
Search & Rescue, Pt 4

With the Imperial frigates and fighters completely occupied by other Republic forces, Freya and Lucifer were able to engage with the mecha on the ground.

They were stationed at the base of the cliff, near the center. There, they guarded a massive siege piston pointed at a large and incredibly thick armored bay door set into the cliff itself. The piston charged up with a long whine, and once it hit its peak let all its energy loose.

The heavy ball head on the piston itself shot forward and smashed into the bay door with a resounding VHONG. And further dented the door right in the middle.

Shockwaves of energy rippled across the ground as it struck, and caused loose dust and debris to jump up in the air. Even the cliffside itself was shaken deeply by the strike, and numerous rocks and stones tumbled down as they loosened.

The entire piston slid back down into its barrel with a deep hiss even as it began to gather up energies for yet another blow.

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