
Chapter 85: Filvis Gets Her Answer

(3rd Person: POV)

In her room Filvis was preparing for bed, when she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Going to answer it, she saw it was Alise.

"Yes Alise, what may I help you with?" Filvis asked.

Doing all she could to stay calm.

Even though on the inside she was a nervous wreck.

Ever since her confession to Alise about her feelings that day atop the clocktower, Filvis had become even more conscious of her captain.

She was sure everyone else in the familia and goddess Astraea noticed it as well by now. But she is grateful they haven't said anything about it.

Otherwise she might die of embarrassment if she has to explain the reason she is avoinding Alise like she has been.

"Hey Filvis, can I come in?" Alise asked.

"S-sure." Filvis said.

She then let Alise into her room and closed the door.

Once she did so the two of them took a seat on her bed.

'Alise, on my bed.' Filvis thought.

She then did her best stop imagining herself pushing Alise down right now and having her way with her all night long.

'No, stop it brain. Bad thoughts. Since when did I become so lewd?!' Filvis thought.

"Filvis, are you ok?" Alise asked.

"Yes." She answered. "So, what brings you here?"

"I have come to an answer about the confession you gave me." Alise spoke.

As she did so Filvis went completely rigid, and focused on nothing else but Alise.

"I see." Filvis said. "So, what's your answer?"

"Well first off, it was really difficult for me to come to this decision. I was struggling with it ever since you told me how you truly felt about me. But once I talked to Astraea and the others about it things became much clearer." Alise explained.

"You told them?!" Filivs asked.

Alise shook her head. "They saw how awkward the two of us were and confronted me about it. So I had no choice to reveal the issue." She admitted.

Hearing this Filivs put a wry smile on her face.

Since she knew how her familia members could be when one of them had an issue or a problem.

Especially Kaguya and Lyra.

They wouldn't back down no matter what.

"I understand. But so, what is your answer?" Filvis asked.

Not saying a word Alise simply smiled.

She then leaned in close to Filvis and...


Planted a soft kiss on her lips, before slowly backing away.

"Does that answer your question?" Alise asked.

"Uhuh." Filivs said.

"So, I want to give this a try." Alise spoke. "I can't promise we'll be together forever. But I really want to see where this goes." She explained.

"Sure." Filvis spoke.

"Great." Alise said. "So that means you're my girlfriend now. My, how lucky you are to be dating the great and beautiful me." She said, puffing out of chest.

"Yes." Filvis answered.

She then tackled Alise onto her back and started kissing her with all she had.

Because that kiss Alise gave her and the words she just said unleashed Filvis caged desires.

And now that the genie was out of the bottle there was not putting it back.

"Filvis, wait." Alise said in between kisses.

But Filvis ignored her and continued kissing the red-head.

Alise tried to escape, but was unable too.

Forced to deal with the monster she let loose.


(Morax: POV)

Moving through the streets with Millhiore and Ryuu I held bags full of food in my hands.

Since today is the today the three of us are doing the grocery shopping for the house.

As Millhiore collected the last bag we needed from a local vendor we started making our way home.

In doing so we ran into Alise and Filvis.

"Hey guys." Alise said.

"Hey Alise." I said back.

Noticing how her and Filvis hands were intertwined.

"So, are you two out on a date?" I asked them.

"Yep, we sure are." Alise answered without hesitation.

"Eh, you two are dating now?" Millhiore questioned.

Filvis and Alise nodded.

"I see. So everything worked out for you Filvis. I'm glad." Ryuu spoke.

"Eh, Ryuu why are you not more surprised. Morax, you as well?" Alise asked us.

"The thing is Filvis happened to come to the two of us before she confessed to you for some advice on how to do so and we gave it to her." I explained.

"Yes, and I very much appreciate it." Filvis said. "So once again, thank you." She spoke.

Slightly bowing her head as she did so.

When Filvis did this however the three of us noticed a red mark near her left collarbone.

"Filvis, your hickey is showing." I whispered to her.

As I did so she got a blush and then quickly moved to cover it up.

"Oh Filvis, no need to be so embarrassed." Alise said.

"Yes Alise, there is." Filvis retorted. "I don't want people seeing what you gave me. I want such things to stay between us."

"Alright." Alise spoke.

The two of them then started to create a pink zone around themselves.

"Well then we'll see you guys later." I said.

After I did so Ryuu, Millhiore, and I started heading home again.

Leaving the happy couple to their own devices.

As we did this I once again gave a salute to Lefiya.

Since her potential love interest has already been claimed by someone else.

And I just have this feeling that Alise and Filvis are going to be together for a long time.

Kudos to them.

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