
5 years later 2

"Papa. Lookie lookie~" She said, stopping before him with a doll of himself in her grasp. A doll of himself when he was young than his current image of a man in his early 20s.

Still smiling, he bent down and pick her up in his arms, giggling all the way as she begin to talk. "This's you right, papa?" She asked with a wide eyed look at him, shoving the chibi doll into his face.

"Yes, this was your papa when he was younger. Do you wanna see?"

"Yes!" She nodded her head rapidly as he chuckled, "Alright, but let's do it with your sister's too alright?"

"Yay!" Cheering excitedly, she threw her hands up in the air as he carried her inside their house. Which he was soon surrounded by other little girls with their own version of dolls of him.

"Daddy/papa!" Their loud cheerful voices brought a laugh out of him as he set his daughter Kagome down. He was soon surrounded by giddy faces of his daughters who all have one thing in common.

They all have either lighter or darker shades of purple irises than his own. Which was quite a surprise to him when they were born as he figured only a few will have them, while the rest have their mother's eyes.

Anyway, it was not that big of a deal as he loved them all equally, all 450,000 of his daughters. Even the ones that are residing in their mother's stomach waiting to be born.

Luckily there are only a few of them here right now or he will be overwhelmed with cuteness. Shaking himself from his thoughts, he looked down at his daughters' excited faces.

Without wasting anymore time, Zach glowed brightly as his children "oh~" in fascination, while their mother's chuckled at their reactions. Kids at this age became fascinated with magic and since they are living with it, they can't get enough.

Meanwhile, some other mother's began recording him as he became smaller and smaller until he was a few inches taller than Kagome in child form.

As the lights begin to dim, revealing his childish form it was quite for a few seconds before a loud squeal broke it. Which the rest soon followed as many young girl surrounded him once more.

And so, the next 2 hours or so Zach played many games with his daughters' until it was time for their nap much to his relief as it was hazardous to his manliness.

Seeing as how he was coerce into dressing up like a princess to join in their tea party, much to their joy. Zach could of said no, but it would break their little hearts which he didn't want to see happen.

Their mother's wasn't any helpful in that regard either as they even pleaded with him to do it. Not even to bother hiding their mirth or even the camera floating above them.

Anyway after the children went to bed, Zach pulled all the mothers who was with them into another area where he re-established his manliness on their nimble bodies.

When he was done, Zach left them in their rooms to recover as he fly slowly through the sky. Although he can teleport, it's relaxing to just fly in the sky, reminiscing how the years gone by. It felt like it was just yesterday when he was breaking this worlds boundaries.

After crying like a man from having his body break break down and built back up, he felt tougher, stronger and better than before. Like he can take on a thousand women (in bed) without stopping to rest.

But before his ego got out of control, Jessica brought him back down to reality after milking him dry. When she wanted to go again he replied with something he wanted to say for along time.

"The soul is willing, but the flesh is weak." Which made her laugh. After that he only sealed his strength away as to not harm his women when they are making love and unsealed it when he needs it, which wasn't often nowadays.

Next he upgraded his [Harem Book] to a whole new level using the ticket he saved before. While it still has the same name, it is vastly superior than what it was before.

For instance, Zach could now create planets with it's own ecosystem, and anything else he requires. Before he can't do anything like that since he only has a limited amount of space to create whatever he wanted.

It was getting a little cramped after a year seeing how the population increased to 176 million after sending many clones out to the world. A good part of it came from states and him impregnating his women.

Now, his women can have their own house, styled whatever they can imagine. Be it a castle, buildings with 2 stories tall, or even a small cozy home with a fire place. They can have it.

However, it is also limited in some was that he learned over the years. Nothing created by the book could last long in the real world. For instance, after the upgrade Zach used the book to create some lightsabers for him to play with.

Being a cheapskate at the time, he wanted to know if he can save off buying things for a time until it was needed. And lightsabers are fucking expensive too, 10 mil per lightsaber with added spells too.

Anyway after comparing the lightsaber and other things too, Zach learned how long each of them last. Anything electronic in nature last about 3 hours before it disappears and its' size doesn't count.

Anything inorganic would last longer, while living things last the shortest. Though he never find the reason why it's like that, but he never really cared about it much seeing as he was busy re-training his magic along with his apprentices.

After all, his magic control was thrown out of whack seeing as his soul got an upgrade as well. With the book already merge to his soul, it forced him to go through some changes.

It almost hurt like the first time he bound himself with the book, but since he bought some skills to dull the pain, he got off easy. it gave him some benefits. Nothing overpowered, but it did increased his large mana pool and strengthen his Will.

Anyway, he finally reached his destination. Floating down before a moderate house of 2 stories and a garden of beautiful flowers. A simpler design compared to the others, but it's home.

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