
Chapter 11: "I'm no expert at love."

In a classroom at SKFSA, a class full of college students directly stared at the front of the classroom where one male and a female were engrossed deeply in a dialogue. The male was none other than Kim Seokjin, his faded purple-pink highlights recognizable from a mile away. He wore a long sleeved white dress shirt tucked inside black slacks and a pair of Gucci Queercore Brogue leather monk shoes (a fabulous pair). The female was another college girl, she was wearing a plain violet knitted sweater, a black skirt just five centimeters below her flat bottom, and on her skinny white legs a pair of emerald high heels.

"I really do. I love all of you. Every second that ticks by is one where my love for you grows. Tell me, do you love me like I do or am I just your toy?"  The female said, her voice almost sturtering, and low almost like a whisper. Seokjin's red plump lips parted as he rose his hand to caress the girl's beige hair. "I do love you but, my way. Would you rather lose me forever?" His voice was soft, and expressed a melancholic sadness, the same with his eyes that stared down at the girl. Her cheeks started to redden crimson and she broke the contact of their eyes as she breathed heavily.

"And cut. Miss Im, don't break the eye contact! What kind of actress would just get flustured by this action?" The professor scolded her and she retreated back to her seat in the second row, cheeks flaring red. "Listen class, when you're in the middle of a romantic scene, you must lock your personal emotions away and mask them with the character you're portraying as. Miss Im failed at that. Can someone else volunteer? Oh... Mr. Kim. Would you come over to the front?" Seokjin chuckled as his eyes locked onto a beautiful pair of a mix between dark brown and almond eyes with mono eyelids. "Yes Professor." The male student adjusted his Chrome Hearts glasses; pushing them back before standing up and following the way to the front of the classroom.

The male student wore a seaweed t-shirt, baggy black Fear of God trackpants, and grey Roland jogger sneakers. His posture was straight, and he was very composed, as he moved, everyone could tell his self-esteem was high and he was very conservative with his expressions –at least in front of the whole class and his professor.

Seokjin watched how his student gracely walked up front with his head high and in composed demeanor; the class went quiet in seconds. That was the only student in class that actually seemed to pay attention and had sincere interest in the class. "Okay class, Mr. Kim will continue the lines of Miss Im per the script. Pay close attention." The professor glanced back at the college students whom many seemed to be angry, the girls were hiding the fumes threatening to spill through their ears and then there was the male student, Mr. Kim, his tanned skin glimmering with the ilumination inside the classroom.

The student closed his eyes for five seconds and opened them again, and this time, his stare was different. Seokjin knew, the moment his student had closed his eyes, he was no longer standing before Mr. Kim, he was acting as the other character in the script and it made him proud as the professor that taught him. The older male's gaze softened in character, his hands rose and he repeated the same line once again, yet this time, he said it with more emotion, completely dissolved in his character. "I really do. I love all of you. Every second that ticks by is one where my love for you grows. Tell me, do you love me like I do or am I just your toy?" The younger student said, his tone not too high yet not too low, just perfect and understandable. The professor's hand slowly came into contact with the platinum blonde hair of the male student. Soft. The hairtips were soft like silk against his fingers, and he proceeded with his lines; never taking his eyes off the male.

"I do love you but, my way. Would you rather lose me forever?" Seokjin's soft voice pierced the ears of the student and he took one step closer to lessen their distance. Seokjin's calm demeanor in character stood still, expecting an answer to his question, his face portraying the same melancholic sadness and his red plump lips oh so inviting. "If losing you is the price for our own good, then I'm sorry because ...I'll have to let you go." The college student was taller than the professor by at least two inches so he leaned down slowly and before he could close his eyes for the ending of the scene, Professor Kim was already clapping with a heart smile. "And scene! Bravo Kim Namjoon-ssi!" The professor applauded for the gorgeous scene they had just presented to the whole class. "Please, return to your seat." Seokjin continued applauding as he watched the student retreat to his seat wearing a small smile that revealed two dimples at the ends of his lips, cute. "Learn from him, until then, I've decided to give you all a new project." He added with a smirk.

"As you all know, I'm very close friends with the author Park Jimin, who has visited the campus on various occasions. I want all of you to choose one of his books, and create a script for three scenes from that book. It can be in groups and pairs because you're going to dramatize it in front of the whole class, and hopefully, we'll be having a few special guests watch the small performance." Seokjin could hear the groans of the students but even so he continued. "The deadline is the last week of January. Remember that if you fail on this project, you won't be able to graduate because this grade holds sixty percent of this semester's grades. Now, if anyone has any questions, I'll be here in my desk going through paperwork. Class dismissed." The professor checked the time on his silver watch as he made his way to sit on his chair while the bunch of college students assembled their belongings to leave the classroom, he ignored the winks and flirtatious glances from the female students.

Throughout the whole groans and stares, there was one student who couldn't pry his eyes off the professor's dark chocolate eyes, a scene replaying in his mind like a song on repeat. "I have a question Professor Kim." Namjoon made his way elegantly through the bunch of students, not forgetting to adjust his Chrome Heart glasses that slid onto the tip of his tanned nose. "What can I help you with Mr. Kim?" Seokjin shifted his gaze from the papers he was grading and offered a polite smile towards the student that has caught his interest. Handsome was an understatement to describe the professor, Namjoon had thought as he returned the smile.

"Could I do the project alone? I have an idea majorly using monologues for the few scenes. I was thinking of using three scenes from 'Just A Fling' and write a monologue for-" Before the student could continue his question, the professor nodded. "Let's do this, since you're the only one with pure interest in my class, I'll talk to Jimin and have him personally say his opinion on your monologue. How about that?" It was an offer that had the student's eyes glimmering with light and ideas. "That would be amazing Professor! Thank you and have a nice day!" The student bowed, the two dimples in his cheeks flaring with pink and he left the classroom; just like an autumn's breeze that comes and goes.

"Kids these days." Seokjin shook his head with a silly smile and continued grading the papers, writing a 63% followed by an F on the paper with his red pen. The first encounter between the two males that had the college student beaming with happiness after experiencing up close an acting scene with the man he admired, and had a slight crush on, but he knew he didn't stand a chance. After all, Kim Seokjin was straight and chosen as one of Korea's Top Ten Most Eligible Bachelors.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

If only everything could just be a bad dream that never happened, he wanted to believe. Never losing his mind and body to their sudden pull of gravity would've been better than his eyes spacing out in the middle of the road. Headlights brightened his face as the rest of his body was covered in shadows while his arms turned the steering wheel to the right in a fast motion so he wouldn't crash into the car that just honked at him. "Sorry." He mumbled and his eyes stared into the road once again, just emptiness in them. The writer arrived at his destination and parked his black K900 before killing the engine and burying his head against his arms hovering over the steering wheel.

"We weren't even dating..." Jimin finally exhaled as he felt the cold tears slip past his eyes. The harsh truth was stabbing him in the chest. From the first night he spent with Jungkook, the raven-haired actor had never given their "relationship" a label; he had just said how he fell in "love" at first sight with the older. The writer realized how he was just sexually fooling around with the actor, they weren't an item and he guessed that Jungkook felt free to see and sleep with other people because they never specified what they were. Jimin never made it clear, and neither did Jungkook.

"I'm so stupid. I didn't even know him that long, I shouldn't be acting like this." He sniffed and raised his head to clean his tears with a handkerchief he always kept in his car before sighing and getting out.

As he made his way inside the extravagant restaurant with a slight forced smile on his face, he greeted the woman host at the front. As soon as she saw him, her eyes twinkled and a faint blush spread throughout her cheeks, and Jimin internally rolled his eyes yet he proceeded. "Reservation by Min Yoongi." He answered before she could speak and instantly followed her as she directed him towards the table where Min Yoongi sat sipping on a dark red wine in a glass. "Thank you love." The writer winked at the waitress (following Taehyung's example) and she nodded before disappearing into the front desk while Jimin bowed and greeted the older man across from him.

"Director Min." He offered a hand and the director offered his with a smile.

"Good evening Jimin, please, call me Yoongi hyung now that it's just us two." The older male requested after watching the writer sit comfortably in the seat across from him. "I thought this was a professional meeting Yoongi hyung." Jimin chuckled in a flirtatious tone but then realizing what he had just done made him cringe in every aspect possible. "Well that made me cringe. I'm sorry, I'm a little on edge today..." The writer sighed and glanced at the menu placed on the table, avoiding eye contact with the director. "I noticed. It's okay Jimin. I just needed to confirm a few things for the movie that I need your help with." The director raised his hand for the waiter that had just passed by them and the writer glanced up to order his beverage.

"A glass of tab water without lime and one of the Prime Filet Mignon with a Caesar Salad and pasta as a side; the Filet Mignon Medium-rare. Thank you." Jimin gave the waiter the order and waited until it was written down. When the waiter left with his order, he faced the director with a relaxed expression. "Shall we get to business then?" He started while placing the napkin -where the utensils were previously wrapped in- on his lap. "We shall." Yoongi placed the wine glass on the table and crossed his legs followed by leaning his elbows on the table –forming a circle with his fingers.

"I saw that there were a few scenes not written in the book, they didn't conflict with the main problem but there was one that caught my attention. If this movie will be considered a BL movie, I wanted it to be considered at least PG-Thirteen, but after I read a specific scene you added..." The director pushed the tips of his eyebrows together as he stared at the writer's expression, one thought rushed through his mind but it was ignored as he expressed his concern in a different way, and completely changed the way his conversation was headed. "It doesn't matter... Forget that one." Jimin slowly nodded and he knew exactly what the director was about to tell him, the extra scene he had written with a mischievous smile the previous week was crossing his thoughts like a shooting star.

"And the second, I received information that Lee Jihoon did not sign the contract which means he refused to play Jung Si Woon. It only leaves me another option but I thought I should consider you first." The director's voice was straight; there was no doubt in what he had said. Even if someone refused to partake in the movie of his book, Jimin was calm, a little disappointment stung at his heart but he hid it. And, he was confused as to what the director wanted to get at, though he was kind of expecting something big.

"I had a little doubt seeing how after today's meeting, there was a small misunderstanding between Jungkook and yourself, but I stand firm on my decision. So, Jimin, would you be able to act as Si Woon instead?"

A mother fucking planet just collapsed on Jimin's head, his eyes stopped blinking, his lungs stood still without gathering air, his lips parted and his whole body froze. Act with Jungkook? Act with the man that haunts his thoughts, breaks his focus, whom is body yearns to come undone, whom his heart was feeling a very deep attraction to? "W-What? I-I'm not an actor." He finally gasped, breathing once again.

"Yet, you won three awards for the book 'Just A Fling' and you did a minor in theater during your college days. That should be enough." Yoongi insisted and Jimin tilt his head with a troubled expression. "It was just to kill some time, I just wrote a few plays and acted as minor characters. I never got the main one." A blush crept up the cheeks of the writer, remembering his college days. "It doesn't matter. Please, won't it be amazing how you can act as your own character?" Another plead that was tearing down the writer's will. Jimin thought of Jungkook again, he was about to regret what he's going to answer.

"I'll do it. But, don't lose your patience if I don't act well..." Jimin mumbled as he straightened himself up and stared right at the director's eyes. "Perfect!" Yoongi clapped his hands with excitement, already looking forward to direct this forming masterpiece; gums revealed around the teeth in his smile.

"Would the rest of the cast be okay with this?" Jimin pushed his index fingers against each other on his lap as he asked. He knew that Taehyung's reaction would be okay, but he did not know of the others –especially Jungkook's. "Oh, I'm sure. You wrote the book!" The director chuckled and sighed contently, pleased with how the writer responded to his request.

"Jimin, you'll be my friend right?" Director Min offered his right hand over the table and the writer nodded eagerly. "Of course Yoongi hyung." The writer answered while they shook hands.

"Please... I'm telling the truth... that I love you." Yoongi exasperatedly said after a moment of silence, his words held passion. "Hyung?" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at the sudden remark the director had said. "He's carrying the universe inside him." Yoongi commented again, he held back a snigger. "You're making me blush. Stop." The writer realized what the director was talking about.

"You read 'A Sorcerer's Kiss'?" Jimin covered his lips with his hand to laugh. "What?~ It was your first book; it even won a Daesan Literary Award; my second favorite work of yours after 'Just A Fling'." Yoongi chuckled once again. "I'm flattered but that book was done when I was in college, I never expected it to be my debut as a known writer." The younger added. The atmosphere changed to a friendly one instead of the nervousness from the previous thoughts rampaging the head of the dark haired male with orange highlights.

When their plates arrived, they enjoyed the delicious meats and salads they had ordered. Short conversations happened from time to time before they decided not to order dessert after consuming such an appetizing and satisfying dinner. Just after paying the bill both males split, Yoongi's face turned distant and Jimin noticed. The director's eyes glanced towards his left hand as he grabbed a box from his pocket and slid an object through one of his fingers before glancing back at the writer.

"Jimin, there was also another reason why I invited you for dinner aside from the discussion of the movie." The director confessed, his eyes staring at his ring finger on his left hand. "Yoongi hyung?" The writer followed the older's eyes and saw one thing he didn't expect to see. "How can I let someone go?" Min Yoongi asked, his heart beating at a slow pace remembering someone clear in his mind while the other male was frozen in place. Before talking, Jimin listened, he lend his ears to the male across from him.

"Do you have any advice for letting someone go? I've been married for six years but I failed. Four years ago I made a mistake and I've been holding onto everything." Like a scar re-opening after being closed for a long time, the director's heart opened up to the male he sought advice from. Little did he know, Jimin was having trouble letting go of the raven-haired actor named Jeon Jungkook.

"Slowly forget about that person. I'm no expert at love, I'm just a writer that observes and analyzes. If you want to make it work, try until you succeed but if you want to give up, don't look back or regret it. Love is a mystery, I haven't experienced a full love between anyone, but I do know this, once I love someone, I won't let go that easily." With his own words, it was like a window opened, and the life grabbed him in a warm embrace; he took his own advice to heart.

"I see... Thank you Jimin. Please, keep this between us." Yoongi slowly got up from his chair and so did the writer. Their meeting was concluded and it was certain that a new friendship had just blossomed like flowers only these flowers would last a lifetime without falling like autumn leaves.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

There was a hunch in the pit of Jimin's stomach. He was still lost in his thoughts about the raven-haired actor. He continued questioning every action Jungkook had done against him trying to find a reason for it. Overlooking into things was one of Jimin's habits, maybe it was bad, or maybe it was right. Just after hearing his own advice towards Yoongi, he began to process the words he had said. There he waited in the elevator of his luxurious apartment complex, thinking of the male that once again haunted his thoughts, he sighed. "He deserved the chance to explain himself. I was too angry back then..." The writer leaned his head back against the elevator's wall and closed his eyes to prevent the glistening tears already formed from falling.


The elevator's doors opened and he exited, but stopped as soon as his eyes spotted a figure outside his door. The blood pumping through his veins seemed to increase in pressure as well as his heartbeat, his eyes spilled the tears he held back and his feet froze in place. Why was Jeon Jungkook crouched down burying his head against his knees against the door of his apartment?

"Jimin-ssi ?" The bland voice belonging to the raven-haired male broke the walls of the writer. Jungkook raised his head and turned it to face Jimin's figure frozen in place in front of the elevator's now-closed doors. "W-What are you doing here?" The older managed to say, his feet gaining strength as he began walking in direction of his apartment door. "I'm here to apologize. Will you listen?" Jungkook slowly straightened himself, the bags under his eyes less black, meaning he must've slept. "Why should I?" The writer searched for his keys, trying to muster his strength not physically, but mentally and emotionally so he wouldn't break completely again.

"Please." Jungkook's demeanor was calm, his tone was a little desperate, but he still looked composed even if his appearance said otherwise. "Why should I?" The writer repeated himself, holding back a sniffle from his earlier tears.

"Because I was wrong. I hurt you and I hurt myself." The tension couldn't be sensed, but there it was, beside Jungkook's words. "I told you I fell for you at first sight didn't I? I haven't proved it to you. Let me prove it." The younger's hand slowly came into contact with the writer's cheek, he gently brushed the skin with his thumb before feeling the wetness increase. "No... You don't even know me Jungkook." He dropped the honorifics, just him calling the younger by his name; it was in his weakest moment.

"But I want to get to know you. First, let me explain everything inside."

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