
Chapter 26: Hungover

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"Why the fuck did you drink so much?" Jimin scrunched up his nose as he rubbed Jungkook's back. The actor was currently burying his head on the toilet of the his bathroom expulsing whatever his stomach contained and it wasn't a pretty sight. From his sweaty bangs, the veins popping in his reddened neck, veiny hands gripping the base for support and forehead pale, the younger was completely hungover.

It went on like this for three times until the actor almost passed out beside the toilet, but Jimin made sure to help him up and clean him. "I don't fucking remember anymore." Jungkook's breath stunk like hell but Jimin didn't complain, instead he took care of him like a good boyfriend. Technically, both of them were still naked, but they could care less because Jungkook was too busy vomiting his guts out. "Brush your teeth before anything, use your spare toothbrush. I'm going over to the kitchen to get you a cold glass of sprite or water to ease the nausea." Jimin slowly walked his way to the kitchen with a headache (being sure to grab a pair of yellow boxers and slide them up his legs) and filled a glass of cold water since he didn't have sprite. "Am I forgetting something?" He mumbled, head aching and eyes wanting to sleep but he shook his head and walked over to his awaiting boyfriend with the glass of cold water.

"Here you go, drink it slowly. I'm going to call Director Min and inform him that at least you can't make it." Jimin let Jungkook drink from the glass and walked over to his nighstand where his phone was charging, then began calling Yoongi. "Hello, where are you? Jungkook hasn't arrived yet and both of you were supposed to be here at nine yet it's twelve o'clock." Yoongi brushed his hair back with his hand and sighed knowing that both of them were together and something must've happened.

"I know, I'm sorry. Jungkook is completely hungover. He's been vomiting nonstop since two hours ago. I don't think he'll make it." Jimin sighed and glanced at the panting actor staring at his reflection in the mirror of the sink. "Fine, we're cancelling today's shooting. Take care of him and I hope this doesn't happen again. I'll come up with the excuse that you aren't feeling well." Yoongi sighed. "Thank you Yoongi hyung, I owe you one." Jimin knew that Yoongi was a little aware of their relationship and he appreciated that he didn't mention anything about both of them. But the director still looked after both and didn't pry because really, it wasn't his business.

Jungkook finished rinsing off the mix of toothpaste and water from his mouth and cleaned himself up with a towel. "Ugh, my head is spinning." He rolled his eyes and began spraying a pine scented febreeze spray to eliminate the vomit scent in the bathroom. He hated that he didn't have his usual self control when drinking last night. Usually, he'd know when to stop but last night really roughed him up today. "I should go home and rest. I don't want to continue burdening you Jimin hyung." Jimin walked back up to him and brushed the younger's hair back from his forehead. "I don't mind taking care of you Jungkook-ah. Come on, steady your feet. I'll wash your back gently."

The actor sighed, he didn't have the energy to counter-say what his boyfriend just ordered him, so he slowly gulped small sips of the water with the medicine to ease his unsettling stomach. "Let's go Christian." Jimin playfully guided him into the shower after ruffling his hair.

"Grey has nothing on me. I like your ass better." The actor mumbled watching the writer take off the yellow underwear he had just slid on a few minutes prior.

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"Sigh the papers Yoongi-ssi." Hoseok's face didn't reflect anything. As if he was in a photoshoot, his face was serious and void of emotion outside of his irises. He sat in his lawyer's office across from the director who kept holding his own hands on his lap. Beside Hoseok was seated his own personal lawyer Mr. Song, a man in his middle fifties and very experienced. At the director's side, was seated his lawyer Mrs. Hyun, a woman with black rectangular glasses and a stylish bun to hold her long black hair back; she was a professional as well.

"My client refuses." She stepped in and answered for the director. "Mrs. Hyun, My client sent the documents over four years ago to be signed and hand in to the court. Mr. Min should've signed them and done as well, but he didn't. Mr. Jung would like to file a lawsuit." Yoongi's hands fisted on his lap as he felt the man he loves be like this with him. "Please don't..." Yoongi spoke lowly, his persona completely different than when he's directing. "You cheated, you broke us. You were the cause of everything, let me be free from all of this." Hoseok said.

"So you can be with Taehyung? Do you even love him, Hoseok?" Yoongi's eyes were glimmering in silence with emotions held back. "It's been four years Yoongi. A lot can happen in four years. In those four years I needed to find the strength to continue with my life because the man I loved cheated on me in a one night stand and ended up pregnant with another man's child. During those four years, I met Taehyung and yes. I fell in love with him too. I never told him about us, but he stayed with me even when I never labelled him as my boyfriend." The model couldn't stop himself from speaking fast and precise, in a way that everyone in the room could feel and understand exactly what he said. "So please... Sign the papers Yoongi... If you ever loved me," He pulled that card knowing Yoongi did love him, but he couldn't stay with him. He couldn't deal with the pain and reminder of seeing every day the innocent child that could trigger the betrayal of the past, a scar that may heal over time but it is still engraved onto his skin, in this case, the model's heart.

"-please sign the papers." Hoseok finished.

Yoongi let the tears out and stared at the pen across the table with a fearful gaze. "You know I love you..." He was on the verge of hyperventilating and Hoseok noticed it. "Stop. Just inhale deeply from your nose and exhale through your mouth." The model said softly, knowing that when the director sobbed, it would get really difficult for him to breathe properly. "I'll sign them... but, I-I want you to apologize to Beomgyu for what you said to him last week." Hoseok sighed and slowly nodded.

Nothing would be the same as before, not their laughs and the nostalgia of when they first met. It all changed all too quickly and Yoongi knew that, as he signed the document with the pen everything would end. The phrase of letting go felt too familiar to him now. And now when the wet red ink on his thumb pressed against the document, beside his signature, everything ended.

"I'm sorry..." Yoongi whispered as he grabbed the kleenex his lawyer gave him to clean his face along with his thumb. "Thank you for signing the papers. Only text me for the day and meeting place for the apology. And..." Hoseok stood up from the chair and his lawyer began organizing the divorce papers. "Don't hate on Taehyung... I know you and I know you won't... but I saw how he was with Beomgyu, he looked happy. Don't let our divorce and my dating him be in the way."

"I understand..." Yoongi whispered, voice nasal and nose pink as well as his eyes.

"Good bye Min Yoongi, Mrs. Hyun." The model bowed and walked away leaving his lawyer to conclude the meeting. He didn't just leave the meeting, he left the part of his past inside the room, he left the nineteen year old college freshman he met, his first love, and the man he once used to call his everything inside the room. But as the saying goes, once a door closes, another one opens.

Hoseok just opened the door for Taehyung.

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"He's so cute! What's his name?" Namjoon giggled excitedly as he gently brushed the tip of his index finger on the black-white stripped sugar glider standing on his left arm. "Odengie" The professor watched lovingly while another white sugar glider rested on top of the doughnut pillow on his lap. "And this is Eomuk."

"So they're your babies~" Namjoon cooed while the little sugar glider walked up to his shoulder sniffing him with his little pink nose. "Yes. They're my babies." Seokjin grabbed a little piece of white pet food on his fingers and poked Eomuk's little nose with it. The white sugar glider began eating it while Namjoon giggled when Odengie had managed to crawl his way over the top of his head. "O-Oh!" The student stiffened so the little pet wouldn't fall and his eyes rolled up to check if he could manage to see the sugar glider up in his hair.

"Oh my god. Namjoon!" Seokjin's laughter was vivid and comparable to the windshield of a car. "Ha-heuh-ha-heuh-ha-heuh!" He fished out his phone with his free hand and opened the camera from the lock screen to take a picture of his boyfriend with Odengie on top of him. "Be careful Joon-ah." He giggled when the student blushed and slowly held onto the pet on top of his head to take him back to the doughnut pillow. "I am!" Through his heart chrome glasses, Namjoon fell in love again with the male in front of him. The laughing professor was one of his favorite views and it made his heart feel full of love just when it happened.

"Are you planning on acting in a movie or drama any time soon?" The student suddenly asked. "Not now. My hands are full with being the acting coach of ten students and my job as a professor." Seokjin answered truthfully, Eomuk finished eating and now it was Odengie's turn.

"And being my boyfriend." Namjoon added with a wink. "And being your boyfriend." Seokjin carefully leaned forward to peck his student's lips. "I'm topping you just so you know." The professor whispered against their lips.

"In your dreams babe." Namjoon whispered back unperturbed by the statement and rather confident in his words, and pecked his boyfriend's lips for three seconds before Seokjin could lose his balance over the sugar gliders on his lap.

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"My mother just texted me that she heard the rumors about 'Just A Fling' being made into a movie." Jimin laid on his bed with a tired Jungkook humming once in a while to whatever his boyfriend said to him. "You should meet my family one day Jungkook-ah. I bet my younger sister will go crazy once she meets you. She's always urging me to get a boyfriend." He added, thinking back to how she always nagged him about how she wanted to see him with another man; she had been reading way too many mangas featuring yaoi.

"Mmm..." The actor hummed again, he never knew what it was like to have a sibling. A caring mother, yes, but she was taken away from him. "What about you Jungkook-ah? We've never talked about our families." Jimin leaned his head on his right palm and faced the male whose eyes were slowly closing. "There's not much to know... I'm an only child. My mom died when I was eleven and I've never met my father. ...Before I finish, don't apologize. I lived through it." Jungkook leaned closer to his boyfriend's touch in his weakened state.

Jimin was about to open his lips to apologize, it just came naturally, but he stopped once he saw Jungkook didn't want to talk about it. "I'm here Jungkook-ah." He whispered as the younger male sought the warmth of his neck. "You really don't deserve me... I'm fucked up." The actor mumbled against his skin, and sadly, he didn't make out what the raven haired had said. "What was that?" Asked the older looking down.

"Nothing." Jungkook replied normally.

"And what about kids someday? Would you-" Jimin brought up the topic after a few minutes of silence passed and the warmth over his neck disappeared. "No. I don't want them. No." Jungkook's aura shifted from a soft marshmallow to a threatening lion staring upon its prey. "You understand that right? Huh, Jimin-ssi?" The younger's raven orbs fell over his forehead and covered half his eyes but the writer could see them as clear as day and as dark as night. "Y-Yes Jungkook-ssi." For the third time in his life, he felt afraid of Jungkook. Not afraid like those halloween scares, but afraid in that he felt cornered and made to submit against his aura. "Good." The actor slowly leaned down to the writer's neck and made himself comfortable in the area once again.

After a good ten minutes of Jimin staring at the ceiling of his bedroom, he looked down at Jungkook. "I don't like it when you use that tone on me... Don't use it again please." But when he received no reaction, he assumed the actor was asleep. He sighed and carefully balanced his phone on his night stand so it could charge even if it was at 89%, and he was careful not to let his boyfriend's head fall back.

"Why do I get the feeling that you're hiding something from me Gguk?" Jimin looked down at his puffed cheeks and pale lips.

"Was this really love at first sight?"

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