
24: I'm making witchers

(three days later)

It's been a long three day but it's finally time, but these three days have been eventful

as I was able to make new weapons for myself

The first was a scythe with red glowing blades and a cool design, I call her Carnage


Like my old one it's a high frequency scythe and thanks that this world technology I was able to make a strong matel that could handle a high frequency, it also has the ability to charge up like my old one and create explosion but I've also add a feature that allows it to take in oxygen from the air and store it so that when it explodes it releases the oxygen and the explosion becomes ten times bigger and stronger and it can connect with my chain like my old baby could... But I had to sacrifice its ability to fold up because the only thing that fold is the main blade

Then there are my guns Mercy and Ruthless

Mercy is a gun that function just like Dominate and Ruthless like Sever and they are just as powerful if not more, I made a few designs improvements, like to charge a shot that's three seconds instead of the old ten and a few other features that I'll tell you about later


Ive also been checking on the three as they seem to be getting along well, I've been getting them food and all the things they need even made Mercury new legs as I used the same design as Ruby's but slightly less powerful, as he cried thank me that he had legs that he could feel and got them new clothes

Ruby has been asking me questions on what am I planning but I always say that she has to wait but other then that it's been a slow three days

As I looked outside the sky had turned dark, I nodded and jumped out of the window turned into roses and disappeared in the night and appeared in the abandoned factory as I got a seat and waited with my eyes closed as Oscar was the first

"so how many can I expect"

"everyone was willing to get on board, but Weiss, Nora and Ren I'm not sure of, with the two having children and the other having Ironwoods old job, are you sure it was wise to tell Weiss she does work for the government directly" Oscar said as I looked at him 'I'm planning on using her'

"huh if she does say anything, we will have to get rid of her" I said as he looked at me but nodded understanding that her life is not as important as the lives of a hundred 'if she says a word to anyone I will ruin her reputation, then kill her or get someone to do it' I thought as they began to pour in as I closed my eyes and waited a Weiss came in with Ruby, Blake and Yang as we waited a few minutes more since Nora and Rén where still not here

"ahhh ruby I don't think" Oscar said but I cut him off

"the are at the gate it seems that they got lost" I said as I finished they walked in

"good it seems that everyone is here so now we can get started, firstly for those who don't know me my name is Ruby Rose from a different world but since there are two ruby's you may call me Reaper" I said with a smile

"now I'm sure your all wondering what Oscar was talking about when he said that we have a way to make you all stronger, to be able to push back the grimm and Salem" I said as they nodded as I took out a bottle

"all will be explained in time but, the thing I ask is that are you willing to give up your lives in order to stop Salem, to risk everything to have the power to at least stand a chance against her and her new grimm, do you have the will to fight on even when all hope is lost" I said as I stood on the chair as I used my light to make me seem like some sort of saver

"huh Reaper we already here we've agreed to this already" ruby said ruining my speech

"well sorry for trying to give you a way out, anyways after this there will be no turning back, from this point you are in the Creed for the rest of your lives, so if anyone feels the need to leave you may" I said as no one left

"good, now everyone hold on to me or someone how is touching me" I said as some of them did as I asked and some didn't

"just do it" I said as they all did this including Oscar

"miss rose what is this-" he was cut off as we all turned into Roses and disappeared and appeared in the forest as they all looked around amazed as some began to vomit since they where not used to this form of transportation

"if you all are done get on the ship, it will take a five hour to get to base and I want to introduce you to your new team members before we can get this little project underway" I said as I went inside the bullhead with Oscar following me in as we went to the cockpit as I waited for everyone to get in as I closed the hanger doors

"huh everything is a go" I said aaa I took the controls and blasted off extremely fast as I began to fly like a mad man

"miss rose I don't think that's necessary, it's like this is your first time flying" he said as he held on to his seat and began to strap his seat belt

"oh it is" I said as he looked at me as his face changed from a smile I fear

"ohhh don't worry I've seen enough clips online, this maybe my first time" I said as I laughed as the ship did a nose dive but I brought it up

"we're going to die"

"hehehe no your not" I said I did a sharp turn

"so this is how I die huh after surviving death so may time I will be taken out by a child" he was like this the whole trip but I couldn't blame him I'm a shitty flier since there was a lot of screaming from the back as we got to base I forgot to lower the landing gear again and crashed as the ship slid through the dock

"huh another successful landing" I said to Oscar as he was frozen in place as I left went to see everyone as they looked worse for wear

"meet me outside when you have recovered" I said as I walked out and outside see Mercury and Emerald standing outside the ship

"you really do suck at flying, I mean when you told me that you were flying back I real thought you were going to get everyone killed" mercury said as I looked at him shutting him up as he took a step back

"shut up both of you and go get neo" I said as they simply left

"so many times, I thought I was going to die"

"uhg Oscar why didn't you fly"

"I didn't feel like risking distracting her for a second and I was to busy watching my life flash before my eyes"

"ahhh looks like you all okay" I said with a smile

"yeah where is this place" Weiss asked

"a hide out that I've made my own, or one of the many forgotten bases that Atlas made and forgot about anyways I've wiped every piece of data about this one and five others, now lets" I said as we made our way to the brief room as I went to a chair and sat on it

"reaper what are we waiting for-" Ruby was cut off as the door opened

"sorry we're late, finding this one was hard the you might think" Mercury said as everyone turned to him

"Ruby, what is the meaning of this!" Weiss shouted as she went for her sword but stopped

"I broke them out of prison since they have qualities that all you possess in order to survive this and would be a great asset in this war" I said as I released my darkness stopping them in place but soon stopped as Neo went up to Ruby and bowed

"ohhh are you saying sorry, ohhhh don't worry about it, it was just a misunderstanding hehehe" ruby said as neo just looked up, smiled and hugged her 'to forgive her so easily'

"you are very weird Ruby but anyways, you all have been hand picked to undergo our super soldier program" I said as they all had questionable looks

"what I thought all those programs where shut down" Blake was the first to say as I nodded

"ohhh they are but I, in my genies, have created a serum that will give the drink will have they power multipled and some buffs" I said as I disappeared for a second and reappeared with a case as I took out one bottle

"what kind off buffs"

"well if i where to give this to a four year old child with zero training, that child would be able out last, over power and out run a first year in Beacon academy" I said as this shocked them

"there's no way, how can you kn-" Weiss was cut off

"yeah this is not the first time I've made this, in my world I have already give it to some and have seen the changes first hand" I said as I began to monolog about my creation as they all took a bottle and drank it as I returned to reality, I looked at them as they all had empty bottles in hand

"AH WHAT THE FUCK" I shouted as Ruby

"what I thought this is why you called us here" she said with a smile as I slapped my forehead


"yeah we've been though so much crap that we really don't care" Sun said as he held hus hands behind his head as his team and everyonenodded

"oh my gods I surround by idiots" I slapped myself again

"wait what are the side effects" Weiss said as I nodded

"well imagine you where set on fire, all you bones are constantly being broken and fixed, your muscles are being torn apart and healed same with you organs then times that by te and then there's what I call sensor overload"

"that doesn't sound so-"

"all at once"

"oh shit"

"yeah and theres the chance of death"

"WHAT!" they all shouted as I released my darkness shutting them up

"oi who the fuck are you shouting at, I was going to tell you all this but you decided to rush" I said stopping my power as I crossed my arms

"wait wait what about the buffs this maybe worth it" Sun said as I nodded

"Superhuman Physique and Physiology that depends on your body but the minimal is about a 10 time multiple and the max is a 30 times maybe more

Hardened Bones this is the same for everyone, you will be to jump off Beacon with zero aura and land without breaking any bones and move on like nothing happened

Enhanced resistance to poison and disease deathstalkers poison would fill like a bee sting after a while so you need to build you tolerance

Superhuman Agility depends on you really but its will still be a large increase

Accelerated Healing with this you'll be able to heal and survive injuries that would be fatal to normal human but if your luck you regen abilities should be able to heal you way faster than normal

Extended lifespan you would probably live for centuries without aging

Enhanced superhuman strength depending on you really but the minimum is time 10 the max is time 60

Enhanced Superhuman Stamina same as strength minimum times 10 max tims60

Superhuman speed same as the previous two

Enhanced Senses you have the sensor ability of a faunus but times 10 more powerful , oh and I feel sorry for Blake, Sun and Ilia life's going to suck for a few days

climate adaptability

Increased aura"

"yeah worth it, so how do we not dead" Sun said as I looked at him with a smile

"simply fight it and don't give up, oh yeah it about to begin in three two one" I said but nothing happened

"huh looks like we're-ahhhhhhhhhh" Sun said as he dropped to the floor with the rest following as the dropped screaming in agony

"ohhhh and this is going to be a week long thing so sorry not sorry" I said as I took them all to there rooms and went back to Oscar

"okay I have a week to show you how to make this like experiment of mine and give you tips on how to not lose contro"

"hy Ruby before you call this something what was it"

"oh yeah, I've decided to call this little thing a Creed and since there are basically not going to be human after this I may as well start looking for a name for them"

"how about Rogues"

"huh not bad Oscar, oh and what was your cover up for 17 of the best hunters disappearens" I said as I sat down and took out a book and hand it to him

"I told everyone that there I found a grimm nest filled with the new-types, my self and the teams will be going to eliminate them before they become a problem" he said taking the book

"huh that actually smart and if someone where to die" I said as I disappeared and reappeared

"I would say they die in action now let get started shall we" Oscar said as I dropped a three hundred page book in his hands

"this book contains everything you need to know, I've even add poison that will temporarily increase there abilities" I said as I walked away from him

"where are you going"

"it seem Atlas rebuilt Penny and have been experimenting on her, so i'm good to get her back simple" I said as I checked my guns

"what about them" he said as he pointed at the monitor with the teams

"they should be fine for the first day, but we will start seeing problems on day two" I said as I left the room as I turned into my rose form and made my way back to Atlas as I got to the main building I didn't want to make a fuss so I just went into the air vent

'they should be keeping her on the lower level' I said I just shot straight down into the ground till I got to a dark room with a green light at the end

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