
Chapter 5- First meeting

When Wu Lun returned back to that world in less than a minute, he got up and then realized that he was hungry, earlier in that world he was a god he did not need food or water, but here it is completely different here he is a cultivator of the initial stage of body Purification, which means he needs food.

He still decided to go to the river that he heard when he first woke up. When he approached the river, he saw perfectly clear water and, without hesitation, decided to drink it.

When Wu Long tasted it, he was surprised because it tasted sweet to him. When he got drunk and washed his face he finally got up. When he got up he saw a fish swimming in the river and with one sharp movement grabbed it.

"I hope you will be tasty!" Wu Lun said happily, but then frowned because what would be needed to give fire, and even with his own experience and can make it, it will still take a long time.

-fuh .. okay, I still have no other options.

He took sticks and started making fire in the old-fashioned way.


And now the sun has already gone down and darkness falls on the forest. Wu Long that wandered through the forest decided to make a halt and spend the night here. Of course, he could have gone to the palace, but he did not want to spoil the atmosphere, so he only got fish from a space that differs from his world in that people cannot get there because time is completely stopped there. Wu Long called this the spatial pocket.

He climbed a more or less tall tree, sat on a branch and began to eat his fish. Although the fish was edible, it was not as tasty. "Maybe if I could add spices it would be tastier." He thought ..


Suddenly, early in the morning, he woke up because he heard a scream. Judging by the scream, it was a girl. He quickly got up and as fast as the early stage cultivator could run in that direction.

And after about a minute, he finally saw the culprit. It was a little girl of 7-8 years old, although he himself is no better because now he is in the body of an 8-year-old boy. The girl was holding a hare in her arms and stroking it saying something.

He ran up and when the girl saw him suddenly jumped from the tree she screamed again and flopped down on her butt. And the rabbit that was in her hands ran away from fear. She finally realized that next to her there was just a boy looked back in the direction where the hare had fled. Then she looked at him again and shouted

-It's because of you the rabbit escaped-pointing at Wu the moon with his finger. He was embarrassed and asked.

-Why do I have it you let him go

-But it was you who scared me, if not for you, I would never have missed him. she said, almost crying.

When Wu Long saw that she was about to cry, he smiled awkwardly and apologized to her.

-Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I just heard your scream and ran here, by the way, why did you scream?

-Um ... Well, this .. in general, I was going to pick the grass, but when I was reaching for it I heard a rustle in the bushes, then a rabbit suddenly jumped out at me well .. and I screamed, she answered embarrassedly.

🍌By the way, if it's easy, look at my other fanfic The path to success is rebirth? and Upgraded hitter Conquest of the Issekayev (Konosuba)🍌

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