
Chapter (Two Hundred) Twenty Three: I want my friend back

Navaya was roused from her slumber by the sound of knocking from the other side of the door. Groaning, she sat up in bed and stared bleary-eyed at the room she was in. Her eyes felt scratchy and she was sure if she looked at her reflection in a mirror, they would be puffy and red.

The knocking persisted.

With great effort on her part, she peeled herself off the bed and trudged to the door, opening it without much fanfare. At the other side of the door was Johnny, his hand poised to knock once more.

She leveled him with an unimpressed look that could make a man squirm from its sheer intensity but Johnny looked unperturbed by it. He was so used to her giving him hostile stares that he was practically immune to her glares. 

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