wagon then started moving again shortly after.

As we did so I noticed Haruhime smiling a bit as Millhiore and Echidna played with her.

Good for her.

After what she's been through the girl needs some happiness.

And if I have anything to say about it, it will stay that way.

I think we just found a new familia member.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

The story never really specified when the bandits when Haruhime arrived in Orario, so I decided to do it like this in my story.

Also my main focus will be on this fanfic, and another one.

A One Piece fanfciton I am working on known as One Piece D. With the Strongest Crew.

Check it out.

Also give me power stones and reviews or I will curse you will erectile dysfunction.

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