
Soothing Relaxation

The next day, Max and Scarlet had settled down for the night as it was getting late. He also managed to massage three girls as promised and was now finishing his last client of the day, Aurora.

{Oohh! I'm telling you, Max, your hands are magical.} The lucario said, sitting on her belly with Max massaging her neck.

"Thanks, you're the tensest one so far. If I didn't know any better, I'd say some of those knots were almost unbreakable."

{Sorry. I guess years of bottled-up emotions can do that to a girl, huh?}

"You don't say? At least it means I can fondle you more."

{Tsk. Idiot.} Aurora replied with an amused smile.

"Heh heh. At least I can joke about that with you, unlike a certain Lopunny."

{Let me guess, you had a lot of trouble with her?}

"Since I loved giving her a massage, I wouldn't say I had 'trouble,' but let's just say that I almost had to fight her to keep it 'professional'. I mean, there's no way I'd get her to change her aggressively seductive ways, not even in a hundred years, but the goal is to try and heal her body in some way. Also, you were waiting for me, so..."

{Oh, boohoo.} Aurora mocked him playfully. {Are you really about to complain about your team abusing you?}

"Big talk for someone who has her neck in between her trainer's hands."

{Ha, you wouldn't even make it crack.}

"I could strangle you."

{Like hell you could.}

"There's always a way."

{Why are we even talking about this anyway?}

"Heh, sorry. That was my dark humor getting out of hand."

{I know you were joking, but jokes are meant to be funny. Like 'ha ha ha' funny. At least, in my opinion.}

"I've never really been good at that, so I'll stick with what I know."

{That's not true. You've made us laugh lots of times.}

"I do? I wasn't really trying to be funny."

{That's why it is funny. It all just happens naturally. You're the kind of person who's not funny when he tries too hard.}

"Gee, thanks," Max said sarcastically.

{What? You always say that you appreciate honesty.}

"Yeah, honesty that goes my way."

{What are you, eight?}

"I don't know. Would an eight-year-old be able to please you the way I do?"

{*sigh* I guess not.}


{And this is the part where I choose to be an adult and let you take the win.}

"Works for me. Would the 'adult' be so kind as to turn around or does she not want another serving of butt massages?"

{Why? It's not that I don't like it, but you already went there.}

"Bonny asked me like five times, so I ask just in case."

{Well, I'm okay. Thanks.} The lucario answered, turning so she's on her back and facing Max. {Although… I like it when you're very gentle with it.} She said with light seductive eyes.

"Heh heh, yeah you do. My Aurora is a fancy lucario. Bonny likes anything I do as long as it's remotely sexual. You, on the other hand…" Max said, starting to massage her chest area.

{I'm more like a stuck-up bitch?}

"Now that's just- Well, in a sense, a bitch is a female dog, so…"

{I'm a jackal, thank you very much.} Aurora told him, sounding almost offended.

"Yes, you're right. Forgive me, your highness."

{That's better. You avoided a nasty bite just now.}

"Biting the hand that's feeding you? That's not very lady-like, Aurora."

{Who said it would've been your hand?}

"What would it have been, then?"

{Hm… I don't know. Something more… chewy, maybe?} She answered, briefly looking down at his crotch area before staring at him with lecherous eyes.

"And risk losing it? No-ho-ho, thank you. Is that really a risk you want to take?"

{Hmm… Yeah, you're right. Losing the only good thing about you would be such a waste.}

"Yeah, a big waste."

{Funny, I was actually thinking it'd be a pretty small waste.}

"Small, huh?" Max repeated, staring at Aurora, faking to be annoyed.

{Hahaha. It's so easy to get under a guy's skin, especially if they're human.} Aurora laughed. {It's like size is the only thing that matters for you all.}

"As far as I'm aware, I'm big enough to make you scream in pleasure."

{I'm happy with what I have, I can't deny it.}

"And thus contradicting your own point."

{Not at all, because if you were to have a small dick, it wouldn't have changed anything between us.}


{Tsk, alright look. I like mating sessions as much as the next girl, but to me, our relationship is more than just sexy times. Sure, I enjoy it when I'm being taken from behind, but what makes it enjoyable is the fact that it's with you. Sex is great, but it doesn't help me see the real you, and that's what really matters to me.}

"...Wow, way to turn a simple conversation into a love confession."

{Well, excuse me for expressing my true feelings for you.} Aurora said, sounding slightly offended.

"I know, I really appreciate it, truthfully. For me, it's kind of the same thing. Even though it would be torture for me, if I weren't having sex with any of you, I would still love you all the same."

{The same intensity?}

"...You know what, scratch that. I would have loved you in a slightly different way, but just as intense as now."

{Hehe, nice recovery. But what do you mean by "torture?" If it weren't for us, you'd probably have your chance with other pokémon.}

"Really, Aurora? Having seven sexy beasts around me twenty-four seven and not being able to even touch them? Come on, get real."

{If I didn't know you, I would have suspected you to view us as pieces of meat to have your way with.}

"That's not true and you know it. But you girls are so pretty and sexy and… you're all like slices of cake; It's easier to resist it if it's not right under your nose."

{*sigh* I guess things turned out fine for everyone, then.}

Max then noticed Aurora looking away, almost looking down.

"You don't believe me?"

{Of course, I do. I… I'm just a bit scared that if for whatever reason I don't want to mate with you anymore, you will stop loving me, and I don't want to go through that.}

"You know all too well that I won't."

{I know, but I can't help it. You know that I still have a fear of rejection. I'm so emotionally invested with you that… if you were to dump me or leave me somewhere like with my first trainer, it would destroy me. Can you blame me for being so scared of that?}

"Of course not, Aurora," Max answered, looking into her unsure eyes. "It's completely normal. I know that despite me telling you that I'm not that kind of trainer, a trauma like that can't be forgotten so easily. And if you need me to reassure you from time to time, then I'll gladly do it."

{...Thanks, Max. It's hard for me to speak to, well, anyone so openly, but it just proves how much I trust you.}

"You know me, Aurora. If you want something to stay between us, just say the word. I bet that even you and the girls have your own little secrets."

{Eh, not that much to be honest. I don't think any of us are hiding anything from you. Or rather, not anything major.}

"Fair enough. I'm a lot of things to you guys, and confident is one of them."

{You're the trainer, it's your job to be confident.}


Max then massaged her for another minute before he finally finished.

"I think that'll do it," Max announced, extending one arm to help her sit up. "How was it?"

{*groans*It hurts a little.}

"That's normal. You might feel pretty sore tomorrow morning."

{I thought massages were supposed to relax our muscles.}

"Except I didn't do a simple massage, I conducted massotherapy."

{What's the difference?}

"One treatment heals your muscles while the other only relaxes them. I did the first."

{I see. Well, I guess I'd rather have a more functional body than feel sluggish for a few hours.}

"Glad to hear. Unfortunately, it'd be best to take it easy for a couple of days so your body gets used to your rearrangement."

{Damn. And here I was eager to get back to training.}

"Sorry, Aurora. I won't force you, but one wrong move and your muscles could end up just like before and I'd have to do the procedure all over again."

{I will don't worry. After all, it's as my trainer commands.} Aurora said in a fake-obedient tone before bowing.

"Hehe. That's a good girl." Max jested, petting her affectionately before looking at his hands. "And here's the flip side of massotherapy… I haven't had much practice." He added, wiggling his fingers around. "They're a little bit sore."

{To be fair, you didn't start with the easiest. Dusk had a little bit more area to work with than Bonny and I. But lucky you, it's just your fingers.} She told him, standing up from the bed to do some light stretches.

"If I keep doing that regularly, I should eventually get used to it."

{Good for you. Now… I don't know what to do. I… don't really have any plans for the day.}

"Same goes for Bonny and Dusk."

{Speaking of which, I've been meaning to ask for a while now, but how's Bonny's back?}

"Basically good as new. Pokemon are tough, and Bonny is no exception. Sure, it was just a bit fissured, but nothing too serious. It takes a lot to physically cripple a pokemon."

{Unless it's by another pokemon, you mean.}

"She got launched by a Metagross hard enough to snap a tree in half, a material that is a lot softer than the average lopunny."

{True. I guess she's pretty resilient for a non-steel or rock-type. Good to hear. Alright, I'll go meditate by a tree or something, since I have nothing better to do…}

"Yeah, go ahead."

{Thanks again.} Aurora said before leaving.

"No problem, beautiful."

{Tch, you would call me beautiful, pervert.} She jested before leaving the room.

Still on the bed, Max moved to sit at the foot of it and sighed before dropping on his back. Placing his hands under his head, he just stared at the ceiling, reminiscing everything that had transpired so far. He had a loaded bank account, a state-of-the-art high-tech portable shed, seven beautiful pokemon that he loved more than anything and vice-versa, lots of new things to see and places to discover… Right now, life couldn't be better.

{Daydreaming?} Scarlet said, who was now seated next to him and hugging from the side.

"You could say that," Max answered, stroking her hair.

{*sigh* I can't wait for my turn.}

"With the massage?" Max asked, with her nodding. "I'm sorry that you got chosen last."

{And here I thought luck would be on my side, but I guess not.}

"You rarely get selected last, though."

{Same goes with being first.}

"Ugh…!" Max complained. "It was the only way to make it fair for everyone."

{I know, I know. *sigh* I just hate waiting.}

"I'm aware of that, but please be patient this time," Max told her, making her sigh loudly in protest. "It's just one day. We can always do something else to pass the time."

{Hm…} Scarlet hummed in interest before rolling over and got above Max. {Like what?} She asked with a lustful voice.

"I know what you're thinking, Scarlet. As much as I'd love to, I'm gonna have to ask you to wait just one more day."

{Aaww, come on!} She complained in huge disappointment before sitting up on his thighs with crossed arms. {So that's how it's gonna be? Is today suddenly 'National Fuck Over Scarlet Day'?}

"Of course, Scarlet. I even dedicated a special holiday just so I could do that to you." Max retorted in a rather haughty and sarcastic tone. "I'm sorry, but my hips along with mini-me are still a bit sore from last night. I promise you that I'll be good to go by tomorrow."

{More waiting. Great.}

Briefly grinning, Max quickly moved up and grabbed her with his arms.

{Khyaa!} Scarlet lightly screamed while being tossed on the bed.

As soon as she was lying on her back, Max slowly crawled over her.

"Quite the spoiled little pokemon I got here."

{I'm not spoiled, I'm just… waiting for you to touch me.} She said with her arms above her head.

"You want me to touch you? Like this?" He asked as he gently traced his finger across her chest, brushing the side of her crest before stopping at her belly.

{Haaa… You bastard. Why are you trying to turn me on?} She asked with a mix of upset and pleased expressions.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Max then moved his head towards her neck before giving it a gentle lick.

{Aahh!} She moaned very softly.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Max grinned and did the same with her crest.

{F-Fuck! N-Not there…!} She cursed in pleasure, grabbing the sheets beneath her.

"My fingers and hips may be a bit sore, but do you know what's not?"

{W-What?} She replied, trying to regain her composure.

"...My mouth and tongue." He whispered in her feather-like ear.

Max's words instantly triggered Scarlet's body into a state of euphoria like a big dose of aphrodisiac running through her veins, immediately heating her up and getting turned on for real.

{What… What do you have in mind?} She asked while rubbing her legs together.

"You already know," Max answered with a devilish grin.

Slowly moving down, Max gave her crest a few licks before moving further down, pleasuring her even more. Now all the way down south, Max kissed Scarlet's pelvis, half an inch away from her genitals. He then decided to tease her a bit by kissing all around her crotch area without going further.

{For fuck's sake, just go down on me already!} She urged, her burning pussy leaking juice.

Half complying, Max stopped the kisses, but just so he could blow a bit of air onto her womanhood.

{Ahh…! Godamnit! Why are you doing this to me?!} She inquired, twitching from intense unfulfilled pleasure.

"Consider this your punishment for your disdainful attitude with that girl, Julia."

{Oh my god! I hate you, with every cell of my body!}

"Glad to hear it," Max replied, faking to sound happy. "In all seriousness though, are you okay down there? Are you in pain?"

{*groan* Just a little, so don't hesitate to dive that stupid face of yours all the way in.}

"Did anyone ever tell you that you suck at negotiations?"

{Shut the fuck up and eat me, goddamnit!}

"Haha. Zero shame. Alright, I'll comply before you get an aneurysm."

Max then slowly lowered his lips towards her lower white lips and started kissing it. Starting off slow and gentle was still not enough for Scarlet, but she knew that if she pressured Max to go harder, he would just tease her all over again, so she tried to muster as much patience as she could. His kisses then went a bit stronger as he began to lightly suck on her clit, much to Scarlet's delight. Then, unexpectedly, he left and quickly pressed his tongue at the very base of her slit and moved upward, touching her clitoris along the way.

{Yes! More! Give me more, please!} The gardevoir begged.

Barely aware that she spoke, Max repeated his last action, pressing a bit further in between her lower lips. Since Scarlet was the type to get wet rather quickly, he was able to savor the taste of her juices with his licking.

"Your taste is so lewd. I love it."

{I… I don't care. Just… make me come, please.} She begged even more.

"*sigh* Foreplay is so hard with you when you're horny. Alright, fuck it."

Deciding that he had teased her enough, Max went over her clit and began to assault it with his tongue.

{Oh fuck!} She moaned loudly. {That's it! Just like that! *squeal*} She expressed, putting her hands on his head with crossed side-eyes.

Now grabbing her legs, Max became more relentless with his licks and added a bit of sucking to the mix again, almost as if he was literally eating her. Even though it wasn't his dick, Scarlet had finally received what she was craving for.

{Fuck yes! Eat me, you perverted and dirty human! Make your mistress come!} She trash-talked while pressing against his head a little.

Too lost in pleasure, Scarlet wanted a little bit more and began to fondle her own crest with her hands after getting them wet with her tongue.

{Fuck! Fuck! I'm… Almost… Hah…! I'm… coming! AAAAAHHHH…!}

Due to Max's intense tongue, it didn't take Scarlet even twenty seconds before she reached her climax. Clenching her jaw and one fist to the extreme with a stiff body, Scarlet succumbed to a very strong orgasm that she didn't have all that often. The orgasm lasted what seemed like forever to where it even got stronger, causing Scarlet to crush Max's head with her legs. Half a minute later, her orgasm ceased and her entire body went limp due to exhaustion.

{Holy… *pant* shit! That was… something else…}

"...You could say that again," Max said, crawling to have his head facing hers. "If you were any stronger, you would have turned my brain into mashed potatoes."

Still panting, Scarlet stared at Max with half-closed eyes for a few seconds before pulling him into a fierce kiss. After briefly licking the back of his mouth with her long tongue, she broke the kiss and stared directly into Max's eyes, hungry for more.

{...Again.} She ordered.

"Really? You must be really sensitive after that."

{I don't care. I want you to eat me even more.}

"Geez, Scarlet. What's with you lately? Didn't meet your quota last night? Or with our threesome with Dusk back at the mansion?"

{I've never had one, to begin with ever since I joined you. And since you're not doing what I told you, I'll ask again nicely; Can you please eat me again?} She asked, almost sounding like a threat.

"You smell so nice and taste incredible, it's almost as pleasant for me as it is for you," Max assured her before going for another kiss.

Satisfied with Max's words, it was then replaced with passion as Max broke it a couple of seconds later. He then immediately went down on her once more, eagerly pleasuring his gardevoir with oral sex. It took Scarlet a bit longer to reach her second orgasm before begging Max to go for round three. Since he was still over her upon making her request, it didn't take much longer before she came again. This time, however, she somehow managed to get two orgasms simultaneously, to which she finally decided that she had enough to sate her sexual desire.

{Fuck… *pant* *pant*} She cursed with one arm over her forehead, a bit sweaty. {I don't know what's better; getting rammed by my mate or getting eaten by him.}

"Both have their benefits," Max said, lying next to her.

{Shit… *pant* Why are you so good at pleasing me?}

"Haha, that's a good question." Max laughed lightly. "There's no secret. I just am with the amount of practice I have under my belt."

{Next time, I want what's under that belt, got it?}

"As soon as it's usable, you can do whatever you want with it."

{Ahh, music to my ears. That's what I like to hear.} She said with a smile.

"Is it me or you're getting more and more insatiable?"

{I don't know. Despite my discomfort, I was horny the entire afternoon. It happens sometimes.}

"Let me guess; is it because of me?"

Upon hearing him, Scarlet looked at him with one eye from under her arm.

{Narcissistic much?} She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not really. I just tried to guess what you were about to say."

{Well, I'll let you know that I can get horny without you around.}

"Really? And who are you thinking about when you do?"

{Let me see… sometimes I think about that handsome human you hated for no reason when we were at that mall last week.}

"You know how much I dislike people who are complete douchebags."

{There's also that Decidueye I talked to at that discotheque we went to a few months back, which you hated as well.}

"He was clearly hitting on you."

{But he was kinda cute.}

"I see. So a sausage-fest is what drives you, huh?"

{Hahaha! I knew I'd get you with that.} She laughed, feeling slight jealousy from him.

"Kind of a low blow, if you ask me," Max mumbled.

{Haha, you're such a child.} She laughed a bit more before getting on her side to face him. {Of course, I'm horny because of you. Who else?}

"You're a psychic-type pokemon. You could fantasize about pretty much anything, like getting off to different pokemon. I wouldn't blame you for doing that, either."

{Other pokemon aren't as 'exotic' for us as they are for humans, you know. In my case, I don't especially want to find out what a fire or electric-type would feel like. For us, it's mostly humans who are considered exotic. Once you've tried one, you've tried them all…}

"That's not inaccurate. I mean, we all have different shapes and sizes. Smells too."

{Personally, it's no different for me than if you were with a gardevoir with longer hair or a different shade of green. Imagine me with slightly longer legs. How much more exotic will I be for you?}

"...Not that much, to be honest."

{Exactly, and yet, most, if not all, my species look like that. Longer legs are more attractive than shorter ones.}

"How do you know that?"

{I already told you; While you were looking for ways to molest pokemon better, I sought out some real knowledge.}

"You're not complaining about it, are you?"

{… Alright, I'll give you that one.} Scarlet admitted.

"And to make it clear; I did some research myself too, you know. Maybe not as much as a psychic-type pokemon with an I.Q. of one thousand, but still. For example, a gardevoir's brain is divided into four parts instead of two like us humans."

{Unless you want to do something to directly alter or change my brain, that knowledge is pretty much useless.}

"Maybe, but it proves that I care for your physiology."

{I don't even doubt it for half a second. Weirdly enough, you seem very attracted to a gardevoir's body.}

"Yeah, so are basically every human out there. What's so weird with that?"

{I don't think my species is more attractive than any others. I mean, sure, one could argue that we are, but we don't have anything special.}

"That's a human thing, you don't understand."

{I can only imagine. From a human's point of view, we look similar to you but our bodies are structured differently. We have a more skeletal appearance, our heads are out of proportion compared to the rest of our bodies, we have weirdly shaped hands, and we have a crest sticking out of our chests. Oh, and we're footless.} She enumerated while raising one leg at the end.

"I could say the same. Our heads are way too small, too many fingers, and we have deformed hands as feet."

{Well, to be perfectly honest, if I'd never loved you, I wouldn't find the human body to be so attractive. I do now, but that's because I'm very, very emotionally invested with you.}

"Is that so? That's quite the revelation." Max said with an amused smile.

{From the research I did, I think pokemon are mainly attracted to humans because of the bond they form. Whether it be a platonic, romantic, or sexual relationship, we're extremely love-dependent and it can really turn our heads upside down in an instant. Why do you think we always hear about trainers mating with their pokemon and not with those in the wild? Of course, there is the occasional quick fling with that 'one' pokemon who happened to be seeking out humans to mate with, but that's about it.}

"You haven't taken into consideration the hormones humans emit from mating with pokemon, like me."

{Ehh, yes and no. Yes, in the sense that it does change their attitude towards humans without receiving any kind of affection, but they don't act on love. Instead, they act on stimulated desire and instinct. From all the past intercourse you had with wild pokemon, did any of them mention your body at any given time?}

"Now that you mention it, I don't think so."

{Exactly, because for a creature that mates with another species, you're not that attractive. Attraction is a species-exclusive concept to find a suitable mate for the offspring.}

"So, in short, if the girls didn't love me as they do, they wouldn't want to mate with me?"

{Those are mostly just theories, so I can't really speak for them, but it would probably be very likely.}

"Huh, the more you know. How do you explain human attraction for pokemon without hormones or a form of relationship, then?"

{There is no explanation. Humans are simply deviant, that's all.}

"...I wish I could argue against that, but…

{Don't think of it as a bad thing, Max. If you weren't, we would've never gotten to where we are now.} Scarlet said, going for a hug.

"Tss. Pokemon are so weird and complex." Max commented, coiling an arm around her.

{And so are humans for us. See? It's all about perspective in the end. We're used to what we are, but not how humans are.}

"And vice-versa."

{But… that doesn't stop us from being happy together, right?}

"Not at all. You seek our love and we seek your booty, and we switch spots later on."

{I wouldn't talk about switching as I crave both your love and your body.}

"Same here. Great minds think alike, right?"

{I couldn't agree more.}

"I will admit, it kind of burst my bubble a little. I thought I was that hot."

{You are in my loving eyes, but I can't objectively say since I'm not a human. I guess by human standards, you are smoking hot. Female humans seem to like males with your proportions.}

"Six-pack abs are always nice, even though mine aren't overly ripped."

{My abs.} Scarlet said, putting a hand under his shirt to rub his modestly muscular abdomen.

"And to think you love them mostly because you love me in the first place."

{Why don't you just enjoy that someone appreciates your body and shut up?}

"Fair enough." Max conceded, dropping his chin on her head. "...Pokemon are weird, though."

{You're weird.}

A couple of seconds passed before Scarlet suddenly sighed.

"What is it?"

{Luna will be the first one you'll massage tomorrow, so I just hope you won't be too tired for me.}

"Tired or not, I'll keep my promise to you. Besides, May will come after her, so it's gonna be a short break between you and Luna."

{True. I guess it's fair that the smallest of the group after the biggest.}

"Is it not? *sigh* Well, I think I'm due for a shower." Max announced, breaking the hug to leave.

{Can I join?} Scarlet asked, sitting up.

"Hmm… I don't think there'll be enough space. Even if it does, it'll be too cramped to be considered pleasant."

{Aww, seriously?} Scarlet complained in disappointment before letting herself drop on the bed again.

"Sorry, Love. We can't have everything, unfortunately. Of all the things we have in that module, space is not one of them."

{True, but… it still sucks that I'll have to wait until we get to the next city before being able to shower with you.}

"I know, but there's not much we can do about it. You can spy on me through the glass if it makes you feel any better."

{It's not the same thing.}

"Then I don't know what to tell you."

{*sigh* It's okay. Just go shower while I shrivel to death all by myself here.} The gardevoir told him while getting on her back and extending her limbs.

"Wow. Been a while since I've seen you be such a drama queen." Max mocked her a little.

{I'm dying from loneliness, my heart can't take it. Arceus?! Is that you? Please, have mercy upon my innocent soul and take me to the Hall of Origins.} She cried out as she reached to touch the ceiling.

Lightly chuckling, Max smiled at her comedy before leaving towards the bathroom.

{You're gonna try the shower for the first time?} Bonny asked from the kitchen table, who was watching the TV with May and Dusk.

"Yeah. I just hope it'll work properly."

{Why wouldn't it?} May asked.

"You never know." He replied before disappearing into the tiny hallway to get inside the bathroom.

Seeing no point in closing it, Max left the door open in case someone needed to use the bathroom while he's inside. After taking off his shirt, he opened the shower cabinet and began playing with the faucet. To his surprise, the water temperature rose quickly, causing him to reel back to avoid getting burned. While adjusting the water heat, he noticed Bonny peeking through the foggy glass, just barely visible from his point of view.

"Your breathing is too loud, Bonny." Max lied before getting in the tub.

{Nu uh. Not even true.} She retorted childishly.

A few seconds into his shower, Max wasn't able to tell the difference between this and your typical hotel shower room. The water jet was wide and as hot as he liked. He noticed a waterproof gauge encrusted within the shower walls with a caption marked "WL" written on top of it with a bright blue meter.

"WL? Does that mean water level?" He mumbled. "If so, that's awesome. I can see how much water I use and what's leftover. Amazing."

When he was done with being impressed, Max then went to wash before wasting too much water. The soap and other hygienic products were already in boxes contained within the shower walls, and since he had furry pokemon, there was a bit more than just soap and human shampoo.

(Nice. I only used one-eighth of the tank.) Max thought after turning the faucets off.

When out, he saw Scarlet resting against the small sink, holding a towel out to him.

"...Did you change your mind?" Max asked, grabbing it.

{Not really. I just thought that I could use a shower myself, so…}


With Max drying himself in the corner, Scarlet was about to enter the shower but stopped to look at Max.

"...Like what you see?" Max jested when he noticed her.

{Mostly, yes.} She replied with a small smile. {But not everything.}

"What do you mean?"

{Your beard. Still, want to get rid of it?}

"Oh. Well, yeah, but I don't know if we have any razors or trimmers, though."

{Say no more.} Scarlet assured while getting closer to him.

She then pressed her hands against his beard and rubbed it a little, getting a feel for it.

{...Alright, I can take care of this. Do you trust me?}

"With my life," Max replied with a grin.

Smiling to herself, Scarlet's eye began to glow in a light shade of blue with a slight touch of purple. Max then felt some uncomfortable tickling and scratching between his skin and Scarlet's hands, as if a rough razor was rubbing against his skin. As she moved her hands further down his chin and neck, bundles of hair fell to the ground, leaving baby-soft skin where she passed.

{Yep. Psycho Cut is very useful. Betcha Gallades can't do that, huh?} Scarlet said as if she guessed his question.

"Ah. I was wondering what move you were using."

{I use it at a microscopic level, cutting your hair at the base of your skin very quickly. You can say that my hands are basically clippers right now.}

"That's so neat. And to think that one wrong move, and my head could roll on the floor." Max jested, making Scarlet look at him unamused. "Just kidding."

{I've told you before Max; I don't mind dark humor, but you have the tendency to bring it up at the wrong times.}

"R-Right. Sorry." Max reported, sounding slightly upset.

{I'm not scolding you, master, but please don't make me imagine you dying, let alone by my hands.}

"You don't mind most of the time."

{I just told you; Sometimes I don't mind, sometimes I do. I don't always control how I feel one day over another. Some days I'm more sensitive than others, and it's even more noticeable when it's about you.}

"So basically, I have to wait for you to feel okay before I make any jokes?"

Not responding, Scarlet kept clipping his beard, looking a bit more morose.

{I'm sorry. I know it's not easy living with me…}

"It's okay. I've long since accepted how you are, so it won't change anything about how I feel towards you. I'll try to be careful with that, but keep in mind that I can't always know beforehand, so please don't lose your temper or get too mad if I do that too often."

{I promise.} Scarlet swore, smiling a little. {Alright. Done.} She announced after cutting the last bundle of hair. {Beautiful as the day I met you.}

"Hm." Max hummed, inspecting himself in the mirror. "I do look more civilized like this." He said, rubbing his chin and jawline. "And it's so smooth… you do a better job than most razors."

{I'm just glad it worked out as I planned.} She replied, slightly blushing. {How about your hair? It's getting pretty long as well.}

"I guess." Max conceded. "But just a little shorter. I don't want long hair, but I don't want to look like a pool ball either, so I'll settle for a middle ground, I guess."

{Roger that.} The gardevoir acknowledged before working on his hair.

After a few more minutes, Scarlet finished cutting his hair as well, giving him back a similar appearance that he had when they met.

{That face… the one I fell in love with…}

"It was always there, just under a few inches of thick hair."

{I know, but… it's not even that long and I'm already so nostalgic… that face is the one that ended my suffering. I'll never forget it.} The gardevoir mentioned, hugging him from behind with her head next to his, both looking at the mirror.

"My my, you suddenly become very romantic," Max commented while smiling.

{I can be even more so if you want to.}


{I could say that that's a face I would gladly sit on.} She said cheekily.

"Haha!" Max laughed lightly. "Being romantic doesn't suit you at all."

{I like being out of character from time to time, just to mess with you.}

"How evil of you."

With a smile, Scarlet then left him and headed back towards the shower cabinet before entering.

{Dammit! You were right. There is no room for two here.} She said after closing the door behind.

"We're lucky there's even enough space for one person."

{Mostly for you I would say. Pokemon basically only need natural water to clean themselves. It's pretty obvious at this point that I shower just for the hell of it. Plus, hot water running across my body feels… nice.} She said, turning the water on.

"I hope I don't make you too accustomed to human life, or else you won't be able to get back to a wild one anymore."

{...Well… I get what you mean, but I won't have to worry about that since I personally plan on spending the rest of my life with you, so it isn't that much of a drawback. So what if I can't live in the wild anymore?}

"That's a very good point. What about if something happens to me?"

{...Can we not talk about that?}

"Yeah, sorry. I just want to know that you will be alright if anything."

{Whatever happens, I'll manage, so don't stress your little human heart with that.}

"...Alright," Max said, getting the towel around his waist. "See ya."

Leaving, he headed towards the bedroom to dress up lightly for the evening. Getting back in the kitchen, everyone was at the table, except for Luna and Aurora. With Bonny explaining a board game to Sally and Dusk and May watching the T.V, he joined them.

"What are you watching?" Max asked, looking at the screen.

Before they could answer, Max recognized the people on the show, being the four idiots who talk about pokemon all the time without actually knowing anything.

"Ugh. Don't tell me you're listening to those retards?" Max wondered out loud, almost sounding disgusted.

{Not really, but it's always instructive to see humans' latest views and opinions on pokemon.} Dusk justified.

"I highly doubt that their stupid opinions represent the majority. What are they talking about this time?"

{Whether they should change the minimum age to become a pokemon trainer from eighteen years to twenty-one years.} Bonny answered.

"Heh. For once, it's not that bad of an idea. They lost me completely one day when they talked about how 'human and pokemon lifestyles aren't compatible, so we should start banning pokemon training altogether.' Give me a break. They still try to brainwash us to think that you guys aren't as "sophisticated" as humans."

{It makes me wonder if there's some inferiority complex behind that.} Dusk announced.

"Versus what?" Max questioned.

{Humans and pokemon. Maybe they don't want to consider us as equals because we have powers that they don't.}

"That would make sense, but it's still incredibly stupid. You're way more powerful beings than us, so what? It's not like you were evil creatures or something."

{Unfortunately, some are.} Bonny pointed out.

"Yeah, but… not you," Max replied before a brief silence settled.

{...You're right.} Dusk conceded, changing the channel. {No need to hear any more of this nonsense, as you say.}

"It's getting late. Time to set up our little 'campfire'." Max said, standing up.

{I'll help.} Dusk proposed.

{*sigh* Mind if we go at it another day?} Bonny proposed to Sally.

{Y-Yeah, sure. I'm sorry if it takes too much time.} The cinderace apologized, looking a bit guilty.

{I know how you are, Sally. I have faith that you'll have a much easier and more fun time playing once you understand the rules.} Bonny reassured her.

{...Do you really not mind?}

{Of course not. And even if I did, it's kind of boring when I don't train, so it keeps me busy either way.}

{...Alright.} Sally replied, not sounding that convinced.

{Sally.} Bonny called out, making the cinderace look at her. {It's okay, really. You're among friends here and we all love you. Don't feel bad for being who you are. What's important is not what's up here.} She continued, pointing at her head. {...But in here.} She finished, pointing at her chest. {You're kind and loyal, things that a good number of pokemon and humans aren't. Master loves you for who you are and not for your body, right?}

Sally then was a bit lost for words.

{It's just...I'm so used to being bullied and picked on for the fact that I'm not as smart or sophisticated as everyone else. I know you guys aren't like that, but I can't shake this feeling that I've been invisible to everyone I meet, even after a year and a half of training.}

{You talked with Phanny like all of us, right? I'm sure she mentioned that it's not something that can be changed in days or weeks.}

{...Yeah, she did. I'm just too scared to be a bother, like 'Oh no, she's so dumb when she speaks. She's so clumsy, and her voice is so annoying!'} She quoted, making Bonny look at her interrogatively. {...I heard stuff like that way too often.}

Softly sighing, Bonny left her place and went to sit next to her.

{Sally…} She said, pulling Sally into a friendly hug. {I'm your friend. We all are. We would never insult you like that, or at all. You're smarter than you think. You just have to believe in yourself.}

{...Alright. Sorry, Bonny. I'll… try to keep it in mind. Just bear with me, please. It may take a while.}

{Take your time, Sally.} The lopunny assured, petting her reassuringly. {Just be yourself and you will see. No one will judge you here.}

{...Okay. Thanks, Bonny.}

{Don't mention it. We're a team, Sally. The least we can do is take care of each other.}


{Do you want to join the others?}

{Yes.} Sally confirmed, moving away from Bonny's hug.

Both then left the module to join the rest of the group gathered around the firelamp, with Scarlet and Luna being the only ones missing.

"I see that Scarlet isn't done yet," Max stated.

{What is she doing?} May asked.

"Showering. It's hard to tell how long she'll be in there. Some days she quickly gets in and out, and others she spends almost half an hour."

{I hope she will be reasonable with it. The tank isn't that big.} Bonny mentioned.

"I'm sure she'll take that into consideration. Worst case scenario, she uses all of the water and goes to refill it herself. I wonder where's Luna, though."

{Why so worried all of a sudden?} Aurora asked.

"Because I have an announcement to make."

{An announcement?} Dusk wondered.

"Yup, but I wish to have everyone here before I say it."

{Just call out for her. It won't take long before she appears.} Aurora suggested.

"I'll do that as soon as Scarlet is done."

For the next few minutes, the group waited for Scarlet to finish showering with the girls whispering amongst each other, trying to guess what their master could possibly announce. Scarlet then finally showed up as they were talking.

{Aww. That felt good.} She said before sitting next to Max.

"I'm sure it did," Max said, taking one of her hands. "I love it when your hands are warm." He added, kissing it.

{Aww. Try not to get me dirty right after I showered.} She replied with a pleased smile.

"I promise to try." He said, briefly rubbing her hand before releasing it. "The only one missing is Luna, now."

{You know what to do.} Aurora reminded him, with Max nodding.

"*Ahem* L-"

Just as he was about to call her, Luna showed up.

{I'm right here, little pup. I'd figured that evening had already arrived.} She said while going over the only chair left.

"Yes, and I'm very happy that you joined us," Max mentioned, making her smile a little. "Alright. Now that everyone is here, it's time to tell you."

{Surprises are always so exciting!} May commented.

{I know, right.} Dusk approved.

"I believe today is Thursday, right?"

{I think.} Scarlet answered.

"And tomorrow is Friday…"

{Uh huh… Where are you going with this?} She replied again, getting slightly impatient.

"So here's the thing. You girls want to get stronger, and so do I. Not just for the sake of battle, but to improve ourselves as individuals and as a team. So I was thinking that we could keep the same schedule that we had at Helene's."

{Not sure I follow.} Aurora said.

"We would train on weekdays and rest on the weekends."

{Oh, so you want to do the same here.} Bonny guessed.

"Exactly. From Monday to Friday, we're gonna travel, battle trainers, challenge the gym leaders, and train. Saturday and Sunday will be your 'bonding' days."

{What exactly do you mean by 'bonding' days?} Scarlet asked, curious. {I know you must be talking about resting, but I sense something else under that statement.}

"Eh. Clever as ever. Like Scarlet suspected, there will be more to the weekends than just resting. Those two days will be also for me to rest, but I will also allow myself to use them to spend quality time with you girls."

{Like… now?} Sally tried to guess.

"Well… Yes, but actually no. While spending time with all of you at once is nice, neither of you really gets to do what you actually want to do. To change that, Saturday and Sunday will be where I dedicate time to spend with each one of you."

{Wait, are you saying that we're gonna be able to have you for ourselves?} Bonny exclaimed, wanting to confirm.

"Yes. So on weekends, we're gonna settle down somewhere and whatever it is you wanna do, we'll do it. You all will be able to enjoy some alone time with me whether it's just the two of us or all together."

The girls then all looked at each other, almost all growing a smile.

"It is important to train and get stronger and all that jazz, but resting and socializing is just as important. Back at the mansion, I'd realized that I may have neglected you a little bit on our break days. I don't care if it slows our progress. You girls are the best things to have ever happened to me, and it's time that I start showing it more. So weekends will be our bonding time."

{...I… was not expecting this news.} Aurora shared.

{It's awesome news! I love it!} Bonny exclaimed happily.

{Oh my gosh! Just for us!} May followed.

{...Will you… really do that?} Sally asked while the others were expressing their excitement.

"Of course. You girls deserve the best." Max confirmed with a smile.

A wide smile then appeared on Sally's face.

{Does that mean that… you'd want to… play soccer with me?} She asked shyly, playing with her paws.

"Soccer, a nice walk, restaurant date… you name it. We'll do anything you girls want."

With an even wider smile, Sally blushed.

{That's a really good plan, master.} Scarlet praised. {I'm impressed, albeit not surprised, though.}

"You read my mind?"

{No. I just know you. That's something only you can pull off so easily.}

"You know what they say; Spontaneity is one of the many keys to a good relationship."

{That, and a few other things.}

"Yeah, I just said that."

With the girls barely able to contain their joy, they conversed through the evening, talking about ideas of what they could do with their master. They kept talking amongst each other until nightfall until they each went to sleep one by one.

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