
Devastation, Pt 3

Valkyrie squadron flew straight through the glowing atmospheric shielding and right into the hangar bay itself. Their plasma lances tore into any active turrets and drones, even as the few remaining drogar pilots scrambled to their fighters and mecha.

Not that many got a chance to even lift off and fight back.

Freya charged at a half-ready mecha still standing in its station. She thrust her Gungnir forward and jammed it into the mecha’s open core, and pinned its pilot to the seat. One moment later, she yanked her spear free, which caused the pilot’s blood to gush outwards.

More importantly, she completely neutralized the mecha by wrecking its piloting core.

Nearby, another mecha had powered up completely, and ambled out of its station. Its pilot didn’t hesitate to equip its underslung rifle, and opened fire on Freya’s Varulv.

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