
Chapter 42: Strange Demons

Cerant left him and Sorin to it and went to go rejoin Neikirk, who was crouched before the body of a white demon. There was a troubled frown on his face and his Alchemist Eye glowed brightly enough that violet light bathed part of his hand. "What's wrong, Neikirk?"

"Something about these demons, Master…" Neikirk hesitated a moment. "There is something familiar, and something very wrong, but I cannot think what they remind me of." His frown deepened, but after a moment he shook himself and stood. "How are you, Master? When that demon grabbed you …"

"Yes, speaking of that—was I seeing things in what I thought were my last moments alive, or was I saved by a demon?"

Neikirk nodded, shook his head, then sighed and said, "You are not imagining things, Master. A demon lord has been fighting on our side. I saw him shortly before I cast the lightning, and saw him leave off the other demon he was fighting to save you. After he killed that one, he vanished."

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