
19. blooming flower of memory.


That was the time when the head of the orphanage had saved Kirana from a drowning incident due to the mischief of another orphan.

Kirana might be able to survive and still breathe, even though her tiny body was already pale and wet, so she had to be brought back to the orphanage.

However, it made Keira's heart very sad, as did her older brother's.


While in the orphanage, Keira tried to hide his identity as a real brother due to a robbery incident that made their father risk his life just to protect his two children.

In his heart, Keira keeps blaming himself as long as he sees Kirana being bullied by other orphans.

He still remembers being in the hospital.

When he saw that Kirana had regained consciousness, she didn't even remember her name or Keira, who was her own brother, or the incident that had made her unconscious, because the wound that Kirana was experiencing was so critical.

He told Kirana that even though he was in the orphanage, his name was still Huda, while Kirana was Nia. He really wanted Kirana to call him by the name Kei, as well as Kei who called her, Kirana. 

Kei really hopes that the name will never disappear like when his father died, as long as Kirana is still trying to recover from the amnesia she suffered. 

He kept holding it and thinking about it.

There were so many things he thought about that he didn't want to let go of Kirana's hand.

So many...

until Kirana has wake up.



At first, he was worried.

"You know what I hate?"

Instantly, Keira hugged Kirana. That made

Kirana confused.

"I really hate seeing you being treated badly by them.

I don't want to see you suffer, Kirana. "

Keira suddenly cried as long as she was still hugging Kirana.


Do not cry, "she said so calmly.

"How can I cry if I keep seeing you suffering from their bad treatment?

I could have hit them, or scratched them in the face for you.

Your body is covered with bruises and also so pale because of them.

Even when you were pushed to drown, I couldn't even help you.

If only I could...

I can't see you suffering like this all the time. "

Instantly, Kirana stroked his head.

Her tiny, soft hands seemed to stop his tears.

"You said.

Kirana is a soft pearl like a mother. right? "

Hearing that, Keira let go of his hand.


(how could i forget that.) "

And sweetly again, Kirana wipes Keira's tears.

it made Keira speechless.

"It's OK. I can do it. I will try to be friends with them even if their ways are not good. I don't want to make you sad because of me. " she said while smiling


(You can always calm me down. but I'm a bad brother for you.) "

Hearing that, Keira wiped his tears and tried to smile.

"I see... Do it... But in return, please show me... Smile for good luck... What you once said. "

Kirana then approached Keira, touched her left cheek, then after she sighed for a moment, smiling Kirana said...

"Let my smile...

shine a light for Kei...

please don't go out..."


" since father saw it happen. he realized that he let Nia suffer at a very young age.


he goes about his activities while watching over Nia.

When Nia is treated badly, Haru always pushes them and always takes Nia to another place. However, surprisingly, father always sees Nia not crying.

While Nia was sleeping on the floor, he tried to take her to sleep with us.

But the next day, she was found asleep on the floor of the corridor.

even he also found that Haru was also trying to make a makeshift bed made of blankets and pillows that should be used for Haru, just so that Nia could sleep comfortably and warmly.

he really want to relieve Nia's suffering. So do we. she was so young... " Irul said

"Your sister is great. 

At such a young age, she has become that tough. " said Dika

"I, as her brother, can't do anything for her." Keira, silent and breathless, said. 

"you can't say that." Dika clarifies.


You can't bear your guilt like that.

You should cheer her on. 

Moreover, father told us that while crying.

He wanted us to have a very strong bond like the two of you.

Until finally, there are 2 couples who want to adopt a child.

But, fathers are very troubled when they want to adopt one child each. " Irul said

"It used to be very difficult for us to separate the two of them.

We really want a girl.

while there are other couples who want a boy.

So that's why your sister still cried and didn't want to part with you. " obviously Kirana's adoptive father

"up to that point.

Until I try to calm her down.

(you mean?)" 


"Don't go..."

Kirana was still crying.

she was still holding Keira's hand with all her might.

She really hopes that she can go with Keira, but what can she do? because she has to go with other adoptive parents.

"Don't leave me alone," she cried. 

From the bottom of his heart, Keira also doesn't want to be separated from his younger sister. but he didn't want to say that first. With a heavy heart, he hugged tightly while calming Kirana. 

"Forgive me. 

You can't come with me. 

You already have a family, and also your own parents. 

Kirana once told me not to cry, didn't you! Why did you have to cry? " He said this while trying to hold his emotions.

"No, I don't want to be alone. I want to go with you, Kei. don't leave me. " She said

Keira understands that Kirana definitely doesn't want to be separated from the person who is always with her, who is always kind to her.

He also understands that deep down in Kirana's heart, her feelings as Keira's little sister have surfaced, even if only a little.

somewhere that Kirana can't feel or remember. 

"Come on, don't cry. I have something for you . "

Keira took out a necklace from his pocket. He then put it around Kirana's neck. Keira stroked Kirana's head while smiling, but he also endured the pain in his heart in front of Kirana.

"I want you to keep this necklace. It's a shame, but this is all I can give you. After all, the head of the orphanage also wanted to help me. 

(This is the only memory of our mother, Kirana. take care of this for me. )"

"No... this is a very precious necklace for you,"

said Kirana, who tried to refuse. 

"It's fine. I don't cry anymore. Remember, you are a cheerful and tough girl, the first I've ever met.

(If you keep crying, then I, as your brother, will also cry.) "


"Listen to me...

someday we will meet again, until that time comes.

keep this necklace for me.

because you are... a precious friend, a girl who means a lot to me. 

(You are a very precious and dear sister to me. Until that time comes, I will always be strong and beat whoever makes your heart sad. 

Only I know your heart that keeps hurting behind your pure smile. 

i will back, as a big brother for you.

that's my deep promise). "


Keira suddenly realized as long as he heard the explanation from Irul. Moreover, what Kirana's adoptive father said that she didn't want Keira to be killed. 

that because Kirana is still wearing that necklace...

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