
Romance minus the romance

There I was, sitting on the bus on my way to the Han River to try and piece together my life.

It was 10 minutes into the ride and I only have a few minutes left until my stop.

I had been rubbing my hand over my belly the entire time absentmindedly as I tried and guess what the gender might be.

I have always wanted a daughter ever since I was girl so most part of me was hoping that it would be but I wouldn't mind if it was a boy.

I got excited at the though of buying baby clothes and how tiny and cute they were for the rest of the ride.

I t was my now finally my stop and I got off smiling at the driver for I was now in a better mood and all was forgiven.

"Have a nice day sir" I said waving him off as he closed the door and drove off.

It was around 1pm on a Saturday so it was quite crowded with couples for this was Koreas couple capital indeed, but I didn't mind.

I smiled to strangers as I passed by giving them a polite bow.

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