
Mystery Solved

All the students quickly follow the duo into a medium sized classroom filled with short wooden tables, small plastic chairs to sit on, and different spaces for children to hang around in. It even had cubbies in the wall for us to put our things in.

Anyways our MCS school day went as followed:


Listening to useless information from the teacher

Waiting for activities to start

Short activities start where MC is bored and finishes everything in seconds

Ignores everything around

Contemplation about the future


School Bell



School Bell

Listening to useless information

Ignore everything around

School Bell

Waiting for bus in order to get back to orphanage.


Once I reached my room I quickly went inside and jumped on my bed, "Augh! finally I'm out of that boring school, I seriously underestimated how boring that would be, I mean going over the alphabet and shit…wtf I don't remember 1st grade being that boring and useless…Well, I guess back then it wasn't that useless…"

Anyways after that experience I have decided that I will wait one week at the maximum. So, in order to unravel the mystery behind Tio-Sensei and then head out I have to be proactive. I honestly believe it should be enough time for something to happen considering the looks she was giving a few of the kids, including me.

Now in order for me to find anything I have to train something that I've been putting off for 1 year and that is to train my weird psionic energy that gives me 100% aim in order for me to be able to control it consciously. This would give me the option to direct my energy to my ears and nose and possibly be able to hear in on faraway conversations or improve my smell to such a degree that a slight odor is recognizable.

I quickly get up and focus on my ears in order to improve my hearing, but all I can hear is background noise; the doors opening all over the building, voices from the kids, and other such annoyances *SIGH* it seems that this might take a bit.


It's been 4 days and so far, I have advanced in my plan. I can now somewhat control what I want to hear. The first time I tried this I literally became deaf for 10 minutes straight. I could not concentrate my energy in what I wanted to hear around me, so I instead focused on everything and nothing.

This led to me listening to almost everything happening around the school at the same time which was like being next to a stereo speaker turned up to the maximum, and then the following second was pure silence like I was stuck in an anechoic chamber. This pattern kept repeating again and again and again until I had it under control.

When this happened my ears began leaking blood for a few solid seconds but after 5 minutes of freaking out and 10 minutes of intense concentration on what I wanted to hear I finally managed to only hear one voice.

And what I heard is "aah so that's the answer.... Thanks… Ah I see …here is the answer for that one," … yeah it was a one-way conversation of a 6-year-old student with another student cheating on his homework, I have to work on that.

Anyways now that I know I can "aim," my brain to what I want to listen to and I no longer need to listen to background noise, I should be capable of listening to a conversations by a few hundred meters at least.

Anyhow, the school day has just ended, and I am currently following Mrs. Tio and two other young students named Hiraku and Katsuro from 150 meters away.

If I use my Zenchigan and focus on their auras – which I will now call Aura Scrying – I can see the clearly green aura of Mrs. Tio and I can also see that both students have clear red auras surrounding them.

I have found that red auras typically mean one thing: POWER; it can be something like intense passion or anger but it usually it means destructive power.

Hiraku and Katsuro both have dangerous A-rank quirks, which are respectively iron control and wave manipulation, as in sound waves.

I've seen these two kids around the school, and they are both bullies, they usually like destroying or scaring the other children with their destructive and dangerous tactics. One can create iron blades in thin air from the metal in his environment and the other can send out sound waves from his mouth in order to punch a hole through trees and concrete.

Also, they are the only ones from my class which have A-rank quirks, not including me of course. However, just like them Mrs. Tio approached me and asked me something interesting 2 days ago.

[Flashback 2 Days ago]

It was now Wednesday, and I was currently getting up from my seat in order to have lunch in the cafeteria, when suddenly Tio-Sensei asked for me to stay for a bit after everyone leaves.

She came up to me and says, "Hey Ken-Chan I was just wondering what your amazing quirk is? I got a lot of praise from the other children that your eyes are powerful. I just want to know if we have a future hero on our hands."

Now obviously after I heard this, I was skeptical, after all no one other than Kimiko-Obaasan and Tsutomu-Jiisan know of most of my capabilities.

I replied, "Well I have great vision including 360-degree vision and some other power that the quirk doctor says is extremely hard to control, and no I don't really plan on becoming a hero in the future."

She is taken aback from my response; she was expecting me to boast about my awesome quirk like most kids nowadays do and to also want to become a hero or something in my future.

After a few seconds of silence and surprise, a face of doubt crosses her pretty face, she then asks "Hmm? Are you sure, I heard that you have a strong quirk?"

I reply, "Hmm well the doctor said something dumb about energy in my body or something, but I don't really care about my quirk all that much, I'm just going to write some manga in my future."

This got a response from the pretty teacher and that was a split second of condescension before it returned to a fake smile.

She responds, "Oh wonderful! Well ill now let you go get some lunch; I think I've kept you long enough."

As I walk out the door, I focus my hearing on her voice and she lowly says: "Damn brat wants to be a mangaka when he has an A-rank quirk? What a freaking waste."

[Flashback End]

Anyways after that enlightening conversation with Mrs. Tio I think I have an idea of what is happening here, and the answer is quite simple. Mrs. Tio is a recruit for some unknown group.

It's quite common for groups and gangs to recruit people with strong quirks because you know, they are usually the backbone of a gang. I mean if you have a group of complete weaklings in a gang… yeah that's not going to go well, and it never does.

I read about this in my research of this world's unique history and quirks. I found about this phenomenon on an online article about the Hierarchy of Quirks.

Overall, my research is going so smoothly due to the fact that there is a small computer lab in the orphanage with 5 desktop computers; and if Kimiko-Obaasan or Tsutomu-Jiisan deem you smart enough to use one the computers, you are allowed to have 1 hour a day on the computers. I usually use my time to follow important events in the world and to research into the history of this world.

{Hmm let's see which group she's a part of.}

After 10 minutes of tailing the student-teacher group they finally reach their target, and I have to say I did not fully expect this. They reach and enter into the tall doors of a tall skyscraper with the name of its company on it: DETNERAT.

On the outside it's a simple company building, but I know better. This company is merely a front for the fucking META LIBERATION ARMY!

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