
Chapter 7

Misty pov

As I looked at Mark and Leaf laying down in the sleeping bag together with Mark's arm over her pulling her in to his body I stared to wish that was me but I don't want to come off as a easy woman and there is more to this then him just making me feel safe I also see how he cares for his pokemon and even the ones that he just meets as he feed them and lets them play with his pokemon.

one week later ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In this past week I have trained my three pokemon down the path I want them to go down with Aron I want him to be the heavy hitter on my team but with this path I also need him to be able to take just as much as he can put out so I have been putting him into fight with other pokemon with him taking two or three hits before hitting them back so in this kind of fights he would be getting used to being hit and helping develop his defense.

With Aron's attacks I had him work on his stamina and his energy control so he can last longer in battle and get the most out of his moves I also had my father help me get some gravity braces for my pokemon and me so we can help our body's get stronger.

With Squirtle I had her work on her water control and I also have her trying to increase the water pressure so his attack's like water gun when she is done with that part of the training we moved on to moving away from the other pokemon when she is in her shell and shooting out water from the sides for her to move faster.

Now on to Gastly with him we have been working on his ghost energy and getting control over shadows. With the shadows he will be able to stay out of his pokeball and it will make him are to hit and to see how he is going to attack in a battle.

Now with his ghost energy this will allow us to weaken the other pokemon and let us hit harder with the move hex. now over this week all of my pokemon have learned a move or two like Aron learned rock tomb and metal claw. Squirtle did not learn a new move but she did learn to split her water pulse up to three times to she can attack pokemon that like to move around a lot. Then we have Gastly that learned Hex and will o wisp and can now stay in my shadow.

All of that was just the stuff I helped my pokemon with I have also been spending time with Misty and Leaf and let me say over this last week with me spending most of my time with pokemon and then leaf and Misty has made me feel closer with every one.

With Leaf I have been helping her with her pokemon and helping her find new one's for her team but just like Misty they both do not like bug pokemon that much so we just trained her two pokemon and when we where not doing that we where spending time together talking about what kinds of pokemon we want on our team and what she wants to do in life. So with all the time we spent together we both know we like one other.

I also spent some time with Misty and as she said her dad is a elite four member so I did not have to help her train her pokemon as she said her dad made her learn ways to train her pokemon as we where talking about her dad i asked her " why do you want to fight your dad?"

As I asked that she look at me and Said " when I was little I have had this dream of traveling the world and training new pokemon and when I told my dad this he made me a deal he told me as long as i can show him that I can train strong pokemon and have my pokemon trust me he will pay for my trips and i took that deal and from that day on I spend most of my day just taking care of my pokemon and thinking of ways to use there moves in new ways."

with that said we got up and packed up our camp and started walking to the next town.

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