
Gimme Gimme Gimme

Lucas’s wandering attention somehow meanders its way back on track.

“So, Cafe Cup, yeah? Got it, catch ya there, then?” Lucas’s question is quickly answered by an agreeable hum on Alley Cat’s part.

As there wasn’t much of a need for Lucas to keep staring at the phone during the conversation, he was looking around the restaurant. Upon noticing a service bot heading their way from the kitchens, his face lights up in anticipation of noms.

“If there isn’t anything else, I’ll let ya get back to whatever yer workin’ on.” Even though Lucas is clearly addressing Alley Cat, his attention is wholly on the approaching bot.

As it gets closer, he reaches his arms out in its direction, rather reminiscent of a child begging to be picked up. He’s even bouncing his legs and repeatedly opening and closing his hands, earning a few chuckles from his local companions.

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