
19 - Back to School

Fang finally returned to school after almost a month. However, since his classmates had visited him regularly, he didn't have any problems mixing in. In fact, he was welcomed with open arms and somehow, the delay in his return was also attributed to Wade's tantrum, since his initial leave was only for two weeks.

It was probably Pax's doing. Fang wondered if he should feel sorry for Wade...but when the latter saw him at school and immediately threw a book at his head, Fang lost whatever little goodwill he had left.

The flying book projectile was caught by a man in a black suit and dark glasses, who appeared next to Fang immediately. From the silver hair and caramel skin, Fang knew it was Wolf.

"Young Master Fang, it appears that this school is full of hooligans and unsafe for you. I will report this incident to Master Ren and arrange for your transfer immediately," Wolf said loudly, ensuring that the principal and Fang's class teacher, who were passing by, heard him clearly.

The two of them rushed over immediately. CEO Ren, after all, was their golden goose, and this golden goose treated Fang like an ancestor. If Fang was unhappy and left, CEO Ren would probably withdraw all the orphans and all the funding he'd allocated to the school and hand it over to another school! That was over forty students and the entire new science laboratory!

"What happened?" the Principal demanded angrily.

"Wade threw a book at Fang," a student spoke up. "This guy caught it, or Fang could have been quite injured."

Wade had managed to annoy a lot of people recently and his reputation was at an all-time low. He had been in a really bad mood since his confrontation with Ren, and since then, Ren's gatekeepers had refused to allow him in several times. This had been seen by his classmates, too. Worse, Pax had blocked all the credit cards Ren had given him and stopped his allowance. This had led to almost all of Wade's so-called friends deserting him, since he couldn't buy them things anymore. Wade had never felt so humiliated in his life. He was too angry and upset to continue to pretend to be a kind and generous guy any longer. Seeing his true colours, even more people started moving away from him.

Wade blamed Fang for his predicament. If it hadn't been for this orphan that appeared out of nowhere, would his Big Brother have treated him so harshly?

And yet this Fang was so pampered...he even had a dedicated bodyguard! Wade had never had one!

"Detention, Mr. Wade," the Principal ordered. "You will also write a five hundred word apology to Mr. Fang by the end of the day."

"I'm not apologising to him! He stole my Big Brother from me!" Wade hissed.

"If you had the slightest bit of affection for your brother instead of treating him like a cash machine, you wouldn't be in this situation," Wolf said in a matter of fact voice. "You caused Ren's injury to relapse and now he's confined to a wheelchair. A few months ago, he was shot and nearly died. Have you, even once, asked after his welfare or been concerned about him? You even refused to visit him when he was lying in a coma and hovering on the brink of death, and yet you resent Fang, who saved Ren's life? Do you have any grounds to stand on? What have you ever done for your Big Brother except mooching money off him and causing him grief with your callousness? What were you doing when your parents threw out your fifteen year old brother on the streets without a word or a penny for no fault of his own?"

Wade spluttered angrily. He was used to people being nice to him...but little did he realise that it was mostly because of his status as the cherished little brother of CEO Ren.

"How dare you speak to me like that?!" Wade shouted. "My brother will dismiss you!"

Wolf showed his best wolfish grin. "Oh, will he? Do you want to try?"

Wade pulled out his mobile and called Ren. He smirked complacently and switched to speakerphone.

"Yes, Wade?" Ren's tired voice echoed.

Everyone suddenly felt sorry for the young CEO.

"Big Brother, the lowly bodyguard you sent to protect Fang is bullying me! Dismiss him!" Wade sobbed pitifully.

"Wade, did you do something?" Ren sighed deeply. The exhaustion in his voice was quite apparent. "That man is an international champion and a close friend. He will not take action against anyone unless his charge is provoked."

"I didn't do anything," Wade cried.

"He threw a book at Fang," Wolf spoke up. "About 600 pages, hard Bound, from a distance of 4.3 metres and launched at 62 degrees at roughly 80 kmph. If I hadn't intercepted it, it would have hit Fang's left temple and caused a concussion, and the impact would have caused him to fall backwards and hit the ground, possibly causing further injury. I have the recording if you want to send it to the police."

Everyone stared blankly at Wolf before their faces morphed into an expression of amazement. Even CEO Ren's people were amazing!

Wade was horrified. "Big Brother..."

Ren sighed again. "Wade, isn't it time for you to take responsibility for your actions? Why don't you apologise? I will refrain from taking police action this time, but..." a hint of steel crept into his voice. "There will not be a next time. Fang is under my protection and no one is permitted to touch a single hair on his head - not even you. I will also have a chat with your class teacher and principal separately. A reputed school like yours can't be so lacking in discipline."

Ren disconnected the call.

The principal looked at Wade hatefully. This boy had nearly ruined everything!

"Detention for three days and I'm calling your parents!" the principal told Wade and stormed away before the boy could object.

After all, money talks.

Wade glared at Fang, but didn't dare to say anything.

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