
 Sub- Contract

'But how?' this question plagued the young prince for 2 days until Dame Nora's knighting ceremony. 

Clad in luxurious royal garbs, Deon attended Nora's oath-taking with Sir Finn, several officials, and the king.

King Fredrich majestically descended from his throne and took the ceremonial sword offered by one of his officials. He towered over the kneeling Nora and placed the sword on both her shoulders in turn while reciting his lines.

"I, Fredrich Hensworth, the 19th ruler of the kingdom of spears hereby appoints Dame Nora as the third prince's knight. Together with Sir Finn, a Tier-1 Royal Almagi, the two shall form the Order of the Golden Dawn as the Prince's personal Order."


<System 30 Notification: Player Mikael has received Karma points from Elysium-grade spirit Arthur.>

<Total Karma points: +30 KP>

"Ah… at last!" Mikael rejoiced at this highly anticipated notification that took more than a month to finish.

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