
A Daughter's Compromise

A/N: Night night~ I hope the mass update was good enough~ If you like it, do vote and review the novel.


Michi had shown time and again her desire to reconnect with Mai. She loved her daughter but whenever they faced one another, Michi would reach out and Mai would falter. Most of it was due to her past. Despite being unwilling to admit it, Mai would be lying if she didn't resent her parents. Coddled by everything but affection, Mai grew from a metaphorically cold place and thus was molded by the coldness itself. That's why 'heat' attracted her. Opposites attract.

Warmth, gentleness, rage, ferocity... such aspects of life drew Mai in as if a sloth moth to a peal of flames.

As she entered the room in her usually baggy crimson robes, Mai made sure to close the door behind her and lock it to prevent anyone from disturbing them until at least they sort this... situation out.

Eyeing her insatiable mother, Mai kept a cool and collected gaze. It was as if Mai was observing two strangers with interest.

Nik held Mai's gaze over Michi's shoulder, his hand over Michi's butt squeezing the slightest bit further as Michi tried her level best to not further humiliate herself in front of her daughter. But neither Mai nor Nik would have it any other way as his thumb pressed against the rims of her butt hole and spread her out slightly, causing Michi to quiver by the sensation of it.

"So... that's what you got? You can make others hornier?" Nik questioned. The mark over Michi's crotch was the same that Mai had gained over the period Flower of Fertility had control over Mai but she shook her head, not hiding her special skill, a form of energy bending any longer.

"The flower named it Pleasure Sensitivity... to further encourage acts of sexual nature, the flower would sometimes either possess men or women and dial their sensitivity to pleasure alone upto ten times. But..." Mai's gaze flickered.

"Like all bending skills, you have to spread your will. That's why bloodbending is so hard to perform and probably your skill is similar... you either somehow overwrite your will on someone else or they agree to have themselves marked," Nik instantly understood due to his own life being influenced by bending arts.

Mai nodded plainly as Nik cocked his head curiously, "With how this skill is... why'd you go through all that? Because controlling a body is hard due to one's own will... your skill is basically useless."

{A/N: If it still isn't clear, all spirits bend energy. Thus, their skills, in this fanfic categorize under energybending. From Koh's face stealing to Yue's moonbending and now this. But Nik had the Freedom Paradox Source. Those skills that affect his metaphysical aspects, like face stealing, are not usable, however, healing from Moonbending and Mai's skill that affect the body will.}

Revealing herself to be more than just a slit to be prone boned for hours and then creamed, Mai's eyes glinted coldly as she made her way towards her mother and gently tugged back her hair. The 'pain' sent Michi over the edge once again. By her daughter's touch, the woman came onto her lover with a drawling moan that resounded within the room.

"That flower never told me that. I'm no bender, I could not have expected such limitations!" She practically hissed, "And I... wanted to hurt someone using this skill."

Nik finally frowned and slapped Mai's hand away from Michi, "Hurt someone?"

Instead of getting annoyed, Mai looked at her hands, a heavy blush beginning to flush her cheeks but she felt a little... envious and appreciative of how Nik would rather keep her away should she prove malicious to her mother. Exhaling a sharp sigh, Mai whispered, "Not mom, of course. Just someone. The thought interested me. I wield a knife... but what if the person I killed died with a smile? With pleasure instead of pain?

That was my original thought. Obviously, the Flower of Fertility played me... I shouldn't have ever believed its words."

This was classic— making the deal with the devil without reading finer prints.

Certainly, Nik was amused by her dilemma and realized why she refrained from revealing her gains.

Yet, it still didn't explain why Michi accepted the mark willingly.

Answering before he could question because it was kind of obvious, Mai sat on the bed and looked at her mother's unfocused expression, "When she said... she'd do anything and all I need to do is give the word... everything came rushing back. I wanted to return all of it. Pay them back for all the dull... lifeless days. Discipline them. Father is well... useless. Kai shouldn't be allowed to smile.

That left Mom so I thought the same thing again. What if her punishment is different from mine? What is she could smile?"

With a twisted and perverse intent filtering her gaze, Mai leaned towards her mother and pecked her cheek softly, "If she doesn't mind being an unfaithful wife, I don't particularly care for being the perfect daughter. This... broken thing might just work this way. And right now, I wouldn't have it any other way."

Vigor returned to Mai's eyes and she asserted, "I want her to feel as pleasured and broken as you left me that day... I will be here, paying for my sins right next to Mom."

With that, Mai disrobed herself, revealing her tone and lean physique with the... mark of pleasure on her body, too. Her breathing shuddered as Mai's eyes began growing hazy, "I've dialed it up to five. Both of our pleasure senses. No matter what you do, the both of us won't feel a hint of pain..."

She exhaled hotly while sanity returned to Michi as if her sensitivity was dialed way ahead of five.

"Huh?" Michi looked around with a stunned gaze. Her eyes instantly fell on her remarkable body and memories returned to her. She blushed deeply, but Mai leaned down, pressing her lips over Michi's, making Nik rockhard the next second for he had indeed floundered a bit while Mai explained herself.

The lustful heat saturated the room as Michi let go of Nik's blood-smeared pecs and coiled her arms around her daughter eventually. As the pair shared a lasting kiss, their bodies shuddering with passing second as they felt five times the intensity, Nik didn't wait any longer. He could play with Michi as he saw fit later. They could cuddle later.

Right now, he had an extremely emotional and sensational mother with her sensitivity dialed up by five times waiting to have her 'sins' absolved and given how much Nik had longed to fuck Michi again, especially after that painting, he didn't wait any longer and slid his scrumptious treat into her soft and layered walls as the woman's eyes widened and she released a heavy moan into her daughter's mouth.

Michi had been the one to rekindle his passion fully indirectly, and Nik now thrust into her generously. Passionately.

He, low-key, wanted to experience what five, or even ten times sensitivity feels like but he wasn't the one in need to be tended to but the pair in front of him was. As Michi experienced shocking orgasms while clenching over him and taking him balls deep, her ass shook as she began to gyrate her hips on his lap. Michi's eyes pointedly narrowed down with pleasure as her hands began to lustfully explore her daughter's body who couldn't help but mewl, "Mom~!" Soft gasps escaped both of their lips as Michi hugged Mai tightly.

This time, Mai didn't take a step back.

"I'm here, Mai," Michi cried out in pleasured moans. Whatever she may be feeling, everything turned into pure pleasure under Mai's mechanism.

Both of their breasts pressed together, Michi's being considerably larger than her daughter's to the point Mai couldn't help but squeeze them with a slightly envious and annoyed look. Even with the pleasure wreaking through her body, Michi managed a sincere giggle, "Oh, darling~" She lovingly kissed her forehead, "You really never change."

The maternal sigh made Mai look away in embarrassment and she tweaked the sensitivity higher. Michi's expression instantly morphed to a slutty moan and she collapsed on Nik once again who only scoffed as he realized what had happened.

"Come here," Nik eyed Mai and commanded, deep down unsure if Mai would even listen in the first place. Fortunately, she did. As if a tamed puppy, her naturally narrowed eyes a bit wider, "What is it?" Although her tone remained languid, her eyes sang the tale of hope and expectations to get similar if not 'worse' treatment than before.

Tugging her chin, Nik pulled her into a kiss as Michi threw her head back with a shuddering orgasm rocking her world.

More than willing to even out the playing field, Nik whispered, "How long does that mark last?"

"Depending on the initial test, an hour unless I spend more energy," Mai whispered.

"Mark me," Nik narrowed his eyes.

"What?" Mai's eyes widened.

"I can't be breeding your mother if she's cumming all the time and I'm left enjoying clenches and shivers," he growled with his other hand smacking Michi's butt, "You want it, right? Your mother filled and satisfied... mark me."

Before he could say anything further, Nik felt a connection being established between himself and Mai. An extremely brittle and weak connection that could be broken off with a surge of chi yet he allowed it until...

A red sun tattoo appeared right near the base of his dick. He couldn't see it with Michi bouncing up and down on him frantically as she felt another orgasm building while Nik instantly groaned. His expression turned into a struggling one. He didn't question what level of intensity his body was tweaked to and directly pushed his tongue into Mai.

In an instant, the trio experienced a mind-numbing orgasm. As Michi drenched the mattress with her juices, Nik filled her to the brim with his seed but there was more to go where it came from. A lot more.

Shifting their positions, Nik soon had Michi on her fours as Mai stood on her knees in front of her mother. As Nik kissed Mai over Michi and fucked her furiously, each thrust causing her soft, meaty butt to tremble, Mai had her pussy eaten out by her lustfully crazed mother.

If this wasn't the best bonding experience then Nik didn't know what is.

His seed was forcefully pushed out due to the sheer amount that packed this beautiful mother as Nik grunted again, staying within her with his thighs shivering.

Today... he might face the end of his endurance way quicker than ever before.


Now laying beside Mai as Michi was on the other side, despite their room filled with the heavy scent of sex, the trio had long woken up. Although Michi and Mai felt some discomfort after all had passed, their lower bodies feeling numb and slightly sticky due to still warm and virile seed within them despite the slightly dried plug of cum, they just lay in each other's arms.

Mai was hugged from both sides but didn't speak due to embarrassment.

Even Nik couldn't get it up as it had been more intense than the night where Katara began bloodbending.

Now that Nik thought about it... bloodbending felt more like a form of energybending that could only be achieved during the full moon. This made him wonder if there is a spirit who can bloodbend at any time of the day...

Pushing away needless thoughts, Nik groaned comfortably, "Mai... your skill is the best!"

He truly enjoyed himself thoroughly. Although his penis now felt a little sore... it had been a great experience nonetheless.

"I see," Mai took the compliment as calmly as possible, already reverting to her usual self as Michi chuckled, "I'm just happy... we are in this bed together. It makes me feel we are one big happy family."

With that, she suddenly took Mai's ear between her index finger and thumb before twisting it down harshly, "That said... I lied. Now that everything is cleared up, you are going to be disciplined for letting Tom-Tom go despite my instructions!"

Mai's eyes widened in disbelief as Nik chuckled.

He was more than happy to make things chaotic.

"Say, Mai... do you want to see what your mother sent me?"

Mai: "...!!"

Her eyes widened as she gazed at the scroll while Michi blushed deeply, feeling all her momentum as a 'mother' being swept away and she instantly tugged on Nik's ear this time.


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